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    Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps


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    Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps Empty Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps

    Post by Derek13 Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:46 pm

    I followed the supposed steps:
    1. Kill hydra
    2. kill gold demon and save olacile inside (or however you spell her name)
    3. Said yes when talking to her
    3. Go to the archives and kill the blue crystal golem above the elevator
    No pendant has been dropped and ive killed him 11 times....

    Ive watched videos and you are supposed to be given the pendant instantly. Any reason why? BTW im in canada and purchased the game the day it came out so its a solid canada/us copy.

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    Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps Empty Re: Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps

    Post by Flankydizzle Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:51 pm

    The guide I watched from epicnamebro showed him talking to her from her summon spot (where the hydra is) after rescuing her, not just rescuing her and then running off to the archives. You might need to reload the game after every step.

    I did what you've been doing but exhausted her dialog from her summon spot afterwards, then I went to archives and the pendant dropped from the golem first time.

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    Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps Empty Re: Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps

    Post by Ashran Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:00 am

    You dont need to place the lordvessel?? I think you need.
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    Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps Empty Re: Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps

    Post by Tolvo Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:01 am

    You say you have purchased the game, but did you buy the DLC?

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    Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps Empty Re: Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps

    Post by Ashran Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:03 am

    Tolvo wrote:You say you have purchased the game, but did you buy the DLC?

    Well, i think the crystal golem in the archives is part of the dlc, isnt it? I think i never fighted it before the dlc...
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    Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps Empty Re: Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps

    Post by Tolvo Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:17 am

    If you don't have the DLC it is still there, but it won't drop the pendant unless you have paid for the DLC. The actual data of the DLC purchase is adding that Pendant. The weapons, spells, armor, etc. Those were all added with the patch to PvP and PvE. As such, you technically have all the content, the DLC just unlocks access to it.

    This was done so that people with the DLC could still play with everyone else, and vice versa. If the people with the DLC had weapons not in the game data, it would cause them to be unable to connect with players without.

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    Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps Empty Re: Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps

    Post by Flankydizzle Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:48 am

    Also sorry yeah I think you have to place the lordvessel (doesn't matter if it's Frampt or Kaath).

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    Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps Empty Re: Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps

    Post by RePaused Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:07 pm

    Flankydizzle wrote:Also sorry yeah I think you have to place the lordvessel (doesn't matter if it's Frampt or Kaath).
    I think you only need to complete the story line titled "Lordvessel". I could be wrong.

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    Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps Empty Re: Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps

    Post by AzureTear Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:14 am

    RePaused wrote:
    Flankydizzle wrote:Also sorry yeah I think you have to place the lordvessel (doesn't matter if it's Frampt or Kaath).
    I think you only need to complete the story line titled "Lordvessel". I could be wrong.

    Well you have to place the lordvessal to access the place with the golem so yes you need to place the lordvessal to unlock the golden gates.

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    Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps Empty Re: Broken Pendant not appearing after following steps

    Post by Flankydizzle Tue Jan 22, 2013 2:29 am

    Haha I feel stupid.

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