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    Friendly Invaders


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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Friendly Invaders

    Post by bunnywink Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:18 pm

    For those who have played the predecessor to Dark Souls, you may remember the occasional friendly invader in Demon's Souls. Invaders were able to interact PvE and clear an area for the host without consequence.

    In Dark Souls, interaction with the host's enemies were removed from invasions, so there is not much point in being a friendly invader unless you are a giftwraith (though I can think of many other ways to have fun invading without hurting the host!)

    Anyway, this is a video montage of a few friendly invaders I have encountered in Dark Souls. I drop 99 prism stones and hope they join me. Sometimes I even drop a few consumable humanties (to ease the blood thirst). It works ~90% of the time... Hahaha... tongue

    Watch to the very end! You won't regret it! :face:

    Last edited by bunnywink on Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by Tolvo Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:24 pm

    Invaders can open shortcuts without having to fight through the level, meaning without a risk of damage to the host they can just bypass a level. For people doing multiple NG+ runs that just want to get through areas it can be pretty helpful. I've done it for some before, being summoned into their world then opening a door or something for them. Plus as an invader you can do this of your own free will. People are really thankful of invaders that show secrets in the Catacombs, as well as the hidden bonfire.

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by bunnywink Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:18 pm

    Oh, that's true! I never thought about that. I've had people open up doors in Anor Londo for me, but... not really as friendly invaders. They did it just so they could come after me. But it was definitely helpful, even if it wasn't their intent to be. :o

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by ChizFreak Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:29 pm

    Nice video bunny! I'm gonna subscribe. Question: How did you record your PS3?

    EDIT: Why everyone call you Jules? Is your name Jules silly? I prefer Bunny, sounds nicer. Unless you prefer Jules?

    Last edited by ChizFreak on Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by Ahhotep1 Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:43 pm

    Nice Work Jules!! cheers

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by bunnywink Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:06 pm

    ChizFreak wrote:Nice video bunny! I'm gonna subscribe. Question: How did you record your PS3?

    EDIT: Why everyone call you Jules? Is your name Jules silly? I prefer Bunny, sounds nicer. Unless you prefer Jules?

    I use the Roxio game capture thingy. It's pretty easy to use! I got it off Amazon for fairly cheap (compared to other capture devices). I actually used it to record a bunch of fights for the last RSS covenant war between DS and former LH... I should make a montage of that! All the fights were really cool - even though I took one of Wyrm's stray crystal soul spears in the face.

    Also, people call me Jules because that's a nickname for my real name. Bunny is fine too!

    Ahhotep1 wrote:Nice Work Jules!! cheers

    Thanks, Bo! happy

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by XachAttack Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:25 pm

    Very nice lol, this is pretty fun to see.

    Why can't any of your covenant members invade any of the hosts I co-op with ;-; that'd make my day lol. I just get jerks XD.

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by bunnywink Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:30 pm

    Hahaha, I occasionally do invasions and light up the host's world like a big rainbow party. The only problem is that as soon as the host or co-op phantoms see me, they will have one of two reactions.... 1) KILL/GANK HER MEOW! or 2) JOIN THE PARTY!

    It's really hard to gain the trust of the host and assure them you're not out to steal their souls/humanity. :shock:
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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:31 pm

    Invaders can attack other invaders too. I've had that happen a couple of times. Been invaded, and had the invader not show, only to be invaded again and have the first one ambush the second. It happens in the forest all the time with invaders attacking forest hunters
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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by Tolvo Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:34 pm

    I do that sometimes when as a Darkmoon I invade a way too low level. I sometimes invade in the burg at 120, well I did back in the day, and sometimes I'd end up fighting someone totally new to the game. I always test people with a normal dagger unupgraded or some other weapon. I realized one was so new he didn't even know what I was, so I just stuck around in his world pointing out a few things and watching him struggle. I test how they can use weapons, etc. Such as I drop them a bunch of throwing daggers, or one black firebomb. I see if they waste it, try to pull things, or just use them on me. It's quite fun really. Then when an SL10 griefer invades, there is an SL120 Darkmoon there to make the guilty pay the price. Friendly Invaders  3799246625 Evil Fex Friendly Invaders  3378427106

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by bunnywink Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:13 pm

    Invaders like that always make me happy!

    I was in the Royal Forest trying to summon co-op help the other night. I had summoned a random phantom, but was trying to get a fellow forumer as well, so I was a bit distracted and switching back and forth from the game and PSN chat. When I came back, I saw my phantom desperately trying to get my attention and this invader just standing there staring at me. We both kinda pulled out binoculars and we were all just having a jolly good time. Once I summoned my other phantom, the invader stuck around and just accompanied us all the way to Artorias' door step. She even dropped five twin humanities for me. It was really cute! Sun

    Now I wonder... If you invade someone and you notice they are AFK, what do you do? Back stab, black crystal out, or wait until they come back? :o
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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by Tolvo Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:18 pm

    Usually I just screw around, poison them and make an image with Prism stones.

    One time I made a hunt. I dropped a purple blossom in a hidden spot then made a trail of Prism stones to it. I poisoned him. When he came back he started freaking out and I pointed to the trail. He followed it and found it then used it. I jumped for joy and he backstabbed me. So then I killed him. But it was fun.

    If I don't feel like having fun I just beat them to within an inch of their life then leave. I did it to one guy and it turned out he had no estus or humanity and was lost. Oops.

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by raecor14 Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:05 am

    if i ever get an invade in the PW if i can i pull the lever in the caticombes ^_^
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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by GrinTwist Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:51 am

    I should start being a friendly invader every once and a while. I normally just invade kill the host with a large club and that's it.

    Also nice video bunny!

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by Green__Eagle Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:31 am

    I tried being a friendly invader in the painted world, but even when I send a message that I'm friendly I get ganged on and killed. Sometimes I run and hide waiting for the host to open the fog gate, but it's not worth the time it takes.

    If I invade the Sunlight Altar, I'll open the gate if it's closed. I rarely invade and I only did it as a Darkmoon Blade member.

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by barrywilkins Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:15 am

    Now I wonder... If you invade someone and you notice they are AFK,
    what do you do? Back stab, black crystal out, or wait until they come
    back? :o
    Dark hand all of their humanity. then watch them freak out and run off a cliff. Friendly Invaders  639795459

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by reim0027 Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:31 am

    I did the friendly invader thing in DeS. I would invade naked and run like hell. Once they saw me killing the enemies, they got the hint. But, not everyone knew what I was dong. They would chase me and kill me. Just part of the risk. But, in DkS, you can't kill the enemies as a red phantom, so it is even harder to show you area friendly.

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by Bioraptor Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:02 am

    reim0027 wrote:I did the friendly invader thing in DeS. I would invade naked and run like hell. Once they saw me killing the enemies, they got the hint. But, not everyone knew what I was dong. They would chase me and kill me. Just part of the risk. But, in DkS, you can't kill the enemies as a red phantom, so it is even harder to show you area friendly.
    May be DkS II FROM may include a gesture that relates too "I come in peace" Although I doubt this will be the case as invading is not about being helpfull happy but one can be optamistic......

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by bunnywink Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:59 pm

    Hahahah, like a peace sign? big grin

    I'm sure some invaders would take advantage of that in order to trick hosts though. Which I guess might also be why some people are wary of friendly hosts/invaders. I have been baited by the occasional "friendly" invader in the past.

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    Friendly Invaders  Empty Re: Friendly Invaders

    Post by Coryf2209 Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:40 am

    To answer an old question...
    bunnywink wrote:Invaders like that always make me happy!


    Now I wonder... If you invade someone and you notice they are AFK, what do you do? Back stab, black crystal out, or wait until they come back? :o
    I dark hand all of their humanity, for being dumb. silly

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