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Onion Knight
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    The many definitions of "Griefing"

    Onion Knight
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    The many definitions of "Griefing" - Page 2 Empty Re: The many definitions of "Griefing"

    Post by Onion Knight Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:10 pm

    Shindori wrote:
    DoughGuy wrote:
    Shindori wrote:lol i love how people here are against beating somonein one or two hits, yet im sure thats what most do. If you say no, you're lying.
    Wait what. How can you even say that? What have you been watching us all play? have you gone around to everyone's builds and taken note how many people post OHKO builds? I dont even understand how you could arrive at this conclusion.

    When it comes to greifing just use the common sense rule. Am I using OP gear? If yes you're greifing, if no you arent.. That probably covers about 90% of possible griefing questions.
    Actually.. I make mental notes of what everyone posts. Kind of studying, if you will. I pretty much have a profile on everyone's playstyle, in a sort of way. Also, you can tell by the way they direct themselves. I know it sounds kinda creepy but I can tell a lot from a player by the way they direct themselves. XD Yeah, most people here post their builds.. but most are either heavy hitters, aiming to decimate their opponent or just downright play with them, which I think is evil. Hell, most the builds are downright cruel. I mean Shotel? That weapon is just cruel. But buffing it just feels... cheap. And that's just one of many things I've seen here. It's all a matter of perspective though. What I see as evil others might see as even grounds or common.

    What the hell? So greifing is fine because everyone HERE does it? Really?

    The many definitions of "Griefing" - Page 2 Facepalm-gif-31

    Not sure what forum you've been looking at but you really need to take off the beer goggles if you think it's this one.
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    The many definitions of "Griefing" - Page 2 Empty Re: The many definitions of "Griefing"

    Post by DoughGuy Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:14 pm

    Odinbear wrote:
    DoughGuy wrote:^I see that argument all the time. But guess what everyone who uses it forgets? That the other person is trying to have fun too and griefing ruins that. Every second the griefer spends having fun takes fun away from someone else. Thats not how a game should be played.

    Having been invaded , early on In the game. Losing humanity, souls, getting the bajinga beat outta me. Hmmm did it sour my experience, did it make me wanna quit and play sonic the hedgehog? No, it did not. just made me wanna get better, gave me incentive to learn how to fight the red invaders . This is the real "community" I saw, that i wanted to be a part of, a player base that could persevere , could adapt, could learn to win, even when odds are against them. It is just my opinion, that any new player that "feels" his experience is ruined cause he died, lost huminty, lost souls is not the right fit for this game. They should just go back to those games that tell you when to push what button to perform the kill.
    You arent everyone my friend. You cant use your experience to say everyone's will be like that. I have a feeling that your experience probably isnt the majority. I have to disagree on your last point. if someone gets ruined by a player griefing in OP gear then I can understand why there experience would be ruined.
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    The many definitions of "Griefing" - Page 2 Empty Re: The many definitions of "Griefing"

    Post by Animaaal Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:25 pm

    If you're using op'd gear for your soul level and/or board, then you might as well use a lag switch. Little difference if you ask me. I mean why not just make invisible one-shot exploding bombs that appear in the most random locations for no apparent reason? Thats pretty much what someone invading the parish at sl 15 with a +10 fire weapon IS right? Except you can see them...oh who cares, my point stands I tell you!
    ***There should be soul level restrictions on armor and weps this time around.

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    The many definitions of "Griefing" - Page 2 Empty Re: The many definitions of "Griefing"

    Post by reim0027 Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:09 pm

    After thousands of invasions in virtually every part of this game, I can conclusively say that the vast majority of players are not griefers.

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    The many definitions of "Griefing" - Page 2 Empty Re: The many definitions of "Griefing"

    Post by Sloth9230 Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:22 pm

    Shindori: So everyone told you that what you were doing could be considered griefing, after you asked us no less. So instead of asking yourself why it would be considered griefing, you've decided to label us all griefers?

    Sheesh man. If you want to invade at low levels with OP gear then do so, but at least acknowledge that what you're doing could be considered griefing. Don't go around falsely accusing others just so you can feel better about what you're doing.

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    The many definitions of "Griefing" - Page 2 Empty Re: The many definitions of "Griefing"

    Post by Odinbear Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:31 pm

    Is " griefing" a term that FROM coined?
    Think back, y'all ... Remember your very first invasion? All I remember is a red guy dressed in stuff I never saw before, carrying a weapon I've never seen coming at me. I died. Was I griefed, or invaded?
    Chosen Undead
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    The many definitions of "Griefing" - Page 2 Empty Re: The many definitions of "Griefing"

    Post by PlasticandRage Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:16 pm

    I'm pretty sure it's a term coined by online communities. I don't think it's exclusive to DkS. Think it was probably coined long before DkS existed.

    First invasion isn't a great example, because almost anything could count as stuff you'd never seen before depending on how early in the game it happened.

    My definition involves both invading with late tier gear and upgrades in early areas and lower SL's, with intent of harassing people who have only the gear reflecting the early areas they've been to, as well as invading and attempting to do things that break the normal flow of the game for other players, like killing NPC's. For me there are exceptions to both of these things though, and I think sometimes griefing can be justifiable. Intent and behavior definitely come into it. For example if I invade/am invaded and someone is behaving badly I don't have any qualms about doing any of these things myself, but it has to be pretty extreme behavior for me to react that way. For example I invaded a guy in Dark AL once, and he was fog ring hiding and s**t talking as soon as I entered, and kept it up for a good half an hour while I looked for him. So when he finally revealed himself I had no qualms about luring him into killing his Giant Blacksmith. I'd consider what I did to be griefing, but I think it was justifiable in that case because the guy was already acting like a D bag himself. I guess two wrongs don't make a right, but it certainly can make you feel better sometimes.

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    The many definitions of "Griefing" - Page 2 Empty Re: The many definitions of "Griefing"

    Post by Sloth9230 Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:25 pm

    PlasticandRage wrote:I'm pretty sure it's a term coined by online communities. I don't think it's exclusive to DkS. Think it was probably coined long before DkS existed.

    First invasion isn't a great example, because almost anything could count as stuff you'd never seen before depending on how early in the game it happened.

    My definition involves both invading with late tier gear and upgrades in early areas and lower SL's, with intent of harassing people who have only the gear reflecting the early areas they've been to, as well as invading and attempting to do things that break the normal flow of the game for other players, like killing NPC's. For me there are exceptions to both of these things though, and I think sometimes griefing can be justifiable. Intent and behavior definitely come into it. For example if I invade/am invaded and someone is behaving badly I don't have any qualms about doing any of these things myself, but it has to be pretty extreme behavior for me to react that way. For example I invaded a guy in Dark AL once, and he was fog ring hiding and s**t talking as soon as I entered, and kept it up for a good half an hour while I looked for him. So when he finally revealed himself I had no qualms about luring him into killing his Giant Blacksmith. I'd consider what I did to be griefing, but I think it was justifiable in that case because the guy was already acting like a D bag himself. I guess two wrongs don't make a right, but it certainly can make you feel better sometimes.

    lol, I get gankers to kill shiva all the time. Hope having 2 phantoms for like 10 minutes was worth the loss.
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    The many definitions of "Griefing" - Page 2 Empty Re: The many definitions of "Griefing"

    Post by PlasticandRage Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:28 pm

    Exactly. I think intent has more to do with it than actions. I never invade with the intent to grief someone, but occasionally I will, depending on how the person I invade behaves.

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