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    Best Soul Farming method?


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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Zephryl Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:12 am

    Well, just lost my nice supply of Souls to Knight Artorias, who decided it'd be fun to power up and be able to one shot me through my shield...

    Gotta level up some, since there's not a whole lot I can do in terms of equipment at the moment, and I was wondering what the best method of farming souls is? I tried searching for it on the forums, but surprisingly having "Souls" in my search didn't really make it easy...

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Hue Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:36 am

    The Painted World of Ariamis.
    You have to reach the courtyard first, and open the shortcut to the bonfire (the closed door you see at the start).
    Then, from the bonfire, you should kill the 3 hollows if you can't just ignore them, and then attack the Phalanx, it's much better if you can one-shot them
    If you use ultra greatswords, you can hit 5 or 6 of them at once from behind, and make a 7000 soul run in less than 30 seconds in NG without any bonus, add in the Symbol of Avarice and CSS and you get 10000+ souls.
    Besides, you can leave at anytime you like, without the need to use consumables.
    If you haven't completed the level, you can jump-attack the undead dragon's feet, and jump onto the bridge below.

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Zephryl Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:49 am

    Hachouma wrote:The Painted World of Ariamis.
    You have to reach the courtyard first, and open the shortcut to the bonfire (the closed door you see at the start).
    Then, from the bonfire, you should kill the 3 hollows if you can't just ignore them, and then attack the Phalanx, it's much better if you can one-shot them
    If you use ultra greatswords, you can hit 5 or 6 of them at once from behind, and make a 7000 soul run in less than 30 seconds in NG without any bonus, add in the Symbol of Avarice and CSS and you get 10000+ souls.
    Besides, you can leave at anytime you like, without the need to use consumables.
    If you haven't completed the level, you can jump-attack the undead dragon's feet, and jump onto the bridge below.

    Ah~ I'd forgotten about the Painted World. I kinda rushed through it... Went back a bit later, got to the sewer and found the Bonewheels and just went "Nope." and left lol. But yeah~ Killed the boss and opened the shortcut, so I think I'll do that.

    First time through I didn't actually know that jump attacking the feet wasn't the proper way to do it lmao. Oh well~ Thanks, I'll definitely do that! Though I don't have either of those soul increasing items, should still be good~

    Might need to upgrade one of my Ultra GS to make it easier...

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Flankydizzle Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:18 am

    1. Open locked forest entrance door thingy (need 20000 souls for the key from parish blacksmith...)

    2. Equip silver serpent ring (boosts souls dropped when you kill enemies)

    3. Hit the wall near the door for hidden bonfire

    4. Take off all armour except for a light shield

    5. Put on some music (I recommend Slayer, especially the Divine Intervention and South of Heaven albums)

    6. Pull the closest 2-3 forest npcs towards the stairs, hide under the stairs, watch npcs fall off the cliff, run back to bonfire and rest

    7. Repeat!

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Gazman0169 Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:30 am

    Or try- ToG the area just before Nito's boss-fight fog door, where killing the constantly spawning skellie-baby's will provide you with a good supply of both Humanity and Souls in next to no time.

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Zephryl Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:40 am

    Haven't been to the Tomb of Giants yet, well not since being brutally murdered after the Pinwheel fight... Gonna wait until I have a light source before heading down, so I think I'll stick to Painted World for now.

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Gazman0169 Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:46 am

    Pah, light source, the ToG should only ever be tackled in the dark! Just remember to bring along a spare pair of undies! twisted

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by SlakeMoth Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:51 am

    If you have a bow, the first area in Anor Londo is a good place to mine for souls. There are six sentinels in all, three at each end, all drop a decent number of souls when they die and you don't have to get up close and personal using a bow. Also the bonfire is right there, just rinse and repeat.

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Gazman0169 Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:03 am

    Failing that PvP in the Garden. If you Host (go in Human) you'll run the risk of being faced with a 2v1 senario, but if you become a Guardian you'll usually end up with a 2v2, and with a bit of practice will start to notch up the wins/souls in no time. I'd usually use this method to finish off my builds, where the cost of souls to upgrade is at it's highest, as the souls come in thick and fast as soon as you can begin to hold your own.

    Alternatively, equip the CSS Ring (again found in the ToG) and the Symbol of Avarice, and then go farm the Forest Guardians using the bait and run method, or simply use the bait and run method for an easy 7k's worth of souls on a NG run

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Zephryl Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:10 am

    PvP unfortuantly isn't an option, and since I stabbed Shiva in the face the Guardians haven't been overly fond of me, so I don't think they'll take me back haha.

    Haven't touched a bow yet, but I might try that method out.

    I won't be going to ToG in the dark though. I get killed enough as it is lol

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Skarectum Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:13 am

    If you've not already got it, try to get the Symbol of Avarice. Get a stash of Lloyd's Talismans, and keep throwing them at a Mimic, then looting it and waking it up until it drops the headpiece. That has the effect of the Covetous Silver and Covetous Gold Serpent Rings, but with a touch of HP drain. The soul increase effect stacks with the ring, the item effect doesn't!

    Anyway, yeah, the Painted World is good, particularly if you use pyromancies like Fire Tempest. The Phalanx enemies seem to be pretty weak to fire.
    Personally, I like to farm the two Royal Sentinels in Anor Londo. They don't drop as many souls, but they do drop chunks. Using Power Within and Great Combustion, they go down quickly, and then I just cast Homeward.

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Gazman0169 Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:21 am

    Coward! lol

    All joking aside, if you want to become a Guardian simply visit Oswald in the Undead Parish to request absolution (it'll cost a bit, but in the long run it'll be worth it). PvP is a major part of the game, and whilst it might appear to be daunting at first I can guarantee that if you stick with it you'll be bringing home the wins in next to no time, and that's when you'll be asking yourself "why didn't I do this a heck of a lot sooner?" big grin

    If you're on PS3 send me a friends request (my PSN is below), and I'll gladly arrange to meet up with you to spar if you want, but be warned I've not played the game for a while (as I've pretty much played it to death), and so I may be a bit rusty to begin with.

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by SlakeMoth Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:29 am

    Hey Gazman welcome back! Where you been?

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Zephryl Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:39 am

    Unfortuantly I'm on Xbox, which means I have to pay for the online. Just don't have enough games/time to play online to warrant buying it T_T

    Also, I think I might have killed all the Mimics already... Know of any I might've missed? I've only been a little over halfway into Duke's Archives, so there might be one there.

    And I didn't think absolution fixed the Forest Guardian betrayal?~

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Gazman0169 Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:43 am

    Morning Slake! Thanks. I've been popping in from time to time, but in all honesty I got to the stage where I was completely burned out where DkS is concerned, and so have used the time to revisit HL2, Portal, Resistance, and a number of Move shooters (my latest toy).

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Gazman0169 Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:49 am

    Zephryl wrote:Unfortuantly I'm on Xbox, which means I have to pay for the online. Just don't have enough games/time to play online to warrant buying it T_T

    Also, I think I might have killed all the Mimics already... Know of any I might've missed? I've only been a little over halfway into Duke's Archives, so there might be one there.

    And I didn't think absolution fixed the Forest Guardian betrayal?~
    That's a shame.

    Have you got the one behind the bookcase, near the staircase leading to the garden leading to the Crystal Cave? If not leave it until you get a GSS ring and enough active humanity to bring your item discovery rate up to 410, as this will greatly increase your chances of getting the Symbol to drop.

    As for absolution, I'm pretty sure it does, but as it's been a while since I've betrayed them I cannot say for sure.

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Zephryl Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:57 am

    I haven't gotten to the Crystal Caves yet, so I think I can safely say I have not.

    Though apparently, not sure how true it is, the last of the non-respawning things you kill will always drop any loot you haven't obtained from it yet. Seems to match with my experience though, last Gargoyle dropped both the Shield and Halberd, and the last Boar dropped its helm.

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Gazman0169 Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:09 am

    Correction it's the one at the side of the bookcase on the right-hand side towards the back of the room, not the one behind the bookcase, which in fact contains the Crystal Ember.

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by BagerX2 Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:16 am

    Forest PvP on either side is good, been on both sides. Set my sign down in the forest near the stairs yesterday, got summoned, 189k in 15 minutes. Another good place for PvP soul farming is anor londo. Put your sign down right in front of the fog gate for O&S and more than likely you will get summoned to fight in dark anor londo a lot.

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by psychichobo Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:51 am

    Yeah, the last mimic for me dropped its Symbol - this was the one in the Duke's Archives. The Silver Serpent ring is better if you're not willing to wear a giant helmet that bleeds you, but it's in a VERY awkward place to get to in the Tomb of the Giants - basically after you kill the skeleton archer that snipes you once you've passed the white fog gate, you'll find a body with an item on a ledge. I think if you roll/jump off the ledge you'll land on this awkward bit where you can go and grab the ring and then get jumped by 5 Bone Towers, then to get out you have to scramble down to the right bit (or just homeward it out).

    Pity you don't play online though, co-op brings a LOT of rewards. The baby skeleton farming is good though, bring a weapon with a spin attack like the halberd and just head down near the water (make sure to kill the Pinwheels there though first!)

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Skarectum Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:46 am

    psychichobo wrote:The Silver Serpent ring is better if you're not willing to wear a giant helmet that bleeds you

    Equip both, they stack, so you get 144% of souls, rather than 120%!

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Zephryl Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:56 am

    Skarectum wrote:
    psychichobo wrote:The Silver Serpent ring is better if you're not willing to wear a giant helmet that bleeds you

    Equip both, they stack, so you get 144% of souls, rather than 120%!

    You get a bonus for Overkilling enemies too, don't you? Does that stack with either/both/neither of those?~

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by psychichobo Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:22 am

    I did not know that the giant teeth hat stacked, I always thought it didn't. AWESOME!

    And yeah, I think the overkill bonus always gives you extra souls regardless.

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Zephryl Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:37 am

    Looks like I'll get some souls, get a bit more Endurance I guess, then go back to the Archives and grab the creepy chest-head.

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    Best Soul Farming method? Empty Re: Best Soul Farming method?

    Post by Hue Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:13 am

    The only downside to this is that it's the ugliest **** thing i have ever seen.

    A character with symbol of avarice, havel gauntlets and Smough leggings, doing the trident dance, damn

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