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    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)


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    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) Empty Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)

    Post by Bloodpact91 Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:07 pm

    Post all the things you would of either added or removed from Dark souls

    Here's mine: When online, it would of been nice to have some sort of area ''general chat'' where people in that zone could chat with each other while clearing or even ask for help ( ex: '' SL XX looking for help for (insert boss name here)anyody interested?''). And maybe, if you're the kind of person that thinks the first playthrough should be alone, it could only be available to NG+ or be unlocked after defeating Gwyn the first time.

    Anyways , just something that crossed my mind , i can't wait to read your ideas!

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    Post by Hydreigon11 Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:11 pm

    Allow parties whilst playing dark souls. There have been so many times where me and my two friends are cooping the game and we have to switch between chats so much it's not necessary. And when my other friends want to talk to me I always have to deny, I'm called an antisocial b-tard. Even if party chat wasn't allowed, in game chat between more than two players would be cool.

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    Post by Bloodpact91 Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:20 pm

    Hydreigon11 wrote:Allow parties whilst playing dark souls. There have been so many times where me and my two friends are cooping the game and we have to switch between chats so much it's not necessary. And when my other friends want to talk to me I always have to deny, I'm called an antisocial b-tard. Even if party chat wasn't allowed, in game chat between more than two players would be cool.

    i agree happy

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    Post by Hydreigon11 Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:22 pm

    Plus it would be so much easier to set up fight clubs etc. without an external chat client, but I digress there are other things to be discussed.

    Like more bosses like Kalameet, I love the big monster fights (like those 5-10x bigger than you) and more of those would be amazing, like primal fights with tooth and claw, not like all the demons with their fancy swords, and Gaping dragon had too much health, moved too slow and was easy, other than the fact that he had tonnes of health.

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    Post by lalliman Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:48 pm

    Something that bothers me a lot more than it should: have you ever tried riposting with a shotel? It has the riposte animation of a straightsword. I'm sure i don't have to explain what's wrong with that.

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    Post by Bloodpact91 Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:55 pm

    lalliman wrote:Something that bothers me a lot more than it should: have you ever tried riposting with a shotel? It has the riposte animation of a straightsword. I'm sure i don't have to explain what's wrong with that.

    I never did , but i have one in my inventory , i'll be sure to try it out , it seems strange to have the straightsword animation for that.. it makes no sense really.

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    Post by passivefamiliar Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:12 am

    Party chat...come on people. That ruins the atmosphere the game is going for. The people behind it want you to play with others but its not supposed to turn into a call of duty style co-op. If the next one has a chat function it will ruin the game. I think. The dlc arena was a perfect idea for setting up duels, and was fine...just need that again and some adjustments to it but it would work fine.

    As for getting help with co-op in game, i'd think more message options would be sufficient and i always wanted more user friendly choices. The "need knight" was one of the closest ones to asking for a summon sign to be put down. But whats needed is more of a soapstone that would lay down only for till it was not needed not a message that could potentially linger for days. A kind of reverse summon, a sign thats calling for aid would be nice. Other than sitting...looking...hoping someone else in the world is playing in your lvl and decides to lay a sign down.

    At the shotel. Same goes for any of the scythes, the animation pretty much rips a human in half, not stabs them. I know we aren't going for 100% perfect reality here, but changing it to a slicing animation somehow would be better.

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    Post by Aznul Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:51 am

    Absolutely need a call for aid item. especially for dlc areas.

    Also the scythe and shotel animation quirks i agree with.

    But one thing that really irks me, is the bridge wyvern. It can cover almost the entire brdge in fire (unfair) and deals damage based on a percent of your health instead of flat damage (unfair) and every fire attack last so long that there is no way to block it, and it is garaunteed to knock you over (unfair) as well as its ability to chain together fire attacks so that another has started while you are recovering from a previous one (unfair). Not to mention that the fire breath can push you backwards while you are running down the stairs and leave you completely vulnerable at the top (unfair, especially when combined with spam). Not only that but it can just jump straight up and one shot you at almost any time with a pillar of flame that hits the areas that are usualy safe from the other fire attacks (unfair). Now all of this would be perfectly fine if anyone could just cheese it from under the bridge, but no, it regenerates if you attack from anywhere other than the charred bridge which it covers in fire at the drop of a hat. I.Despise. This. Ridiculous. Miniboss.:evil:

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    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) Empty Re: Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)

    Post by Juutas Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:56 am

    Remove the "xxxx has invaded"-box, keep it as a suprise so stealth has any meaning in the game.
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    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) Empty Re: Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)

    Post by Tolvo Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:01 am

    Bed of Chaos, gone, forever, that's it. 11/10, best game ever, GG would Re, remove BoC, I won't have to cut my naughty bits at night crying over and open fire to repent for the sins of that boss being made. Good job, it'll be gone, everyone is happy and Laughing. LAUGHING, EVERYONE!

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    Post by Ashran Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:10 pm

    Tolvo wrote:Bed of Chaos, gone, forever, that's it. 11/10, best game ever, GG would Re, remove BoC, I won't have to cut my naughty bits at night crying over and open fire to repent for the sins of that boss being made. Good job, it'll be gone, everyone is happy and Laughing. LAUGHING, EVERYONE!

    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) 03nvD
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    Post by Sentiel Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:15 pm

    Tolvo wrote:Bed of Chaos, gone, forever, that's it. 11/10, best game ever, GG would Re, remove BoC, I won't have to cut my naughty bits at night crying over and open fire to repent for the sins of that boss being made. Good job, it'll be gone, everyone is happy and Laughing. LAUGHING, EVERYONE!
    Agreed and +.

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    Post by jjshowal Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:33 pm

    remove WoG, force is totally sufficient for that. I also agree removing bed of chaos, I still suck at that boss fight no matter my character build or even on my nth playthrough. but yea, very nitpicky stuff, the game is near perfect.

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    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) Empty Re: Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)

    Post by WandererReece Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:20 pm

    It needs more balance:

    Dragon weapons need to be balanced. Some of them can be buffed, and some can't. (Why?) Honestly I don't think this is right. All twinkling weapons are unbuffable (Changed by patch. Silver Knight Sword is now buffable.) All dragon weapons, and Silver Knight Sword, need to be unbuffable.

    Strength weapons have special abilities. The only non strength weapons with them are the Moonlight Greatsword and Dragonslayer Spear. Dexterity weapons need to have special abilities.

    The highest str requirement for a weapon is 58. This is 39 when 2 handed. The highest dexterity requirement is 25. Dexterity needs weapons that require 40.

    In Demons' Souls only faith had pure magic weapons. In Dark Souls only inteligence had pure magic weapons. Both faith and intelligence need to have pure magic weapons at the same time.

    Intelligence always had a catalyst that halfs spell castings. There needs talisman that also does this.

    Faith has 4 covenents. Phyro has 1 covenent. Intelligence needs covenents, and phyro could use a couple more.

    Faith has magic that requires a covenent membership to be able to use it, but Phyro and Sorcery don't have magic that requires being in a certain covenent. (Why don't we need to be in the Chaos covenent to use Chaos Phyromancies? Sounds like a missed opertunity.)

    Also, I would like to thank From for fixing one of the balancing issues with the DLC. Before DLC, Sorcery was the only magic that didn't have an area of effect spell or a spell that required 2 slots. This was fixed in the DLC.

    However, they made a new balancing issue by adding Pursuers. It is the only spell with a true homing ability. (Homing Soulmass automaticly locks on, but it doesn't actually home in on the target.)

    Sorry about the huge wall of text. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm ranting.

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    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) Empty Re: Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)

    Post by Odinbear Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:58 pm

    Atmosphere like DS,
    Bosses that scale with co-op.
    Enemies that hide when sniped, come in mass when " alerted" and that appear randomly, sneaking up, behind you etc.
    World and character tendency brought back, improved.
    Enemies that " remember" attack patterns from your previous attempt to get past them, and adapt. (NG+ and beyond?)
    To be able to level up in a covenent without offering one item at a time.
    Fixed covenants that are broken or seem broken.
    Red invaders lose a soul level if they lose, host gets half their souls too. If host loses, invader gets souls plus something making it worth it to take a chance on invading ( whatever it is shouldn't actually come from host, nor should host be deleveled.)

    Last edited by Odinbear on Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Location : Sitting here in limbo, but I know it won't be long. Sitting here in limbo, like a bird without a song. Well they're putting up resistance, but I know that my faith will lead me on. Sitting here in limbo, waiting for the dice to roll.

    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) Empty Re: Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)

    Post by Odinbear Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:05 pm

    Tolvo wrote:Bed of Chaos, gone, forever, that's it. 11/10, best game ever, GG would Re, remove BoC, I won't have to cut my naughty bits at night crying over and open fire to repent for the sins of that boss being made. Good job, it'll be gone, everyone is happy and Laughing. LAUGHING, EVERYONE!

    It's my hope, it won't just be a remake of DkS with same bosses, weapons, etc.
    DkS was already an elaborate remake of Demon's Souls ( penetrator impaled and thrrows the fat guy.. Artorias. Killing Astraea is much like killing artorias's widow. Etc. )

    It needs to be similar, just as hard if not harder and somehow a continuation of the same storyline ( that will be the hard part, continuing the story and keeping it fresh, IMO )

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    Location : Sitting here in limbo, but I know it won't be long. Sitting here in limbo, like a bird without a song. Well they're putting up resistance, but I know that my faith will lead me on. Sitting here in limbo, waiting for the dice to roll.

    Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :) Empty Re: Post your Dark souls ''improvement'' idea :)

    Post by Odinbear Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:14 pm

    Juutas wrote:Remove the "xxxx has invaded"-box, keep it as a suprise so stealth has any meaning in the game.

    Perhaps thief ring would allow sneaky invasions. Awesome idea.

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    Post by FruitPunchNinja Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:52 pm

    Tolvo wrote:Bed of Chaos, gone, forever, that's it. 11/10, best game ever, GG would Re, remove BoC, I won't have to cut my naughty bits at night crying over and open fire to repent for the sins of that boss being made. Good job, it'll be gone, everyone is happy and Laughing. LAUGHING, EVERYONE!

    You shouldn't cut your naughty bits over an open flame(or at all according to my mom...but what does she know!)

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    Post by Tolvo Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:09 pm


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    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:13 pm

    Everybody wants to add something, usually something complicated.

    I say give options to take away various aspects of the game. Give options to take away estus for a playthrough, to take away summons for a playthrough, etc. This way the game has built in challenge runs so hardcore players don't have to fancy their own, and they get a reward for it too. Like Halo skulls, but you have to make an entire playthrough to get a goody for it.

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    Post by Klosterheim Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:44 pm

    Odinbear wrote:
    Juutas wrote:Remove the "xxxx has invaded"-box, keep it as a suprise so stealth has any meaning in the game.

    Perhaps thief ring would allow sneaky invasions. Awesome idea.

    I agree that if we allow people to invade in a sneaky fashion, there should be a cost. If all invasions were sneaky, there would probably be a lot more frustration, rage quitting, and griefing. I can see, for example, people invading quietly, watching someone fight a monster until their health is very low, and then jump on them at the last second.

    I like the idea of allowing it, but having it come at some kind of cost. Maybe a ring slot is not enough of a cost, but something like that would be a good compromise.

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    Post by Klosterheim Thu Jan 10, 2013 5:51 pm

    This is a fairly utilitarian idea, but I want the ability to create and save armor / weapon loadouts. I typically have a few builds I use a lot:

    1. A Havel based "take the pain" build.
    2. A quicker, roll and attack build.
    3. A run-around and farm stuff build.

    I don't play PvP, but another slot might be useful for my "PvP build".

    I would love to save these off and then switch to the entire set when ready. The developer might need to find a way to keep people from switching mid-battle, but surely there's a way.

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    Post by WandererReece Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:56 pm

    Odinbear wrote:Red invaders lose a soul level if they lose.

    Your ideas are great, but this one is bad. They will level themselves up to get the good stuff, and then do this so they can one shot newbies.

    They may also do this to change their builds. (Ex: They put 40 points into str. Then they realize they don't like heavy weapons, so they delevel and put more points into dex.) Some people let King Allant kill them with the Soul Sucker just to do this in Demons' Souls.


    Also, I know people may not like this idea, but I think there should be an invader switch. In NG you have the option of turning invasions on or off. This will let you summon white phantoms, but keep invaders out. However, the switch will become unavailable in NG+ and beyond, so you have to deal with invaders weather you like it or not.

    I think the newbies will like the game a lot better if they can't be one shotted in the Burg.

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    Post by Aznul Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:45 pm

    I like your idea of a switch, but I think that it should be a physical pair of objects in the game world. The one that disables invasions would be in a hard to reach place, like a far corner of the catacombs, and only work in your first run, while the one that re-enables them would be in an easily accessible location that you pass by while moving between areas, like firelink shrine.

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    Post by WandererReece Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:34 pm

    Aznul wrote:The one that disables invasions would be in a hard to reach place, like a far corner of the catacombs.

    The only problem with that is the newbies wouldn't be able to get it in there, especially if it's hidden.

    The point was to give newbies a break from all the tryhards out there. I know how angry I was when I had nothing to protect me from the lightning +5 claymores when I was level 1. One of my friends said he told his friend to get this game. His friend bought it, but didn't have a chance to protect himself from all the BB glitchers. He later sold the game just for that reason.

    The BB glitch is patched, but the BB characters weren't removeded, and people are good enough to get lightning weapons at starting level. Lightning and Chaos weapons were nerfed, but they are still OP around level 10.

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