by Casdman Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:44 pm
I love to see that there is some interest for making this happen
As ForumPirate mention it would be a good idea to make this less formal, what I drew up before was jsut a rough idea at the time. So how about somthing more along the lines of dedicating certain days( or nights) to a certain aspect of the game E.G. we could do a "str weapons saterday" and anyone who felt they had somthing to learn about str weapons would be free to show up and learn
The idea for only using base weapons is great and probably the only way something like this would ever work, and it hits two birds in one stone! no one has to really farm for gear so it shouldn't be hard at all to get involved.
As for the SL I think it would be best to either do it at SL 55,99 or 120. Personally im leaning towards SL 99 because its where most of PVP is taking place these days.
As I said before id happily shuck out the necessary money for a Vent server (or something similar), but if anyone has a pre-existing one that we might use it would be a great donation