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    Thoughts on Far Cry 3

    Chosen Undead
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    Thoughts on Far Cry 3 Empty Thoughts on Far Cry 3

    Post by GrinTwist Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:38 am

    So I decided to make a topic on this game since there have been topics created for a lot of other games recently. So I'd just kind of like to hear thoughts and personal opinions on the game as I'm interested in what others think of the game.

    I personally love it because I'm somewhat of a fanboy for the far cry series. So I have to buy it when I finally am able to get the money for it. Either way I'd just like to know what others think on the game.
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    Thoughts on Far Cry 3 Empty Re: Thoughts on Far Cry 3

    Post by Serious_Much Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:30 am

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    Thoughts on Far Cry 3 Empty Re: Thoughts on Far Cry 3

    Post by Tolvo Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:42 am

    Are you able to skip the main story of the game or avoid it?

    It looks fun, but I really hate the characters in it so I was wondering if I could just wander the island and do what I wanted.
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    Thoughts on Far Cry 3 Empty Re: Thoughts on Far Cry 3

    Post by Serious_Much Mon Dec 24, 2012 8:44 am

    I think he says in the review you can pretty much ignore the story, by the sound of it the story becomes sorta irrelevant after a while and you just run around killing whomever you please
    Duke's Archivist
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    Thoughts on Far Cry 3 Empty Re: Thoughts on Far Cry 3

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:04 am

    I hate the main and his precious "friends."

    Just playing it, however, is a lot of fun.
    Chosen Undead
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    Thoughts on Far Cry 3 Empty Re: Thoughts on Far Cry 3

    Post by GrinTwist Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:43 pm

    It seems like a lot of people seem to hate the main story, it's understandable since the protagonist is the last person anyone would want to play as. Oh well I'll still give it a chance it might get better after a few missions.

    @Tolvo Yes, after you get down the basics of what to do you can just roam the island and do whatever you want. It seems to be encouraged somewhat because all the quests you are assigned at first are normally half-way across the map. I know I didn't pick up the first actual mission until I was finally hunting sharks, sniping men out of their bases, and had over 25 relics.

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    Thoughts on Far Cry 3 Empty Re: Thoughts on Far Cry 3

    Post by Argetlam350 Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:41 pm

    I personally love the game. The story is all right but not important. As for characters, meh I could care less about the protagonist or his friends but I like Vaas. That was my biggest disappointment with this game that we saw so little of him. Sure he might of been a villian but out of everyone he definitely was the most interesting to me.

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