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The Letter X
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    Halberds are amazing.


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    Halberds are amazing. Empty Halberds are amazing.

    Post by Kyōkai Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:40 pm

    I'm pretty sure most people already know this, but halberds are pretty damn amazing. Aside from the stagger if you whiff an attack, of course.

    But there are two things I want to know. Not sure if the answers to these were actually incredibly obvious and I'm just dumb, but I'll just go ahead and ask.

    First of all, do halberds have some kind of hidden critical modifier? Second, occasionally, I've seen the dash attacks of halberds strike faster than lightning(SERIOUSLY). Specifically I've seen this when using it in places where there are speed penalties, such as the Blighttown swamp and what not. Although I have seen this happen when PvPing, even when the other player was not in a tar pit, or anything of the sort. How does that attack work?

    And excuse me again if the answers to these questions are just completely obvious and I'm clearly missing something important, but it's been on my mind for a while and I never got to finding an answer somewhere else, nor have I asked before.
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Halberds are amazing. Empty Re: Halberds are amazing.

    Post by The Letter X Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:56 pm

    The halberds' running attacks along with curved greatswords have incredible phantom reach/speed because of lag. I'm not really sure why it is the way it is, but I think since the running attacks cover so much distance in a short amount of time that the lag can't keep up with it so the attack animations are considerably sped up.

    And yeah, halberds are awesome.
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    Halberds are amazing. Empty Re: Halberds are amazing.

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:28 am

    a large part off the hal running attack is actually running, thus when running isn't possible (blighttown swamp) a large part of the animation is removed, resulting in the instant slash, also any bonus crit modifier might only be on piercing damage halberds, as i've not had that effect on the scythe hal...

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    Halberds are amazing. Empty Re: Halberds are amazing.

    Post by LunarFog Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:31 am

    halberds are the easiest big weapons for me to fight against I think. In fact I don't recall ever losing to one in a one-on-one fight
    Jester's Tears
    Jester's Tears

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    Halberds are amazing. Empty Re: Halberds are amazing.

    Post by Jester's Tears Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:33 am

    LunarFog wrote:halberds are the easiest big weapons for me to fight against I think. In fact I don't recall ever losing to one in a one-on-one fight

    You've cleary never had a Fight against me.
    Stat Guru
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    Halberds are amazing. Empty Re: Halberds are amazing.

    Post by BLA1NE Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:52 am

    LunarFog wrote:halberds are the easiest big weapons for me to fight against I think. In fact I don't recall ever losing to one in a one-on-one fight
    They're great for people who PvP very defensively, especially when fighting aggressive players. Few people use them, and fewer still are good with them, but in the right hands, I have no doubt they can be extremely lethal!

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    Halberds are amazing. Empty Re: Halberds are amazing.

    Post by LunarFog Wed Dec 26, 2012 12:54 am

    Jester's Tears wrote:
    LunarFog wrote:halberds are the easiest big weapons for me to fight against I think. In fact I don't recall ever losing to one in a one-on-one fight

    You've cleary never had a Fight against me.

    Eh. Probably not.
    Either way though, they don't seem all that dangerous. Correct me if I'm wrong but their normal attack is a vertical strike that's easy to dodge, and their heavy attacks have wide range, but come out slow enough and have short enough range to dodge too. Plus they're pretty slow in general.
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Halberds are amazing. Empty Re: Halberds are amazing.

    Post by The Letter X Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:36 am

    LunarFog wrote:
    Jester's Tears wrote:
    LunarFog wrote:halberds are the easiest big weapons for me to fight against I think. In fact I don't recall ever losing to one in a one-on-one fight

    You've cleary never had a Fight against me.

    Eh. Probably not.
    Either way though, they don't seem all that dangerous. Correct me if I'm wrong but their normal attack is a vertical strike that's easy to dodge, and their heavy attacks have wide range, but come out slow enough and have short enough range to dodge too. Plus they're pretty slow in general.

    Talk to Juutas about halberds. He is probably the best person I've ever seen using them, and he doesn't make them seem slow or easy to dodge at all.

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    Halberds are amazing. Empty Re: Halberds are amazing.

    Post by Juutas Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:11 am

    The Letter X wrote:
    LunarFog wrote:
    Jester's Tears wrote:
    LunarFog wrote:halberds are the easiest big weapons for me to fight against I think. In fact I don't recall ever losing to one in a one-on-one fight

    You've cleary never had a Fight against me.

    Eh. Probably not.
    Either way though, they don't seem all that dangerous. Correct me if I'm wrong but their normal attack is a vertical strike that's easy to dodge, and their heavy attacks have wide range, but come out slow enough and have short enough range to dodge too. Plus they're pretty slow in general.

    Talk to Juutas about halberds. He is probably the best person I've ever seen using them, and he doesn't make them seem slow or easy to dodge at all.

    Oh you~ :oops: lol
    Jester's Tears
    Jester's Tears

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    Halberds are amazing. Empty Re: Halberds are amazing.

    Post by Jester's Tears Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:22 pm

    Juutas wrote:
    The Letter X wrote:
    LunarFog wrote:
    Jester's Tears wrote:
    LunarFog wrote:halberds are the easiest big weapons for me to fight against I think. In fact I don't recall ever losing to one in a one-on-one fight

    You've cleary never had a Fight against me.

    Eh. Probably not.
    Either way though, they don't seem all that dangerous. Correct me if I'm wrong but their normal attack is a vertical strike that's easy to dodge, and their heavy attacks have wide range, but come out slow enough and have short enough range to dodge too. Plus they're pretty slow in general.

    Talk to Juutas about halberds. He is probably the best person I've ever seen using them, and he doesn't make them seem slow or easy to dodge at all.

    Oh you~ :oops: lol

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    Halberds are amazing. Empty Re: Halberds are amazing.

    Post by cloudyeki Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:32 pm

    LunarFog wrote:
    Jester's Tears wrote:
    LunarFog wrote:halberds are the easiest big weapons for me to fight against I think. In fact I don't recall ever losing to one in a one-on-one fight

    You've cleary never had a Fight against me.

    Eh. Probably not.
    Either way though, they don't seem all that dangerous. Correct me if I'm wrong but their normal attack is a vertical strike that's easy to dodge, and their heavy attacks have wide range, but come out slow enough and have short enough range to dodge too. Plus they're pretty slow in general.

    That's the gargoyle halberd and scythe move set, and their running r1s, 1hr1 and r2 follow ups, and their 2hr2 are the best at quickly breaking anyone's poise or guard. They make for terrific counterattack weapons.

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    Halberds are amazing. Empty Re: Halberds are amazing.

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