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    came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon


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    came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon Empty came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon

    Post by sinnedk Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:02 pm

    hi all,

    i took a long break from dark souls and came back due to the expansion set. i am level 116
    v = 34
    a = 12
    e = 40
    s = 40
    dex = 21
    r = 11
    i = 20
    f = 20

    my normal weapon was a washing pole doing damage at 500+ but new patches weakened it, can someone recommend me something i can build thats quick and deadly and deals a crap load of damage.

    i also use the black night axe +5, i just dont like the swing speed

    after i complete the expansion set i should have a titanite and blue titanite slab, not sure whetehr i want to use the blue slab to finish my zweithanler which is +4 currently

    also if anyone thinks i should pump any other stats please feel free and suggest

    many thanks DS community

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    came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon Empty Re: came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon

    Post by bl0odyMe5s Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:32 pm

    You could use a Man-Serpent Greatsword. Since you have 40 str (if I'm not mistaken here) this weapon will scale into some really good damage and can also be buffed! For example I had a character with 40 str and 30 faith. I used a crystal Man-Serpent Greatsword + Sunlight Blade buff (30 faith) for an attack rating 970. So maybe, if you look for massive damage, you could lvl up your faith. Or go for the crystal magic weapon if you rather lvl up int.

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    came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon Empty Re: came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon

    Post by sinnedk Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:47 pm

    i kinda prefer a weapons that does high damage without sorcery, that being said i will def consider the suggestion, thanks

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    came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon Empty Re: came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon

    Post by WaffleGuy Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:26 pm

    You can also use swords like the Bastard Sword or Claymore, or the Zweihander, but I think it's swingspeed has been lowered. All other Black Knight weapons would work just fine. Maybe you can try something like a Catching Pole? I haven't seen anyone use it yet.
    But I think something like the Stone Greatsword is very good. It will do over 500 damage and it's two handed strong attack is a variant of TWoP. If you want a faster weapon, the Reinforced Club will also do over 400 damage and even has a bleed effect. came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon 3358384175
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    came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon Empty Re: came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:13 am

    the large club dropped by the club giants in blight town, it gets 615 ar with 40 str at +15 and it naturally inflicts poison. also with those stats consider an abyss greatsword if you have the dlc.

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    came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon Empty Re: came back to dark souls, weapon nibbled, suggest new weapon

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