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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Stat Guru
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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by BLA1NE Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:25 pm

    There's a few threads for stand-alone games and a few for demos in the off-topic section, but I thought I'd create this thread so we can discuss demos in general. Mostly I created it because I just played the MGS: Rising and Dead Space 3 demos, and wanted to discuss them, but didn't want to create a thread for each. But in the future this thread can serve to discuss your impressions on any demo.

    Spoiler tags may be an issue we should discuss too. I'm sure some people don't even play some demos because they want to avoid spoiling the final game, so it wouldn't be very considerate to spoil it for them here--also it wouldn't help the discussion if people were avoiding the thread for fear of spoilers!

    So anyways, onto the discussions:

    Metal Gear Solid: Rising

    Before you start this demo, I recommend you give the options menu a look (I always do because I play inverted). I wouldn't normally say this as the first thing when giving my impressions of a demo, but there's one important gameplay mechanic that can be game-breaking if you don't like how it controls--and thankfully you're given the option to change it. I'm talking about the manual cutting mechanic. The default setting is that you control the aim of the cut with the left stick and its direction with the right stick. Not only did I find this weird, since controlling the camera is nearly-always done with the right stick, but especially since I play with inverted aim. I'm used to controlling the inverted camera with my right stick, but NOT with my left stick, let alone an inverted left stick! (And there was no option for inverted right-stick camera and regular left stick cut-aim.) So what you can do, is swap the sticks during the manual cutting mode. The right stick will control the aim of the cut (so you shouldn't have any trouble inverted or regular) and the left stick controls its direction.

    Another thing you should know, in order to properly appreciate this demo, is how to parry (since I found the on-screen prompt nearly indecipherable! But maybe it's just me...). You have to aim the left stick in the direction you want to parry, and press and hold the square button simultaneously. Until I figured that out, I was having trouble getting to grips with the combat since I couldn't figure out how to dodge either (duh, dodging and parrying--Dark Souls vet here!), but if I replay it with a more parry-minded approach I'm sure I won't need to try and dodge as much. But by the way, the closest thing I found to dodging, is jumping while "ninja-running" (R1).

    So my impressions: my interest in the game was starting to wane. Like Vanquish (of the same developer), for which my interest started very high, but eventually dropped to the point where I didn't buy it, I was on the verge of not buying this game. Good thing this demo came about! The gameplay is just a tiny little bit clunky (think MGS-gameplay clunky, but 1/100th of that) but on the whole it's mostly fast and fluid. Most of all, though, it's fun. This is a hack-and-slash game, but its MGS heritage makes it a very interesting hybrid. There's a little bit of sneaking, the level design is slightly more open than your average hack 'n slash, and the "cut-anything" approach is a novel touch. There's a lot of things you can cut that you wouldn't have expected, so do experiment with that. The only thing I didn't much care for was the characters comprising of Raiden's support crew. But Raiden easily makes up for them. Anyways, do try this demo for yourselves! I was especially impressed with the boss fight (and the cutscene prior), so if anything try it for that. Then let me know what you thought!

    Dead Space 3

    This demo immediately immersed me. I have to say I played DS1, and was very surprised just how good it turned out to be. I didn't play the second, but after having played the demo for the third, I feel like I missed out. Not only did this demo get my interest up in DS3, it got me wanting to play the second as well! The jump-scares are pretty funny because you'll see them coming from a mile away, but if you're anything like me you'll enjoy them anyway for the camp value. Ambushes are also too predictable, but they're very sudden, so they still have a way of making you feel good about yourself for having been prepared for them, and handling them like a champ! The highlights of the demo, I think, were the two "boss battles". Without spoiling too much, the first one was a rather generic fight against a large monster, and honestly wasn't all that interesting; the second, however, I found very original, and very exciting. I really don't want to spoil this one, so I'll just say enemies are coming at you from all sides in a very cramped environment. They're slow, but it's the other thing you gotta worry about, and it's not slow at all! Very interesting fight. The demo also includes a co-op mode (I didn't try it yet) and the weapon-modification bench (didn't try it much, has moderate potential I think). So try this one too--hell it's a free demo, you have nothing to lose! Let me know what you think of this one too.

    So as far as I'm concerned, both these demos were successful, since they got me interested in the full games. Also, discuss any other demo you've played recently if you think it was noteworthy--bad, ok, or good (but please be mindful of spoilers).

    Last edited by BLA1NE on Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:26 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : edited title)
    Stat Guru
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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by BLA1NE Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:28 pm

    Just thought: if people would prefer to have separate threads for any title they want to discuss, mention it here. I didn't want to create a thread for each demo I wanted to discuss, but I realize in the future people might prefer to have a thread to discuss a specific demo rather than have it lost in a general thread. Let me know if you think it's better to have one thread for all, or a thread for each.
    Tyler Durden
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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by RANT Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:32 pm

    demo section kinda makes sense, i played ds3 demo last night and i am kinda disappointed, i just wasnt into it at all, i loved the first and second but from the demo i played i dont think i'll rent it when it comes out. i dont plan on even playing the demo of revengeance since those games get old so fast so i figured ill rent it when it comes out, beat it once and never play it again.
    Stat Guru
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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by BLA1NE Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:40 pm

    I never even think to rent anymore... What I do, though, is play my backlog and then pick up some game for cheap. I got the first Dead Space for 20$, I imagine I'll do the same with the second now. Maybe with the third too, then! As for Revengeance, it'll depend on the time I have. I'm playing Disgaea 4 right now, and that can keep me occupied for a long time. Then I'll probably get Ni No Kuni. Then, maybe Bioshock: Infinite. So I'll probably end up getting MGS:R at discount also. Judging from the demos, in my opinion, both are at least worth buying at discount--or renting.
    Tyler Durden
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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by RANT Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:18 am

    BLA1NE wrote:I never even think to rent anymore... What I do, though, is play my backlog and then pick up some game for cheap. I got the first Dead Space for 20$, I imagine I'll do the same with the second now. Maybe with the third too, then! As for Revengeance, it'll depend on the time I have. I'm playing Disgaea 4 right now, and that can keep me occupied for a long time. Then I'll probably get Ni No Kuni. Then, maybe Bioshock: Infinite. So I'll probably end up getting MGS:R at discount also. Judging from the demos, in my opinion, both are at least worth buying at discount--or renting.

    im the opposite, i rarely buy games anymore unless its something that i rent and like a lot or i know that its gonna be good. i said it before and i say it again, i will never buy another shooter again. not even bl2 could keep me entertained for more than 6 weeks, ni no kuni should keep me entertained till dark souls 2 comes out.
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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by BLA1NE Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:27 am

    RantFromRant wrote:i said it before and i say it again, i will never buy another shooter again.
    That's why I'm undecided about Bioshock. Especially considering I wasn't interested in the previous ones. For a shooter to stay interesting long, it has to be multiplayer-focused, and a deep experience at that. I'm not talking about a CoD-type multiplayer--that'd entertain me as much as a phone game! But MAG interested me almost as much as Dark Souls has.
    Tyler Durden
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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by RANT Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:03 am

    BLA1NE wrote:
    RantFromRant wrote:i said it before and i say it again, i will never buy another shooter again.
    That's why I'm undecided about Bioshock. Especially considering I wasn't interested in the previous ones. For a shooter to stay interesting long, it has to be multiplayer-focused, and a deep experience at that. I'm not talking about a CoD-type multiplayer--that'd entertain me as much as a phone game! But MAG interested me almost as much as Dark Souls has.

    i feel the same, until they ruined it with the damn patches.
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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by Carphil Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:04 pm

    Nice one Blaine

    I enjoyed DS3 demo, but like many, I think the CO OP part removes the best part of the fun, the terror thing

    About rising, the reason why you "cut" with the left stick is because in MGS2, when Raiden finally got his first Blade, the control command to use it was the left stick and nothing more (except blocking) Until then, left and right sticks had no purpose on MGS saga.

    Still didn't played Rising, I'm downloading the Demo. But I'm a big fan of MGS series.

    I still have to play Ni No ka err, something like that. Everyone saying its great so..

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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by BLA1NE Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:05 pm

    Thing is, I never found Dead Space to be scary to begin with! So I wouldn't mind losing that in the co-op since I didn't have it to begin with. I always said, it's because I'm so good at shooters, that whatever comes at me, I know I can handle easily. So if nothing is a threat, how can I be scared? But even though they're not scary, I do find them very immersing. And that, I don't think DS3 did badly.

    About the MGS:R: I just blame Japanese developers' noobishness at developing shooters! Shooters were historically western games, and the Japanese didn't make or play them. It took a while for them to start playing them, let alone develop them. And at first, you'd get a lot of strange things, like using the wrong stick to aim. So I just assumed that was what happened with Rising. silly (Having said that, from what I remember, the shooting mechanics in MGS4 were very sound.) Also, I played MGS1 through 4, but it's been a while since I played the first ones so I'm shady on the details. Completely forgot you even controlled Raiden with a sword!

    Ni No Kuni has a demo also. I liked it, and I'm pretty sure I'll eventually get the game. Basically, if you want to play a JRPG, then you should get it now!
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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by Tolvo Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:23 pm

    Just Cause 2

    I think this may be one of the greatest Demos in existence. You can pretty much do whatever you want in it, since it's basically like getting the actual game for thirty minutes with two missions.

    Ever wanted to dive off a mountain and land onto a car, then drive it to a helicopter and tie the two together, taking off then knocking down sky high cranes with your car wrecking ball?

    You have? Well try this Demo!

    It is not really challenging, but that's not the point anyway. It's a dumb action game that totally takes that and rolls with it. The main gripe is every time you start up your 30 minutes, or was it 15, of sandbox is you have to watch a cut scene before hand. Afterwards, the world is your oyster for a time.

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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by densetsushun Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:06 pm

    Renting isn't even an option here sad Speaking of demos, played the DMC3 and Guardians of Middle Earth demos recently, both pretty nice. I was also one of the lucky few selected to test the multiplayer beta of Assassin's Creed Revelations, still proud of that big grin
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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by BLA1NE Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:38 pm

    Too lazy to give detailed impressions right now, but I wanted to say a few words about the Crysis 3 Beta. Basically, it's a competent multiplayer game, does well what it sets out to do. Having said that, it's not for me! It's just too noob-friendly for my taste, and I would get bored of it very, very fast. CoD fans will enjoy though, I don't doubt.

    I enjoyed: the camo mechanics. At first I thought the camo was OP, but it just takes a bit of getting used to. With practice, you'll be able to spot camoed enemies (especially when you know where people are most likely to be using their camo). But more importantly, it's fun to use the camo when you figure out its intricacies. 1: Do not run while using camo. Not only are you more visible, but it depletes your battery very quickly. 2: Deactivate camo just before shooting an enemy. Turn it back on just after! This will prevent you from having to wait for your battery to recover from "overheating" (or whatever it is) which is caused by shooting while being camoed. Other than the camo, I liked the stats progression... more or less. I always find it retarded that, the higher in rank a player gets--theoretically the better they should be getting, too--the more OP gear they unlock... That's logical how?! Sure, give the best players the best gear, that will make the game balanced...

    I did not enjoy: the game is noob friendly. Aim-assist turned on by default (I can't tell you how strong the assist is, though, since I turned it off right away), few bullets to kill, maps layouts are not overly interesting, etc... Also, the game DOES NOT give you headshots when you AIM FOR the head. I absolutely hate that in mp games. I always aim for the head, rarely get head shots. Meanwhile I get headshotted--once in a while, it's true, not too often--by people who are clearly not aiming for my head (probably not aiming at all, actually: aim assist).

    Overall I enjoyed it more than I didn't. What bugged me most though is that it falls in line with current console FPSs that feel they must coddle the noobs and do everything within its power, without making it apparent as much as possible, to give them crutches. Example: if it were up to me, aim-assist would be an option in mp FPSs, but it would be off by default. If you turn it on, there would be an icon next to your name that let everyone know you're using it. It's not a big deal, it's just an icon, but it'd be a little badge of shame. Not enough to dissuade people who need it from using it, but enough to deter those with even minimal pride! Like the Mask of the Mother, if you will. silly Oh also, having aim-assist turned on would disable headshot damage multipliers.

    Anyways, I didn't really go in-depth, but if anyone else tried the Beta and comments I'll talk about it some more.
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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by Carphil Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:34 pm

    The hunter mode is fun, killing a few before you die really make them embarrased.

    Then when I get killed and become hunter I stay afk silly

    Overall its a nice Beta. Wish it had more robots or larger maps tho
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    Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta Empty Re: Demo Discussion Thread - Now Discussing: DS3, MGS:R, Crysis 3 Beta

    Post by Mr. Tart Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:35 pm

    I really enjoyed the MGS: Rising demo to the point of which i'm considering getting the full game. And that comes from someone who usually does not enjoy hack and slash kinda games.

    As far as Dead Space 3, i loved the demo, and i actually got the game today, 2 days earlier than i'm suppose to be getting it. big grin

    I loved the demo, although kinda had some mixed feelings about it as well, fearing that it may not live up to the horror that DS1 and DS2 offered, but man was i wrong. So far i've only enjoyed this game. There are obviously flaws in the game, i mean, any game has them, but i'm in love with the game. I haven't finished it yet though, so it's hard to say where on the list of DS games i would put it. I do kinda wish they had multiplayer in it though, as i loved the multiplayer in DS2.

    As far as Crysis 3, i'm not even gonna give it a try. I tried Crysis 2 once, and i found the game to be fairly good. However, i got bored of it rather quickly, and i felt like there was nothing memorable about it at all, so no Crysis 3 Beta for me.

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