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    Dragons Dogma


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    Dragons Dogma Empty Dragons Dogma

    Post by Yarxov Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:47 am

    Got the game recently and love it, if anyone else plays it feel free to add me (JDyer97) on PSN. my pawn is a mid 40's Warrior. (not age wise thank god..)
    Are there any good tips I should know? things you regret? Rubbish vocations?
    and general discussion is welcome.

    couple other questions- do 'stats' actually exist in the game? Like, would a fighter start be a bad mage later on?
    Next, got my first portcrystal, where to put? hmm.
    Many Thanks!
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:50 am

    I like that you can throw your pawns off sheer cliffs and then when you go down to revive them they'll say, "I was clumsy."

    So deliciously ridiculous. silly

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    Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma

    Post by Yarxov Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:10 am

    If I get mad at mine I throw them. I also do that to test them. My tanks have to be top notch.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:13 am

    Magical Archer is OP.
    Every time you level up your stats increase based on your vocation so yes, an early start warrior will be a bad mage later on.

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    Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma

    Post by Yarxov Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:15 am

    The path I went so far was Fighter-assassin-Mystic Knight/Machine Gunner and I asked because I was considering the Magyk Archer next silly Bad decision? Im so much more lost than Dark Souls.
    Chosen Undead
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    Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma

    Post by GrinTwist Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:18 am

    Yarxov wrote:If I get mad at mine I throw them. I also do that to test them. My tanks have to be top notch.

    If they can tank a cliff fall, they can tank a Chimera.

    I started off as an archer when I first started playing, but once I saw the "magical archer" well no one saw me outside for four days.

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    Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma

    Post by Yarxov Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:24 am

    My Pawn stood her own against a chimera while me and my recruit were screwing around trying to kill Saurians.. In the background I notice my pawn flying through the air and dealing nice damage. big grin
    I really like Mystic Knight, but I wish it had anodyne, thats what stops me from loving it eternally or calling it a Paladin.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:30 am

    Technically its not a bad idea to multiclasss cause you get all the skills and since there's no pvp it wont actually hurt you that much yo switch around.

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    Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma

    Post by Acarnatia Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:58 am

    The hybrid classes are generally just stronger. I honestly just perform the worst with warrior and ranger. Character stats are much more flexible in Dragon's Dogma than in Dark Souls, though-certainly so for the hybrids. Magic boosts the magical damage of elemental weapons and the buffs you cast on them, so magic is useful even for a physical class such as Assassin. (though I expect much less so for a warrior)
    I think a dedicated Assassin has the highest damage-per-second out of any class, (gale harness+hundred kisses eats through basically anything) has fast bow work, has near -auto kill attacks for both the sword and dagger, (clauraudiance and masterfill kill) and the can RUN.
    Mystic knight can definitely be an excellent tank-or a machine gun and landmine. They get the best shields, heavy armor, and can enchant the entire party's weapons. They're also the only class that can curse things.
    Magic Archer makes using a bow very easy-they have homing arrows. I definitely found there damage to be lower than as an Assassin, though. The magical dagger skills are really cool. (though curse is much more effective on you than on enemies)
    Always have a healer pawn with you-that means a mage with an Anodyne spell, and preferably with Healer as his/her main focus-or you can fulfill that role.
    I also suggest that you never spend rift crystals on hiring pawns. Save them up and spend them on items from the rift crystal shop-one item will let you change you and your pawns appearance at any point from the main menu. There are also additional character hair, makeup, eye and skin colors you can buy from the shop-and items that change what priorities you pawn has, such as healing, who it attacks, or how frequently they buff you.

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    Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:17 am

    The game is pretty challenging on hard mode, but I still never needed to worry about my stat placement to progress. Just go with the flow and try different things out. IMO, any ranged build makes the game quite a bit easier. Warrior or Soldier are the most difficult, but funnest I think.


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    Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:20 am

    Also, some of the perks from one vocation may carry over even if you switch, and some benefit the others. For instance, archer has a perk that halves the stamina you use when crawling on monsters, and that helps me a ton when I use a warrior vocation. Obviously the warriors augmented strength perk helps any other build except magic types.

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    Dragons Dogma Empty Re: Dragons Dogma

    Post by hageshisa Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:02 pm

    I bought this game this monday and I must say that I'm very impressed so far. Im about lvl 24 though, so I havn't gone far into the game yet.

    At first I was very dissapointed, i thought there wern't no character creation due to the prolog and at first the gameplay felt really fuzzy (compared to soul's series) but after a couple of hours and re-doing my character I started to really like the game.

    I get all nostalgic when the night falls and the undead rises! It really reminds me of Zelda:Ocarina of Time :')

    So far I'm not tired of the Pawn's chitchat nor the "no fast travel"-thing ^__^

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