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    Best games on Ps3!

    Tyler Durden
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    Best games on Ps3! - Page 2 Empty Re: Best games on Ps3!

    Post by RANT Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:10 pm

    Yeah dishonored looks pretty awesome, I was gonna get it but with ni no kuni right aound the corner I decided not to since I will be playing ni no kuni for a while, I finally gotta say goodbye to dark souls (which I will play sometimes because of clan events.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Best games on Ps3! - Page 2 Empty Re: Best games on Ps3!

    Post by User1 Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:06 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:Yeah dishonored looks pretty awesome, I was gonna get it but with ni no kuni right aound the corner I decided not to since I will be playing ni no kuni for a while, I finally gotta say goodbye to dark souls (which I will play sometimes because of clan events.
    Dishonored is a truely great game, with it's huge amount of different ways to do everything, great combat and a generic, but compelling story. Worth the money, in my opinion.

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    Best games on Ps3! - Page 2 Empty Re: Best games on Ps3!

    Post by Yukon Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:21 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:
    Majin and the Sacred Kingdom. It looks pretty sweet. Kind of like a cross between a Zelda game and a Boy and his Blob style gameplay. Anybody play that?

    I remember seeing this around the time that they announced The Last Guardian a couple years back. I really wanted to try it out but haven't got to it yet, plastic you should try the demo for a game on psn right now called Papo & Yo, it looks kind of childish, but no more than Majin does. I just played the demo and it is really interesting, I think I might pick it up. It seems to have the same principals as Majin and the Sacred Kingdom, but more urban. It also seems to have some serious/dark undertones, even though the world is so bright.

    It's really neat watching how your actions influence the world, or maybe I am just easily impressed. But the demo has me wanting more. It seems really easy though, I don't know how much of a challenge it will be or if its more enjoy the world kind of game.
    Chosen Undead
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    Best games on Ps3! - Page 2 Empty Re: Best games on Ps3!

    Post by PlasticandRage Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:12 pm

    I actually looked into that myself not too terribly long ago. It got horrendous reviews. I thought it looked really interesting, but according to everything I read the controls are really sloppy, and most of the time the monster doesn't respond very well to your commands. If you end up getting it let me know what you think of it. You can't always trust professional reviews. I'd take the word of another gamer over them any day of the week. I really like games like that. Really enjoyed Ico, which is sort of the same idea. Kinda. If you haven't been down that road, I highly recommend it. Now that you mention it, I can't believe the Last Guardian isn't out yet. Didn't they announce it like 3 years ago? Or something like that? I'm going to keep my eyes opened for Majin. I'll let you know what I think if I find it.

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    Best games on Ps3! - Page 2 Empty Re: Best games on Ps3!

    Post by Yukon Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:49 pm

    Yeah, after the demo I went and looked up some reviews and they are SCATHINGLY bad (5/10 and under!). But the gamer reviews on IGN were around 7-7.9, I'm still deciding if I want to buy it or wait a bit longer, when I have a bit more money. Apparently its super short, around 4 hours long and not too challenging.

    I am playing Ico right now on ps3, haha thats part of the reason I grabbed the demo for Papo and yo. Ico is easily one of my favorite games, looking forward to replaying it in HD with surround sound. cheers

    As for The Last Guardian, apparently the director left team Ico or something, now he is only coming to work on it casually. Whole bunch of problems with the game and a lot of delays.. I hope it works out in the end but I am starting to expect we won't be seeing the 'trico' game. Shame, I'm sure I burnt holes into my monitor when they released that website with the chain from the trailer.

    I'll get back to you on Papo and Yo if I grab it sometime this week.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Best games on Ps3! - Page 2 Empty Re: Best games on Ps3!

    Post by PlasticandRage Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:01 pm

    That really is a shame. Both Ico and SotC are such amazing games. I'd hate to hear that we weren't going to get any more

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