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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?


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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by SpiritSlayer Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:27 am

    So yeah, I have the gear listed above, tomorrow morning I'll probably have the gravelord sword too, I think I am SL 20 or 22 (Can't remember, too sleepy/tired to check). So I'll probably finish the gargoyle tomorrow morning too [I killed the (mini) tower knight and the mobs all around him for now), the question is, after I do that what gear should I get next in terms of weapon, armor, shield, rings etc etc and until which part of the game can I use this gear? Detailed answers would be nice happy

    P.S - Sorry, if this is the wrong section to post on!

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by LunarFog Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:36 am

    Um...Elite Knight set is pretty good. I think the best medium armor is the Paladin set in terms of Defense. The paladin set can be found after you get invaded by the black phantom of Leeroy near the end of tomb of giants on the narrow mountain path. Then you can find the armor on a corpse in Nito's lil' arena after you kill Nito and reload.

    The Drakesword is outclassed by...pretty much any other sword if it's upgraded. If you want a challenge though, you can try to find a DarkSword.

    Edit: What equipment you would want REALLY depends on what kind of character you have.

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by SpiritSlayer Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:45 am

    LunarFog wrote:Um...Elite Knight set is pretty good. I think the best medium armor is the Paladin set in terms of Defense. The paladin set can be found after you get invaded by the black phantom of Leeroy near the end of tomb of giants on the narrow mountain path. Then you can find the armor on a corpse in Nito's lil' arena after you kill Nito and reload.

    Thanks! I was thinking to get the paladin set after the elite knight set too! happy Btw, can you tell me what SL I should be to defeat Leeroy and Nito? (Do you think I should keep upgrading the EKS till I get the Paladin set)? As for the sheild, I was planning to use dragon crest (without upgrading it) till I have enough resources for greatshield of artorias (I will upgrade it with demon titanites, is that advisable?) and as for a weapon, I HAVE NO IDEA! I invested a lot of points in Str and Dex and I like the drake sword/curved sword move set, I don't like any BIG weapons. I am planning to use the gravelord sword one hand after I get the strength for that advisable? Thanks! happy

    Edit : Oh! One more thing! Will I have a problem if I unequip the havel's wring and equip the wolf's ring or the ring that gives you Hyper mode? I think that's the red tearstone ring?
    Tyler Durden
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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by RANT Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:53 am

    sounds like you should go with either gravelord gs, server or murakumo. you forgot wolf ring. eks is really good, i woud take it over paladin anytime, specially if you have wolf ring on.

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by LunarFog Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:57 am

    SpiritSlayer wrote:

    Thanks! I was thinking to get the paladin set after the elite knight set too! happy Btw, can you tell me what SL I should be to defeat Leeroy and Nito? (Do you think I should keep upgrading the EKS till I get the Paladin set)? As for the sheild, I was planning to use dragon crest (without upgrading it) till I have enough resources for greatshield of artorias (I will upgrade it with demon titanites, is that advisable?) and as for a weapon, I HAVE NO IDEA! I invested a lot of points in Str and Dex and I like the drake sword/curved sword move set, I don't like any BIG weapons. I am planning to use the gravelord sword one hand after I get the strength for that advisable? Thanks! happy

    The average level for fighting Nito and Leeroy is around 50 or 60(although I've been able to do it on SL 5). Although to be honest, fighting him is the easy part since most of his attacks miss. You just need 20 estus and some tough armor and you'll be able to tank him out. The hard part is getting through tomb of giants.

    Upgrading the elite knight set til you get the paladin set is a good idea. You won't be wasting any materials either since the elite knight set uses normal titanite and the paladin set uses twinkling.

    The Dragon Crest shield has good fire defense but not many monsters use fire damage. It also has low stability, so I suggest you switch it out for a Silver Knight shield, or Balder Shield until you get the Artorias shield.

    You may not like the gravelord sword because it's kinda slow a feels clumsy. It has high damage for lower levels, but it has bad scaling which means that if your dex and strength is past 30, there's probably a better option. If your dex and str are equally as high, you might want to look into getting a spear or halberd. Longest range in the game, average speed, high damage, and they're both the best types of weapons for PvE in the game. In fact, they're good in PvE too.

    Since you have elite or paladin armor, you don't really need the wolf ring since your poise is high enough. You should probably stay away from making a glass cannon for now too. Having higher attack is nice, but to use the red tear stone ring you'd need 20% HP which means you'd die in one hit from most things.

    Last edited by LunarFog on Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by Aznul Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:37 am

    Mostly I would recommend swapping out the drakesword for an upgraded weapon that scales with your favorite offensive stat (strength, dexterity, intelligence, faith). The drakesword has good base damage, but is quickly outclassed at higher levels by weapons that scale well, especially if those weapons are upgraded.

    For a fast weapon that scales with both strength and dexterity, there is always the upgraded hand ax. It has only 2 weight and swings faster than a katana, so once you upgrade it you could use it for quite a long time.

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by WaffleGuy Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:26 pm

    You should go through the Lower Undead Burg, defeat Capra, then enter the Depths for the Large Ember so you can ungrade weapons to +10

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by SpiritSlayer Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:31 am

    WaffleGuy wrote:You should go through the Lower Undead Burg, defeat Capra, then enter the Depths for the Large Ember so you can ungrade weapons to +10

    Doing that! I've decided these two weapons are going to be my main - Iaito sword lightning +5 and the gravelord sword +5, btw do you guys think the gravelord greatsword dance is good for PvP or PvE??

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by Ashran Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:38 am

    For pvp is really good if you know where to use it. Just apply the same tactics if you were using firestorm.

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by Aznul Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:16 am

    Ashran wrote:For pvp is really good if you know where to use it. Just apply the same tactics if you were using firestorm.

    Tight places to maximize how many times you hit your opponent and your chances to hit that opponent.

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by Nybbles Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:53 am

    i would suggest a quality build with 27 in strength and 40 in dexterity. i would also look at using silver knight weapons which are quite good (spear especially), the dragonslayer or gough's great bow, and the murokumo. the gravelord greatsword is one of my faves but it's the most effective at low to mid levels. if you end up liking the gravelord greatsword, you will also like the muro and it scales better at higher levels.

    the gravelord sword dance miracles are decent, you get two full casting of each which is more than the tempest/storm pyromancies. it doesn't do as much damage though and you need to worry about scaling. which means more points into either faith or intelligence. the castings are slow so be careful about when you use it or you will get backstabbed.

    the dragon crest shield is a good shield, i would also recommend returning to the asylum and grabbing the crest shield. then you can swap them out as you need to. the silver knight shield is better than both overall, but it also weighs more. the balder is an excellent shield but it has low resistances. if you are interested in the balder for it's stability, i suggest using the iron round shield for PvE instead. it has lower stability but it will deflect attacks like a great shield which is better than having high stability in my opinion (PvE anyway). or just do what i do, keep all of the in your inventory and swap them around as you need/want to.

    as for armour, the elite knight set is really good for its weight. the paladin set is better overall but it is also much heavier. the best option might be to incorporate pieces of Havel's armour set into the elite knight (Havel's legs and gauntlets with elite knight chest and head pieces for example).

    the wolf ring is a good ring for allowing you to wear lighter armour so you can fast roll with poise and it pairs well with the ring of favor. Havel's ring is better for wearing heavy armour. it is also better to wear Havel's instead of the ring of favor when you are looking at a heavy equipment burden, because you can put more points into vitality instead of endurance for more hit points over all. you can stack both Havel's and ring of favor for even better results but you will miss having that ring slot (like when you face the Four Kings).

    good luck.

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by SpiritSlayer Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:50 pm

    Okay, I am in the depths and can defeat the gaping dragon to go to blighttown but I can't find large titanite drops at all :/ I get green ones instead :/

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by Nybbles Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:08 pm

    SpiritSlayer wrote:Okay, I am in the depths and can defeat the gaping dragon to go to blighttown but I can't find large titanite drops at all :/ I get green ones instead :/

    if you're not bothered about being poisoned all the time, farming leeches in the swamps is better than farming slimes. but it's even faster to farm chunks from dark wraiths and then have Frampt break them into large shards (3 large shards per chunk). you might also get lucky and score a slab (you get 10x the souls as well).

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by Ellswearth Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:03 pm

    farm souls and buy large shards

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by BagerX2 Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:31 pm

    Weapons are a personal preference but i like the great scythe a lot. You can get it easy in the catacombs. The range and speed of it are great and the bleed is nice for bosses like the stray demon and fire sage, also great in pvp. As for armor I woulnt get to hung up on using full sets, mixing and matching you can make very useful setups. What Im liking right now is a mix of elite knight and crimson set, sealer mask and crimson legs, elite knight chest and arms.

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by EeAyEss Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:12 pm

    Welcome to the forums. Weapons typically depend upon preference. Try for a quality build, as Nybbles suggested. It let's you experiment with most weapons. You said you liked the movesets of curved swords, so try a falchion. It is really good with high dex. Beware of buffing it in PvP, you'll get some hatemail...

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by Nybbles Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:19 pm

    EeAyEss wrote:you'll get some hatemail...

    let em hate i say Well What is it

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by SpiritSlayer Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:47 am

    Okay guys, I think I've decided my whole gear for this character:
    Left hand - 1) Grass crest shield (max upgrade) 2) Pyromancy glove (max upgrade)
    Right Hand - 1) Iaito Sword (Lightning +5) 2) Gravelord sword (max upgrade)
    Armor - Probably the paladin armor maxed.
    As for the stats - Right now I was pumping it into dex and str but I'll stop now so that I can pump up vit, end and attunement (pyromancy).

    Is this a decent PvE and PvP hybrid build?

    Edit - Umm do you think I should for for Quelaag's furysword +5 or Iaito lightning +5. And btw I am only taking gravelord because of it's PvP poison benefits!

    Edit 2 - Btw gravelord dance or pyromancy(s) for PvP?

    Edit 3 - And I'll continue with Havel's and RoFaP, is that okay?

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    Post by SpiritSlayer Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:28 am


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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

    Post by Nybbles Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:52 am

    you might actually be better off with a +15 Iato, you will end with with a better weapon that can be buffed with roten pine resin (poison and bleed to compliment the Gravelord Sword's toxin).

    i would forge the Fury Sword in addition to the Iato, it's fire based attacks are particularly useful against certain types of enemies (painted world especially).

    both the Iato and the Fury Sword scale well with dexterity so i would suggest getting your dexterity to 40 while leaving your strength at either 16 or 24 for the Gravelord Sword (which scales faster with dexterity than strength anyway).

    pyromanices are more effective with a much lower investment than the sword dance miracles. but you score more style points for finishing a fight with sword dance.

    if you want to use the Ring of Favor, i suggest upgrading two sets of armour, one heavy (Palladin) and one lighter set (Dingy for example). this will allow you to remove Havel's and not have to worry about fat rolling. the optimum would if you adjust your endurance so you can just barely fast roll with only the Ring of Favor while wearing light armour of your choice and medium roll with Havel's and Ring of Favor while wearing heavy armour.

    for example, this is my moonlight witch build with four different sets of equipment, two with Havel's and Ring of Favor and two with only Ring of Favor … … … …

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    Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?  Empty Re: Drakesword, Dragon-crest shield, Elite knight set, Havel's ring & Ring of Favor and Protection, what next?

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