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Onion Knight
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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress


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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:14 pm

    I just bought a PS3 solely for this game. I'm going to be making a totally blind run through, all I know about this game is that it precedes DKS. I imagine it won't be as hard since I am familiar with DKS, but I got to get use to this PS3 controller too.

    I'll make periodic progress updates, but don't go spoiling nothing for me! No advice!

    Last edited by BIG TIME MASTER on Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by Strafe Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:29 pm

    It wont take long to realize that demons souls is child's play compared to DkS. You can blow through the game just by spamming magic, but its still a really hard game, just nowhere close to DkS.

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by DemonOfFate Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:30 pm

    Wonderful! if you want the most fun from Darksouls DON'T SUMMON ANYONE!
    That's a nice tid bit of advice seeing as how you want the most challenging challenge. Good luck and PREPARE TO DIE!
    Onion Knight
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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by Onion Knight Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:41 pm

    Strafe wrote:It wont take long to realize that demons souls is child's play compared to DkS. You can blow through the game just by spamming magic, but its still a really hard game, just nowhere close to DkS.

    It's only child's play if you're familiar with the mechanic's. Also doing a blind playthrough is much harder in Demon's Souls than it is in Dark.

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by densetsushun Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:01 pm

    Onion Knight wrote:
    Strafe wrote:It wont take long to realize that demons souls is child's play compared to DkS. You can blow through the game just by spamming magic, but its still a really hard game, just nowhere close to DkS.

    It's only child's play if you're familiar with the mechanic's. Also doing a blind playthrough is much harder in Demon's Souls than it is in Dark.
    Agree. The game's path is also a lot less linear than you expect it to be.
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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by Tolvo Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:54 pm


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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:11 am

    You spoiled it Tolvo!

    I'm having a blast, I will write up a few first impressions here shortly, I gotta go do some real work, sigggh.

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:39 pm

    Firstly, this is what I have done thus far (I haven't had a ton of time to play yet, will this weekend):

    Finished Boletaria Castle area up to the blob phalanx monster, then returned to collect items and discovered that the area keeps going, I have now worked across a bridge under watch of a small dragon and have come to face a giant steel clad monster something like the Iron Golem. I had just begun his fight before I had to work. I had just run through the ramparts and dispatched the archers, now I'm gonna try and figure the best way to fight him. I only have a halberd, bastard sword +1, and scimitar +2. I have some turpentine and a few bolts, but I'm pretty much stuck going melee for now.

    I don't have any plans for this character, I just want to kind of get a feel for everything. I will stick to melee and possibly a few miracles, but I'm just not into magic, and I have heard magic is easy in this game anyhow. I chose the Paladin Knight class because it seemed to not have an equal in DKS, and he had badass starting gear.

    Ok, here's a few observations just off the top off my head.

    Backstab works in Demon Souls how I always thought it should have worked in DKS. Why did they change it? In Demon Souls it is fast and fluid, and feels like you are simply capitalizing on an opening with a powerful thrust, rather than the dopey "Where did he go??" animation in DKS.

    Online play is way more active than xbox DKS. I see messages everywhere, and also they are 99% useful, whereas on the xbox DKS they are usually the inverse, 99% rubbish. The messages you can lay are also way more varied, but I can see why they toned this down. Messages pretty much hand walked me through the whole first area, warning me of every dangerous area. It works to well kind of. I might stop reading them.

    I also see a ton of phantoms. I never bothered to watch phantoms on xbox DKS because they never seemed that useful, but I have gathered some good info from at least a couple so far in Demons, and had a few laughs too. I watched one phantom swat a wooden gate holding a ton of giant rock balls and get crushed, so I swatted it from the side and watched the balls roll down the ramparts and crush like 10 dredgelings, ha!

    DKS presentation was of course better, but I am kind of liking the feel of Demons more. It has an oldy-worldly bubonic plague feel to it. The music is just great. It seems almost a little corny at first but it really gets me into it. So far the Demons story seems a little more straightforward, and for me that is better. I am just a dude hunting demons because they are up to no good. That's simple and I dig it.

    The NPC's seem to be voiced by the same actors, no problem there because they are great. Some of them are obviously pretty much the same concept. It seems DKS is probably a more realized vision of what they wanted from the get go. Nothing wrong with that, I hope DKSII follows the same lines. This is a winning formula and any changes only need to be minimal.

    Overall difficulty, despite my familiarity to the series, seems to be quite a bit less. Enemies do substantially less damage per hit, though certain tough enemies did give me some trouble and got me feeling pretty tense because you have to play through the whole map again.

    I've only seen a small amount of the armors, but so far I like them more than DKS. There seems to be more varieties of plate and metal armors, which I always wanted in DKS.

    HP being halved while in phantom form would seem brutal, but the enemy mobs are way easier. Perhaps if I was brand new this would be different, I might be raging. As such, it is just like a reminder to me that when I do die I need to be more careful.

    I like the Boletarian castle area more than DKS counterpart, the Undead Burg and Parish. I don't know exactly why, but if the whole game took place in a dark old castle like this I would be perfectly happy.

    The blob phalanx monster wasn't hard to beat at all, but it was a hell of a lot of fun. I felt like a wolf, dividing the prey and then striking at the loners. The bridge sequences where you have to dash through huge mobs while the dragon is careening down at you was just awesome. I just wish the mobs were more deadly.

    The difficulty in Demons vs Dark got me thinking about how I would like DKSII. I think the best approach is to have the base game be on par with DKS, but offer a difficulty for "experienced souls gamers" too. The lesser difficulty is by no means an easy mode, just the regular mode you would normally have, but I think most of us who are big time fans of the games would totally get off on an experienced mode where almost all hits are lethal or close. The margin for error in Demons is pretty big, especially with all the grass you get. DKS is definitely stiffer, but the fans of the series are going to need an even bigger challenge next time.

    I both like the Nexus and dislike it. There is definitely something to be said for DKS contiguous world, but the Nexus kind of gives me more of an old school game feel, because I have to go through an entire level without respite. Overall I think the bonfires are smarter, but if they cut them down to just a few main ones, like fireshrink, parish, daughter of chaos, etc, it would be a better balance between the two.

    Overall attack animations seem to be slightly faster, something I always wanted in DKS.

    There is an actual tutorial and message center in the Nexus with all sorts of newbie tips. Also, when you are online, the game opens up with a brief summary of how online play works. People are scared of this in DKSII, and I was too, but its totally cool. I needed it just to get used to the new controller anyway. The boss at the end of the tutorial is ridiculous. I started a new game to try him twice, he crushed through my block and killed me. Oh well.


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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:41 pm

    And just read this, don't be giving me no damn tips! Not until I get through my first playthrough.

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by T-King-667 Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:40 pm

    Strafe wrote:It wont take long to realize that demons souls is child's play compared to DkS. You can blow through the game just by spamming magic, but its still a really hard game, just nowhere close to DkS.
    He dosent know where to get all of the items to magic spam now does he? On a blind run through with nobody assisting you, this will be tough, and i bid you good luck sir!

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by densetsushun Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:20 pm

    Haha, I look forward to hearing more updates! By the way, let me know when you find the guy on my avatar silly

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:20 pm

    I slayed the Tower Demon, that again wasn't too hard but was pretty fun. I loved the way when you chopped at his feet he fell down. I finished him off after just two falls with a +2 bastard sword. I was having a hard time finding chunkies and whatnot to upgrade with until I just went through the Mine. I didn't really like that area, I just wanted to get out. I just finished the spider boss, which was really annoying because it kept covering me in white goop. Yuck. I died to it once but basically tanked it the second time and used an anti fire ring.

    So when I started amassing shards and chunkies I was headed back for the Nexus to upgrade my weapon from Demon slayer to BIG TIME *** KICKER and some jerk invades me. I nearly kill him right off the bat, I actually surprised myself, but then he pulls out some crazy spear and destroys all my weapons and equipment by just spam attacking me. I nearly killed him again until my equipment was useless so I just sat there and waited for him to kill me then. What a troll. (I'm currently sl 12)
    It costed all my souls and then some to repair my junk, so my weapon upgrades got set back until after I beat the spider. I put down a summon sign and was helping someone else and encountered the same jerk, just trolling the mine, and he broke my stuff again. Just when I was ready to say the PS3 community was way better.

    I called it quits for the night after the spider, I'm gonna play an hour or two tomorrow before work.

    And whats with no gestures?!? I need muh gestures!

    A funny note- I was really hesitant about facing the Tower Knight. Knowing nothing about the game, he could be way over my level, and I totally psyched myself out. I finally said screw it and just went after his heals like a vicious chihuahua and once I saw the shiny soul stuff shoot from his armor I knew I would slay his no good giant ***. What a great boss.

    Last edited by BIG TIME MASTER on Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:03 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:28 pm

    One more little vignette:

    Do you ever know when a trap is obvious and try it anyways? I was in a circular room which held molten metal in the center and had four fire lizards waiting on the walls, beneath lay some kind of shiny goody. An obvious trap. And yet, I figured if FROM put this item in such a precarious position, it's gotta be good. I knew that if I was carrying a bow or magic I could easily solve the puzzle, but I wasn't, so.... I just ran in and grabbed it, and was shortly swarmed by the little bastards. I tried to chop my way out with a halberd by those little guys were just too ferocious. Luckily I had unlocked a shortcut thanks to a message so I wasn't raging.

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:35 pm

    And I'm going to write it here so that I don't forget, I need to go back to the castle later and try and figure out how to open the giant gate behind that strong knight. Messages said that their was a weapon behind it but I could find a way to get it open. I also remember a big fog wall that said I had to slay and archedemon to open, I think that was behind the Tower Demon arena, so I need to keep that in mind whenever I get to an archedemon.

    And I avoided the dragon on the ridge my first time through. I know better than to mess with dragons in Soul games. When I came back with upgraded weapons and new found courage though they were gone. I expected to get toasted as I collected the goodies from the smoldering remains but they must be waiting somewhere else to get me.

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:40 pm

    densetsushun wrote:Haha, I look forward to hearing more updates! By the way, let me know when you find the guy on my avatar silly

    This isn't the son of King Allant who I rescued twice in the Boletaria castle is it? He wears a helmet, but the dopey expression kind of matches how I would expect him to look. Like some teenager who stole his daddies armor because he wanted to be a knight, and then gets cornered by dredgelings.

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by densetsushun Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:44 pm

    BIG TIME MASTER wrote:
    densetsushun wrote:Haha, I look forward to hearing more updates! By the way, let me know when you find the guy on my avatar silly

    This isn't the son of King Allant who I rescued twice in the Boletaria castle is it? He wears a helmet, but the dopey expression kind of matches how I would expect him to look. Like some teenager who stole his daddies armor because he wanted to be a knight, and then gets cornered by dredgelings.
    Yep, that's the one! There will always be a place in my heart for Brostrava <3

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:47 pm

    Well right now he definitely owes me one. We'll see if he learns to carry his own weight or not later, or maybe he'll just sit in the Nexus and offer me advice like he's some kind of old master. Pfft.

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by EeAyEss Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:50 am

    Hold down x to access gestures. Thought I should share <3

    Enjoy Demon's. It sounds like you are.

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by Sloth9230 Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:43 pm

    Prepare to cry... many times, that is all.

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:00 am

    I died about 20 times trying to get all the goodies on the way down to the firelurker. I really don't enjoy platforming in Souls games. They aren't designed for it, so it's really just a battle against poor controls (not poor controls really, just not made for platforming). Nonetheless, I got all the goodies I could see. Nothing more than souls and shards though, whoop dee doo.

    I found a hidden tunnel which led to a three way intersection with some giant beetles that are nearly impossible to kill and lava. I assume later I might have some way to cross it, for now I'm not gonna mess with it. The blacksmith told me how he used to beat the beetles with his hands, and I found some fist weapons that do magic damage and suggested somebody used to use them, so I assume they were his. I don't have the stats to use them yet but when I do I'll go give em a try.

    The firelurker killed me the first time but I got him on my second go. I used sticky white stuff which helped but it only lasted long enough for me to get him down a quarter of his health. The rest of the fight was long and tested my patience. It was like the Gwynn fight from DKS, I just circled behind a pillar and poked here and there when I could. I think I was pretty underleveled, sl 20. I went through a lot of grass. If I wasn't a DKS veteran this fight would have been impossible for me at this point, for sure.

    I went through the next fog gate and saw something really big at the end of a tunnel and a health bar and title "something Dragon". I wasn't even going to try that, firelurker used most of my resources and patience, so I homeward boned (can't remember what DS calls them) outta there.

    I started Tower of Latria, and I have to say it's horrifying. All the little noises. The enemies have been cake so far, though I've only killed a few sorcerers. After I went through a hole in the back of a cell with two torture coffins (one held assassin gear) I got destroyed by a mage creature who paralyzed me and then ate my face, twice. I've got to take a break now.

    This was all on a new character I made last night and started from the beginning. It is a female soldier, and right now I am still using the starting gear because I haven't found anything better. I chose female because they actually look like females in this game. I love the round metal hat and the cuirass as well. I am only using the spear which is up to +5 right now and I have a composite sticky bow +1 as well. I thought the sticky would goop up enemies like the armored spider did too me but I am not seeing what the benefit is. Maybe it only works on a percent chance? It is also unclear to me what quality upgrade path is. For now I am going to just follow the regular upgrade path unless I get a wealth of materials later. In DKS just going to +15 was pretty much always the best for my characters. It seems that weapon upgrades don't have as big of payoff as in DKS. Because it takes more time to get shards in this game I am not saving up souls solely for upgrading, I am leveling up a bit more than I would in DKS. Right now I am at 27 I think.


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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Sat Jan 26, 2013 6:05 am

    One funny thing about Latria was well, I had been killing all the prisoners on sight, but one who escaped my wrath momentarily clued me in that only the weapon holders would attack. The unarmed guys just follow you around and praise you. It's hilarious. So I had about five of these maniacs scampering about like a pack of dogs praising me anytime I stopped. Sometimes they get in the way and I have to shove them, but they don't mind. I'm going to see if I can keep my maniac posse throughout the level, though I have already seen they aren't going to help me kill any tentacle mage monsters.

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by passivefamiliar Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:04 am

    Latria is horrifying. And those worshipers are....a interesting sort. You'll see. No spoilers. ...but i must say, weapon upgrades in demons are better in my opinion. You have more options really. You can make a weapon follow the path for stat upgrade you want to use. Not what the weapon initially requires. I won't explain in detail. But i suggest you look up how upgrades work at least. They are much more interesting than darks basic path. Different upgrades actually can matter.

    The sticky bow doesnt have any special attribute. There is a bow that makes you shoot fire arrows, not having to BUY fire arrows it just creates the affect. But sticky doesn't, to my memory anyway, do anything. BUT i think i recall it being a very good choice for a bow path as far as damage output. So you didn't waste material there, i don't think.

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by EeAyEss Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:07 pm

    Regular upgrades are good. But I'll give you a small hint


    And sticky just increases dex scaling with a bow. No side effects, although that would've been cool

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    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:21 am

    Fools Idol lies dead. I didn't kill the guy upstairs the first time so had to do her twice.

    I take it this is the fight Pinwheel was supposed to replicate, except this one was actually a little challenging. I got her without dying both times but I used a good amount of grass. The second time around I was low on grass so I figured out to roll around a lot more and she misses more often. A cool fight.

    I also felt like the mages in this game were a lot more forboding than the Channellers in DKS. To beat these guys melee I had to rush them and get the first hit. Pretty much anytime I didn't get the first hit they would freeze me and devour my face. I died a few times to them and got pretty frustrated. I cheesed a few with my bow too. That's how fighting a mage ought to be, tense and fast.

    I got the special key which I thought would release that soul form prisoner or the other guy, but it doesn't. I searched the whole level over and over and can't figure out how to get their cages open. Maybe the keys are in the second section, because the prisoner in soul form did talk about some fat bellied ebony guy, which I haven't seen yet. It just doesn't seem like the key to one area would be in the next, but who knows. I'll figure it out eventually.

    The second part of Latria looks evil, so I went back to the Nexus and headed to Shrine of Storms. This level is awesome. I cleared everything and then cheesed that big guardian with arrows. After I got his health halfway down I wanted to just see what he was like fighting melee and he crushed through my shield and took half of my health with one swipe. His attacks have a pretty big hit radius so I just ran away and finished him with arrows. I'm a coward, I know. The rest of the area was easy enough, the skeletons have no poise so as long as you attack first you can kill them in one swoop. The Crescent Falchion is deadly. I stopped before the boss, I'll give whatever it is a go later.

    Last edited by BIG TIME MASTER on Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress Empty Re: Bought a PS3 for this game, Blind play through in progress

    Post by densetsushun Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:20 am

    I just have to say, remember world tendencies! big grin

    First time I went to Shrine or Storms I hated it, the skeles terrified me. I'm a lot better at it now than in the beginning, thankfully. And yes, the Crescent Falchion is killer.

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