I've played first ME on Xbox and the other two on PS3. I was thinking of getting the Trilogy, but I remember the games quite well, so maybe when my memory will decide to delete them. :|
I guess I am a boring ME player. Default face and name, Male, Earthborn, War Hero, Soldier class, romanced Liara.
I picked the Soldier to use as many weapons as possible and I was VERY glad I did this when I played on the hardest difficulty. I was dissatisfied with the powers. The stunts that the characters pull out in cutscenes is cool, but what they do in actual combat is worthless to me, especially Biotics. So I went with weapons all the way and Rambo the whole Galaxy. Since AI can't aim, it went suprisingly well.
I romanced Liara simply because I didn't like Ashley, she's too macho for my likes and there was no other option in first ME. I saw no reason to bother romancing someone else and I was kinda afraid that Liara will use her Biotics to crush my jewelry if I did.
Second ME brought Jack, Tali and Miranda. Jack is a nutcase who just wants to f*ck my brains out (wait...perfect woman?!), Miranda cares about Shepard's pedigree more than his massive interstellar di...plomacy and Tali is like a kid. When I tried romancing her, I felt like a Pedobear, or something. Also, with the spare time I got after completing the game, the poor girl would die being outside her suit all that time. Oh, I forgot Samara...well I couldn't persuade her to undress no matter what, so I don't count her as a romancing option.
Morinth was much better. She was like Jack, she also wanted to f*ck my brains out. Literally.
Kelly was fine, but I talked to her only to make her feed my fishes.
Sex was a fine bonus to the room services.
Third ME got Diana and Samantha. I was dissapoint. Moar aliens!
I was polishing my M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon for Aria, but nothing.
I really wanted to romance EDI (I even bought a pack of vaseline and a drill). You don't get a chance to f*ck your own starship everyday.
But noooooooo, she likes Joker. Goddamnit, why does the guy named Joker always gets the girl I have hots for?! Just you wait you smileyfaced freak, Quinn will be mine!
That's all I think...
Tolvo wrote:Wrex and Grunt needs to be on that poll right now.
Here, I fixed it for you.