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    Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand?


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    Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand? Empty Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand?

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:47 pm

    Only way Iève ever killed this thing is with arrows. Anyone have a good video showing how to beat it hand to hand in a straight up fight? Not like hit once and hide under the bridge. I'm sl42 in NG+ and I just cannot kill it with arrows now nor can I beat it hand to hand. I don't know it's attack patterns very well either...

    This is the only boss I Have trouble with in the entire game.

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    Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand? Empty Re: Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand?

    Post by densetsushun Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:52 pm

    I've never even touched Hellkite because his firebreath can be so nasty.
    I don't think this video will really help you much, but I've always found it amazing though:

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    Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand? Empty Re: Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand?

    Post by WaffleGuy Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:07 pm

    Found this to be a good and funny video

    Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand? 3248139268
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    Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand? Empty Re: Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand?

    Post by ublug Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:10 pm

    Last time I killed him (without cheezing) I used a 40 dex build with flamberge, power within and gold pine resin. I think he died after 3 2-handed swings. I used the same technique as you do when you cut his tail: wait behind the wall until he lands on the bridge, then run up and start chopping (and pray that he won't start firebombing). This was on the first playthrough btw, he's twice as tough on ng+.

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    Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand? Empty Re: Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand?

    Post by Aznul Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:08 am

    The biggest problem with melee is his fire pillar. However, there is a safe spot from it close to his foot on the staircase side, when he is in the position he is in immediately after dropping from his perch in response to being shot while you are on the bridge. The safe spot is right by the pillar on the railing that is closest to that foot. You will only be able to be hit by his stomps while in that safe spot, until he moves to another part of the bridge, which he will. The hiding under the bridge strategy takes advantage of this safespot and involves only attacking from that safespot.

    However, if you could kill him before he moves, no hiding needed. Otherwise, his fire deals damage based on a percentage of your health rather than a flat damage, since it is considered environmental damage and not an "attack" (you can tell since it affects invaders). So, not using a strategy that keeps you out of the fire is just asking to be killed. I hate that dragon more than any other enemy in the game, but I always use the safespot and run under the bridge when he moves, so I can get him back where I can use it. For a melee build, this is quite possibly the only way to take him out, since he heals if you attack him from anywhere but the top of the bridge and his health is low.

    Good luck slaying that overpowered and unbalanced spamming fire-spewing flying demonic frog. (I seriously hate that thing, murder it for both our sakes, using whatever you can)

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    Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand? Empty Re: Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand?

    Post by moomootv Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:37 am

    how i beat him in a 1v1 fight was hide behind the wall on your right when comming up the stairs wait for him to jump down when he lands run to his left leg and hit him after you do this the real fun begins use the walls to help avoid the fire when hes to far try to stay close to him but only atk after you see what hes doing if he flys up and your under him unless you have max hp your done. flash sweat works wounders for fighting him. hes not easy to fight fair id run back down the stairs if you need to heal or rebuff took me a few min to kill him.

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    Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand? Empty Re: Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand?

    Post by moomootv Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:42 am

    At a time i didnt think they even wanted him to be killed he runs if you get past him regens hp if you shoot him from out his range he spams fire that covers the whole bridge and flys up when you are under him ive seen him melee 3 times in a 10min fight
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    Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand? Empty Re: Video on how to beat bridge dragon hand to hand?

    Post by Sentiel Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:26 pm

    If Hellkite didn't have his "fire pillar" attack he would be easy to beat.
    I'm talking about the attack, when he flies upwards and roasts everything below him, which usually kills in one hit and he likes to spam it.

    I've melee killed him many times, but my characters were always overleveled, on SL 80 and higher and I could just kill him with spells, or at least considerably weaken him and my weapons were able to kill him with few swings just as he landed on the bridge anyway.

    Killing him with low SL character, let's say, just as you enter, or clear Parish is damn near impossible, even more so, if you don't want to run back and forth on the stairs to evade his attacks and wait for him to calm down a bit.

    I've managed this only once, when I ran past him and used the small wall (not the bonfire room) on the right side to cover. His fire attacks didn't damage me there and after few fire pillars he moved his head close enough for me to attack it from the side and started grilling the bonfire room. He ket this up until he died. I'm pretty sure he can kill me there if he decides to fly up on his porch again, or if he does that fire pillar of his closer to me than he did in this case.

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