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Mr. Tart
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    Lookin' for quality games.


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    Post by XachAttack Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:14 pm

    So, after about 17 years of playing video games, I'm just about done. Everything is just garbage now, save for Fromsoft's genious.

    However, I'm not totally finished yet, I'de like to play some of the real good ones out there before I stop. Though, I'm not really aware of any, so I'de like you guys to let me know of a few for me to check out.

    Few rules though:

    No First/Third Person Shooter Games. I'm tired of hearing guns go off.

    No Horror Games. When I get scared, it stays with me for weeks lol, so I'de like to avoid that.

    No Racing Games. This one's just a personal thing, I'm not too competetive, so racing isn't really my thing.

    No Games that take place in space. I dunno why, but I've never liked games/movies that took place in space. There's no real reason for it, I just dislike them.

    That's about all I can think of.

    The Genres I like:

    RPG's, this one can be flexible with Third Person types, ala Demon's/Dark Souls, and the whole Turn Based type, ala Pokemon. Not a fan of the Final Fantasy battle system though, so none of those. I've played two games of the Tales of __ Series, and I liked both of the combat systems and the stories.

    I'm kinda partial to Mech Games, such as Armored Core. The only ones I've played are Armored Core: For Answer, Armored Core V, and a little bit of Last Raven. The No Space rule is pretty hard here, as I'm aware alot of Mech games take place in space, such as Gundam, which I'm not a fan of at all.

    Open World types, if done well. I like to explore around and find stuff. I just don't like hardcore fantasy settings, I don't have any examples so I'll just have to hope you understand what I mean. I'm not playing Morrowind >_>.

    Really, just any sort of game that has a deep and compelling story that draws me into figuring out some of the lore and stuff.

    Games I'm looking forward to:

    Tales of Xillia

    Dark Souls 2, obviously

    Pokemon X and Y, I'm gonna get whichever has the Bird/Dragon looking mascot.

    I've been watching someone play Dishonored for a while, and I'm pretty interested in how it works, so I'm considering getting this.

    I've played Deus Ex:Human Revolution before, but I got bored with it lol. Thinking of trying it out again.

    The systems I feel worth mentioning that I have are the PS3, Xbox 360, and the Nintendo DS.

    So, that's all I can think of to say, let me know what you guys think I should try o/. If I didn't give enough information about what I prefer, please let me know what I can explain and I'll try to do so. Thanks.

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    Post by tinypantha Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:58 pm

    Very tuff to meet yur criteria...

    First: Portal

    Awesome puzzle game.

    TF2 if you wanna break the shooter and competitive fields

    Its hectic, balanced, and has a great comunity

    Two Worlds II

    Never played it but heard it was good for RPG the first one SUCKS

    Star Craft for RTS but gotta break the competitive field :l

    Halo Wars is a simple Console RTS i love it for just talking and relaxing



    Not the crappy ones for XBLA or PSN Arcade, but the Striving Unique Devolopers on PC! The Journey is a nice one.

    Im thinling about Coding a game soon but my hands are full learning the skills through various prokects so....

    If you wanna play TF2 hit me up on Steam my Account Name is Tinypantha but Gamertag is Momiji Inubashiri (might change to Tinypantha again...)
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:00 pm

    People say that Shadow of the Colossus is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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    Post by ErrJon6661 Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:07 pm

    Based on your likes I'd suggest trying dragons dogma. Its a 3rd person action style rpg game with a tight combat system, easy to understand yet fairly comprehensive level up system.You can freely change classes but doing so will have consequences on your final character. You can literally play anyway you want so long as you spec your character correctly. Plenty of loot extra dungeons, side missions and so on. My first run through the game took me about 50 hours or so. My second took nearly 200 as I aimed to complete every quest I could. The game does have a few shortcomings however. The party AI can be just outright stupid at some points. Your equipment and consumables can effect the game to the point of being unable to complete quests or even explore certain areas. Completing the game (unless you're a god among men) will take a lot of trial and error, frustration and planning. On higher difficulty I have literally had to scout an area I am planning to explore, return to town to rest, re equip my entire party, blow thousands on healing and status ailment items and then returned to the area only to escape by the hair of my chin. With all of that said, the last section of the game is completely worth all of this frustration if you're a fan of the big creature battles.

    Now that that rant is over. Some other games I've really enjoyed that aren't on the list of things you don't like are:

    3d dot game hero's. Sort of a tribute to 2d Zelda games on the PS3. Its great fun but has almost no replay value for me. You can pick it up for like $10 now.

    I don't know what systems you have but the Legend of Zelda series is endless fun for me. Mainly the N64 and GC releases.

    Also on PS3 the rachet and clank and Jack and Daxter series have a ton of titles and all of them are pretty fun despite the fact that I'm 20.

    If you have a gamecube, dreamcast or PC I'd recommend any of the Phantasy Star games.

    Thats about all I've got, hope you find something!

    EDIT: Stay away from two worlds two. Initially it is alright but the game becomes a joke about halfway through. If you're looking for an alternative to Oblivion or something its not the worst thing in the world but I don't recommend it at all.
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    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:10 pm

    Lookin' for quality games. 1330857165 Lookin' for quality games. 1330857165 Lookin' for quality games. 1330857165 Lookin' for quality games. 1330857165
    i was unaware that there was a new pokemon game coming out... YUSS! (just as long as there isn't another cheesy ice cream cone pokemon)

    anyway, if you have a ps2 look into the .hack G.U trilogy (fun combat, similar to tales), Monster hunter might work for a multiplayer game but its not on any of the main systems you listed yet (ones slated for ds some time) Also KATAMARI Damacy, not the second or 3rd one but the original (also a ps2 title) this is a random game not really a rpg.
    Also try the suikoden series if you can find it, 3 through 5 are on the ps2 and the early ones are on ps1 i think...

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    Post by densetsushun Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:02 pm

    If you like the MOBA genre you can try Guardians of Middle Earth(PS3 or Xbox).

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    Post by Acarnatia Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:06 pm

    Dragon's Dogma is awesome. (my avatar is a pic from it)
    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is considered to be one of the greatest hallmarks in video game history. Majora's Mask is the only one I like more; it's by far the darkest Zelda game. Besides those, the only one I've played that I've played that I thought was actually good (instead of mediocre or junk) was Wind Waker.
    I really liked Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Turok: Seed of Evil, and Turok: Shadow of Oblivion. They are 1st person shooter, though. I normally don't like shooter games, either; I do like those.
    One of the best PS2 games I ever played is Dark Cloud. It has a completely different leveling system, (weapons level up, not you) a good if simple story, and I just had a fun playing it.
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    Post by Tolvo Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:19 pm

    Yoshi's Island. Hands down, one of the best games ever.

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    Post by Sevans Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:30 pm

    Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, and Ico.

    Also, as a huge fan of the Armored Core series (since the very first one back on PS1,) I would suggest trying some of the previous series installments. Master of Arena and Project Phantasma are amazing if you can get past the graphics and Silent Line is one of the best in the series.

    EDIT: I'll throw in another vote for Dark Cloud. Very good game. And I'm skirting the "no shooter" line awfully close here, but Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies is incredible if you've got access to a PS2.
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    Post by Reaperfan Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:45 pm

    It would help if we knew what era of games you were looking for, ie old-school or modern, as well as a bit more in-depth with what you've already played. I could list off tons of great SNES and N64 games like Donkey Kong Country 2 or Banjo-Kazooie, but those are the kinds of games that anyone who grew up around our age (you said 17 years playing games so I assume you're in your early-mid twenties like me since that's about how long I've been with games :|) have already played, and so there's little point in me suggesting them.

    Anyway, without listing the aforementioned big name classics, my recommendation goes to Psychonauts. In my opinion, the last truly great 3D action-adventure platformer (which I assume is a genre that doesn't stray too far from your criteria) to be made before the modern era of games came about. On top of being one of the most fun gameplay experiences I've ever had, it's brilliantly written and will have you laughing constantly, as well as genuinely caring for alot of the characters. It's on Steam, so even if you can't find a physical copy it'll still be real easy to get ahold of, and being an older game doesn't have harsh PC requirements so you don't have to worry about it not running well or anything.

    If you're looking for something a bit more fast-paced, I'll also recommend Super Meat Boy. In terms of difficulty-versus-gratification, it's actually equal to, if not (dare I say it) better than even Demon's and Dark Souls. It's a platformer game that borders on the boundaries between "obstacle course" and "Kaizo Mario World," but manages to keep gameplay fair so you never feel like you really got cheated into a death. It really is just like if Dark Souls were a platformer game.

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:People say that Shadow of the Colossus is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

    And last but not least, I will vouch 110% behind this recommendation. The controls take some getting used to, but other than that it's one of the most emotional and engrossing experiences I've had with a game.
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    Post by RANT Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:32 am

    NI NO KUNI just came out, get it!

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    Post by WyrmHero Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:01 am

    RantFromRant wrote:NI NO KUNI just came out, get it!

    This this and this!!!!!!

    Gonna buy it soon!

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    Post by Flankydizzle Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:08 am

    Probably gonna not appeal to you but maybe try some indie platformers like Limbo, etc?

    Emulation is always a good option too. I play Mortal Kombat 2 1CC (1 credit clears) and stuff like that when I need something different to Dark Souls happy

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    Post by Juutas Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:49 am

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:People say that Shadow of the Colossus is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

    So is losing your virginity, but that doesn't mean it's good.

    Jokes aside, I would really want to play Shadow of Colossus...damn these exclusives.

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    Post by XachAttack Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:15 am

    @ TinyPantha: I saw all of those, Portal was fun to watch but I couldn't figure out any of that stuff if I tried lol. It's pretty crazy.

    TF2 is an FPS >_>.

    I'm not a fan of RTS, I actually forgot that genre existed or else I would've mentioned it.

    @Pendant: I actually own Shadow of the Colossus lol. It's magnificent.

    @EerJon: I own Dragon's Dogma as well, damn fine game. I would use the Two-handed Job's Roar move to join in with a Chimera's roar to increase the epic factor of the fight XD.

    I'll have to look up 3D dot game hero's, never heard of it.

    I've played quite a few Zelda games, they're pretty nice. If they'de just release one on a system I own that wasn't handheld >_>;;.

    The older Ratchet and Clank games were pretty damn fun lol, I played Going Commando, Up your Arsenal and uh..that one where Ratchet is in that arena planet the entire game, can't remember the name.

    I've seen Phantasy Star a bit, but doesn't it take place in space?

    @Sparkly: I've played the 2nd one, not knowing it was part of a Trilogy until I looked it up lol. Made NO sense to me whatsoever as to what the hell was going on XD but I kinda figured it out as I went along. Pretty fun, I liked it.

    Katamari is just....bizzare. I'll pass.

    I'll look up Suikoden.

    @Denset: I have no idea what MOBA is, but Guardians of the Middle Earth sounds like Lord of the Rings, so I'll pass.

    @Acarnatia: My dad bought the Turok games a loooong time ago, I'de watch him play them for quite a while, though Shadow of Oblivion scares the piss out of me to this day. The days where shooters were actually good has passed..

    @Tolvo: The GBA version, or the N64 version? I've played both but I don't remember anything else from them lol. I'm sure they were fun.

    @Sevans: I've actually been thinking of getting Okami, that looks like a wonderful game. The music from it is really damn cool, especially The Sun Rises. Goosebumps!

    I watched a playthrough of Ico, that would scare me if I played it x-X but it was very fun to watch though.

    People keep saying that Silent Line is the best one, I'll have to find out why some day lol.

    Ace Combat isn't my style, but the few tracks I've heard from the series are pretty good.

    @Reaperfan: Yeah, I probably should've put a list down, you're right..But I didn't think of it at the time, now that I am though it'd be pretty long. I mean LOOOOOOOONG! I don't even remember most of them lol. Unless, of course someone happens to mention anything from a long time ago.

    I've heard a few good things about Psychonauts, I'll have to look it up.

    Meat boy....whew. Bit too intense for me lol.

    My PC doesn't work for crap with games anyway, so I couldn't play them.

    @Rant&Wyrm: I saw Ni No Kuni, despite how Pokemon-ish it is, it didn't really interest me all that much. It might've been the design of everything, I dunno.

    @Flanky: I'm not really into the whole Indy thing, I saw Limbo though. Looks pretty tough.

    I'm not a fan of fighting games either, I totally forgot to put that up despite telling myself not to forget =_=. Bit too violent for my tastes too.
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    Post by Mr. Tart Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:45 am

    I've said it before and i'm gonna say it again.

    Fable: The Lost Chapters.
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:52 am

    Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis.

    That was the bomb back in the day. lol

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    Post by ErrJon6661 Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:49 am

    @XachAttack Yes it does take place in space but you don't actually play in space. Your on a ship and you beam down to the planets.

    Its a great single player game but I had the most fun doing split screen and drinking with my buddy. We dumped a few hundred hours into it. The combat isn't very great but there's enough to keep you entertained for a good while.

    And the newer rachet and clanks hold up. Tools of Destruction seemed a bit forced but a crack in time was beautiful.

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    Post by KingSeekerCow Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:08 am

    Lost Odyssey. It has a Final Fantasy feel to it but a completely different game.

    How about Dynasty Warriors?!!? Those games are the funniest cheapest thing ever hahahaha.
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    Post by Reaperfan Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:15 am

    XachAttack wrote:@Denset: I have no idea what MOBA is, but Guardians of the Middle Earth sounds like Lord of the Rings, so I'll pass.

    I know it wasn't directed at me, but MOBA stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. It involves games such as DotA 2, League of Legends, and Heroes of Newerth. The genre's gameplay is similar to that of a strategy game such as Starcraft, only it's team-based (typically 5 players vs 5 other players) and each player only controls one unit that can be customized as the game progresses. It's tough to explain in words, so if you're interested in looking more into it, here's a video of a game of League of Legends as an example.

    I'm a big LoL player myself, so I can definitely say the MOBA genre is worth looking into (especially since alot of them are Free-to-play games), and can really get engrossing if you develop a group of friends you can play with. I'll warn you though that you'll have to steel yourself for what some call smurfs. The exact mechanics of a MOBA can be difficult to grasp for a while, so a smurf is an experienced player who creates a new account specifically for the purpose of circumventing the game's matchmaking systems allowing them to play with, and subsequently stomp into the ground, new and inexperienced players. As long as you're mentally prepared to deal with them for a bit in the beginning, you'll get past the barrier to entry and they won't be a problem.

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    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:01 pm

    I feel ya! I was just about to put video games up for good right before I gave DKS a try.

    Try Dragons Dogma or Mount and Blade series on PC. Dragons Dogma with the new hard mode DLC is worth at least a hundred hours or so, and Mount and Blade is a game you can play off and on for years.
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    Post by Tolvo Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:24 pm

    Gameboy Advanced, the N64 version is fun, but the Gameboy Advanced one is a work of art. I actually prefer the SNES version personally. But it'll be easier to find the GBA copy.

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    Post by tinypantha Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:28 pm

    Mr. Tart wrote:I've said it before and i'm gonna say it again.

    Fable: The Lost Chapters.

    Get out of here with your "I have a heart" Stuff sweden!

    jk dont leave...
    Mr. Tart
    Mr. Tart
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    Post by Mr. Tart Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:22 pm

    tinypantha wrote:
    Mr. Tart wrote:I've said it before and i'm gonna say it again.

    Fable: The Lost Chapters.

    Get out of here with your "I have a heart" Stuff sweden!

    jk dont leave...

    What...? :|

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    Post by Ashran Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:36 pm

    Lost Odyssey
    Deadly Premonition
    Dead Rising & Dead Rising 2
    Portal & Portal 2
    Cave Story
    Mount & Blade: Warband
    Faster Than Light
    Dungeons of Dredmor
    Orcs Must Die & Orcs Must Die 2
    Defense Grid: The Awakening
    Shadow of the Colossus
    Dear Esther
    The Witcher & The Witcher 2
    Half Life Saga
    Overlord & Overlord 2
    King's Bounty
    Beyond Good and Evil

    Lookin' for quality games. Liun1Vt

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