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    Some questions


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    Some questions Empty Some questions

    Post by Flankydizzle Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:45 pm

    Hey dudes im new to the forum hope this is in the right section...

    1. Why do the wikis and people in general say for example sl 50-60 is good if you want to get summoned in anor londo for O+S... Wouldn't sl100 and beyond be good as well considering that ng+++ etc doesn't affect you getting summoned? What I mean is if you are a sl100 sunbro then surely there are just as many people in ng+ or ng++ who would be summoning for help for O+S and other bosses too because they are harder and these people are less likely to be level 60 in higher NGs. I hope this makes sense....

    2. What do you all think of dark bead etc? I'm bored I just get 1-shotted it's lame...

    3. Do you have to kill someone who is in gravelord cov to get gravelord cursed? I'm new to online dark souls.


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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by IceIfrit666 Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:52 pm

    50-60 is good for ng, where people usually are summoning. It's less common to be higher level and be summoned to a ng+ world.

    Useful for mages like how WoG is useful for faith builds. It's not the spell, it's the casters who set it up to be an instant kill.

    No, to be cursed you have to be in ng+ or higher and just be lucky (or unlucky) enough to be cursed by a gravelord randomly. Your boss doesn't need to be alive although it can be a pain when the game glitches and the curse never disappears.

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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by Flankydizzle Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:01 pm

    Thanks mate I guess that answers everything but I dunno in regards to my first question I've played through the game many times and always look for summons in my ng++ etc builds and considering how many people play the game you would think it should be about the same summon activity for ng as it is for ng+. It's almost like you're saying people only summon in ng and not ng+.

    Realistically when you think about it, there should be just as many people wanting help from summons in ng+ as newbies need in ng. Or at least close... The bosses are harder, people still crave coop, etc.

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    Post by LunarFog Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:14 pm

    levels between 1-100 are more common than 100+ because most people cap their builds and have everything done by level 99 or 120. NG+ doesn't effect summoning, but there's just less people who choose to go to high levels. Anor londo in particular has a lot of level 50-60 people because that's just the level people get to at that point in the game.

    I hate magic. I hate magicians. I hate Dark bead and all the other spells. They're the worst.

    No. Gravelords are pretty rare and I heard that black phantoms caused by them don't appear in your game unless you're on NG+ but you can still see their sign. You just have to get lucky to get gravelord cursed.

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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by Flankydizzle Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:22 pm

    Yeah i've only ever noticed it in ng+ LunarFog.

    I hate magic in pvp too. I can handle a bit of lag with swords and stuff flying everywhere but getting one-shotted by some lame magic it's like woohoo good for you bro what a waste of time that was lol. Save it for pve imo. No skill or even anything close to skill involved. It's just lame and I tend to just put it behind me and wait for the next battle.

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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by Flankydizzle Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:39 pm

    Don't really want to make another thread but have another question.

    I'm hearing people lately a lot talking about buffing BKH etc with lighting etc. I didn't think this was possible and tried it tonight and surprise surprise it didn't let me do it. Am I missing something? Because that would be awesome LOL.

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    Some questions Empty Re: Some questions

    Post by DianaDieHard Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:45 pm

    Most people are probaly sl 50 to 60 when cin anorlondo for First play through. And I agree, the shotgun is pretty lame if you have powerful magic abilities.

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