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    DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it?


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    DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it? Empty DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it?

    Post by Ladro Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:22 pm


    I'm trying to build a DEX/INT sorcerer, meaning Moonlight Horn and Velkas Rapier, load < 25% for grain and nimble nimble pew pew with INT push. Duo to this right here, I wanted to ask:

    The speed of spell casting increases with dexterity, max speed at 45 dex.

    Casting speed is only affected by Dexterity in the range of 35-45. Anything below 35 and there will be no change in casting speed.

    Dexterity only effects casting speed of attack spells.

    45 Dexterity varies on the casting speed for different spells.

    Pyromancy: Increases attack pyromancy between 20-27%
    Sorcery and Miracles are increased by roughly 8-10%

    is the DEX push worth it? I mean, sure I wont only get Spellspeed, but also some more Power for Moonlight Horn and Velkas (eventhough they get pushed more by INT).

    I have no experience yet with casters, so I wanted to ask: do you think the DEX-investment is worth it?

    [pure pve build; at least that's what I'm planning now]


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    DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it? Empty Re: DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it?

    Post by fujiphoenix Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:43 pm

    Yes it is worth it, but I don't think the part about it only working from 35 to 45 dex is true. I have seen video of it working belowe 35.
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    DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it? Empty Re: DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it?

    Post by BLA1NE Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:31 am

    ^Really? I thought the bulk of the difference was between 40-45. But basically, if you don't go all the way to 45, there's no point going above base!

    The answer to your question, OP, is entirely dependent on your build. But right away I can say, if you're focusing on PvE, then no you don't need the slightly faster cast times. As for PvP, it depends. But bear in mind I'm not very fond of increasing dex for casting speed to begin with, so my opinion and recommendations will be biased that way.

    - If you're making a Dex/ Int build, then it's worth it. But I'm only recommending it here because you'll be getting it incidentally. Say, you'd have gone for 40 Dex anyways since you're making a hybrid build, then you may as well dump 5 extra points in Dex since you've already spent so many. A Dex/ Int build, though, won't have all that many attunment slots (maybe 16-19 Att, max 34; definitely not 50) and will have to sacrifice a bit on Vit and End too. I wouldn't recommend going to 50 Int either, since you'll be tight on points; cap Int at 45.

    - If you're making a pure caster, I do not think it's worth it at all. Spend your points in Attunment and Vitality instead. You can check the link in my sig (the Genius) to see how I like my pure casters, though, since I'm a bit extreme in that case. My idea of a Mage has nothing but Vit, Att, and Int. A melee weapon is only there for looks!

    So, all those words to say: if you're making a hybrid build with low Att, medium Vit and End, high Dex and Int, sure it's worth it, incidentally. If you're making a pure mage, no, I wouldn't recommend it. (Truth is, the slightly faster cast times only help people who spam spells. Skilled players rely on being able to create opportune moments to cast, and how to land a hit on their opponent, rather than spamming.)

    But that's just my opinion!

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    DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it? Empty Re: DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it?

    Post by Ladro Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:11 am

    fujiphoenix wrote:Yes it is worth it, but I don't think the part about it only working from 35 to 45 dex is true. I have seen video of it working belowe 35.

    My source is this:
    [section about DEX]

    So I really don't know now, what's true and what is not true =)

    But since:

    BLA1NE wrote:But basically, if you don't go all the way to 45, there's no point going above base!

    ...I should go to 45 anyway, so it doesnt matter if the scaling starts at 35 or not.

    Generally I just thought this could be an interesting build/hybrid, duo to the synergy of DEX and INT with my weapon- and classchoice. I'm pretty new to Dark Souls and I just completed my first Walkthrough with a GSoA-Wanderer, SL100 and i wanted to try something new and different.
    So the reason of this thread is simply to do it right =)

    I would like my build (after leveling the necessary stats) to look something like this:

    Endurence is on 16, because the Sorcerer's Catalyst is heavier then Ivory Catalyst and i will need the Sorcerer's Catalyst later.

    From here on now my idea would have been, to push DEX to 45 and to get Vita up (25 for starters) - and then I would have gone with Intelligence.
    Now well.. I just still don't know, if the DEX-investment will be worth it. More so, since it was said the Spellspeed increase isnt that strong in PVE, so the whole idea behind the synergy between DEX and INT goes down the drain... =(
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    DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it? Empty Re: DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it?

    Post by Reaperfan Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:17 pm

    If you're using Pyromancies, then yes. Some may even consider it a requirement to go to 45. If you're using Sorceries, then no. You see very little improvement in speed, and you don't see any until you've pushed past 40. If you're using Miracles, maybe. It depends on if you're using them for buffs and utility or are making high use of the offensive miracles such as Great Lightning Spear.

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    DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it? Empty Re: DEX for SpellSpeed - Worth it?

    Post by WaffleGuy Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:33 pm

    Hey, I have a sl 40 mage build (didn't level up VIT and END, only ATT and INT). I have done a lot of battles in the Forrest recently (even 1v2), and I can assure you that if you are used to this build, you don't exactly need the DEX. It's up to you ofcourse, it may be useful silly

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