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    Singstar?! What the FU................!!

    Onion Knight
    Onion Knight

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    Singstar?! What the FU................!! Empty Singstar?! What the FU................!!

    Post by Onion Knight Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:20 pm

    Ok, so I never really use my PS3 much anymore, but as some of you may know already that I've bought Dragons Dogma and Final Fantasy XIII-2. So for Dragons Dogma I've obviously had to sign into PSN to access the whole online aspects of the game.

    So downloading update...

    Update complete.

    Sign in.


    What is the point of this app of a game I have no interest in going within 10 miles of, that I cannot find a way to delete? Anyone? Are Sony that desperate for sponsorship money these days?

    So the morale of the story is: Thoust cannot avoidith bad games.

    Posts : 1999
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    Location : The nether regions

    Singstar?! What the FU................!! Empty Re: Singstar?! What the FU................!!

    Post by densetsushun Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:08 pm

    Onion Knight wrote:Ok, so I never really use my PS3 much anymore, but as some of you may know already that I've bought Dragons Dogma and Final Fantasy XIII-2. So for Dragons Dogma I've obviously had to sign into PSN to access the whole online aspects of the game.

    So downloading update...

    Update complete.

    Sign in.


    What is the point of this app of a game I have no interest in going within 10 miles of, that I cannot find a way to delete? Anyone? Are Sony that desperate for sponsorship money these days?

    So the morale of the story is: Thoust cannot avoidith bad games.
    Simple: The game sucks so much that they had to give it out for free so people would spend money on the accessories. Shrug

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    Singstar?! What the FU................!! Empty Re: Singstar?! What the FU................!!

    Post by bunnywink Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:14 pm

    Apparently you can use a standard headset/mic for it, but you do have to buy the songs.

    I dunno... I prefer Rock Band games over Sing Star.

    Posts : 1999
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    Join date : 2012-12-29
    Location : The nether regions

    Singstar?! What the FU................!! Empty Re: Singstar?! What the FU................!!

    Post by densetsushun Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:00 pm

    Point is they're pushing for people to pay money on a franchise they dumped money in.

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