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The Letter X
Back Lot Basher
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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)


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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by BlazingSoul Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:23 pm

    Hello to all, just joined the forum. Im a 16 year old guy from Finland, and play dark souls about 4 hours a day.

    I have been playing Dark Souls Prepare to Die edition for 60+ hours now, and bosses that are still left are Kalameet the black Dragon (hard as fook), And of course Gwyn Lord of cinder (not too worried about). I belong to the Dragon covenant, dont really care. On NG I will join the Darkwraiths though, just so I can get A Red Eye Orb. Maybe, idk.

    The game is awesome, I effing love it! My Character is a lvl 95, full Ornstein set with lightning spear +5 and Quelaaqs Furysword +3 (atm) I also use a greatsword+10 for occasional hard bossfights. I dont know how to use magic effectively, nor sorcery or anything like that. I am also thinking of making a PvP build, fast character, big damage, some magic etc.

    Now that Ive been playing alot more, I have begun to notice that the game isnt really that hard. Before crucifying and burning me alive, hear this. The game is definitely hard at the start, but when you make it out of Undead parish and get the drake sword, it gets just so easy in my opinion. Sure, I did bash my head on walls on O&S, but everything can be overcome with enough time, and concentration. It took me 2 tries to defeat the Four Kings, and 4 to defeat Manus. I find this kinda weird, not complaining though haha! Its just that "the hardest game everrrrrr hurr durr" isnt really that hard in my opinion. When you stay calm, know what you are doing, have good gear and keep your head on, the game is a breezetrough. Even most of the bosses are relatively easy, even in the beginning if you have atleast some reflexes.

    Anyway, make an estimate, how many times you died on your first playtrough. I know it may be hard to estimate it, but give it a shot.

    As far as I go, I dont think the number is over 70. Something around 50-60. And I did the DLC so, hehe. Not being an egotist here.
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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by Sentiel Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:33 pm

    Welcome to the forums. I hope you'll like it here. happy

    I'm playing video games for over 20 years. Dark Souls is nowhere near hard, it just severely punishes players mistakes and doesn't hold his hand while playing. It's just that gamers these days aren't used to that, so I think that it's hard, I think all games should be like this.

    I guess I'm a masochist...
    From! What have you done to me?! lol!

    How many times I died on my first time?
    A lot. Perhaps a 100 times, or more.
    I played Demon's Souls and I knew I want to keep playing Dark Souls for a long time, so instead of just playing it, I was experimenting a lot.
    My curiosity is to be blamed for most of my deaths.
    "How much damage does that attack do?"
    "Can I jump there?"
    "Ooooh treasure!"
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    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:15 pm

    Welcome and what Sentiel said. There's a lot of Atari games that are harder. Many Nintendo games would rock this one's face in "difficulty." This is on par with some of those in that "you will die, and a good amount" but the sheer fact that you will ALWAYS come back means that I agree with the original post. It's not that difficult in the end because all you have to do is keep trying.

    Anyway, I would say I died hundreds of times. Curiosity killed the cat, and me. Over, and over, and over. For instance, I spent over an hour at the first bonfire in Blight Town dying repeatedly. Why? I though that ledge nearby looked wide enough to land on. I couldn't stop trying until I had a good enough sample of "I shoulda landed that if it was possible" jumps to determine that maybe I should move on. So an hour of, jump....die.....collect souls....jump.....die......collect souls......jump.....die.....

    Two deaths to the well in Firelink (with and without Fall control, maybe a third or fourth because it's funny).

    Half a dozen deaths in Sen's from the bridge near Tarkus, (WHY CAN'T I LAND THAT WITH FALL CONTROL?!?!?!)

    Another half dozen from the Iron Golem arena (THOSE STAIRS ARE SO CLOSE AND MY PRISMS LAND FINE?!?!?!)

    You get the idea.....I died a lot.

    I also died two times in a row in B. Town with the first set of mosquitoes. Turns out that locking on with a broadsword and some chaotic movement from an enemy means you will fall off ledges. Whoops!

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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by BlazingSoul Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:06 pm

    Oh lolz, I just lost 100 000 souls tongue

    PVP is awesome btw, enjoying it even without a character thats exactly made for it. Also, kalameet is dead, gwyn is for tomorrow.
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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by Back Lot Basher Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:15 pm

    Welcome! I'll confess, I got roughed up a lot on my first playthrough...especially in the Undead Burg (and Taurus). The boss killed me at least 20 times, which is what I get for not reading the tutorial messages about plunge attacks (I'd played Demon's Souls, so I felt I was above reading these messaged...learned the hard way that I was wrong).

    My first play was as a pure mage, so my Vitality did not get much love - and I paid a price for it. If I could do it again, I would have used a lot more melee early on, and worried about magic later.

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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by Uparkaam Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:06 pm

    I don't remember much about my first playthrough. Obviously I died a lot, that's for sure. This video pretty much sums up my first playthrough.

    R.I.P. pre-patch Iron Flesh 2011-2011

    Anyway, welcome to our forums! It's always nice to see new faces here. Hope you'll enjoy your stay How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) 3149687655

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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by Samurainova Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:50 pm

    Oh god It was awful! I died, I screamed, I cried, I questioned my hope. I began screaming with frusturation and shrieked in pain at the loss of my souls. But would I do it over again? HEEELLLLL YESSS!!! Playing dark souls is like having a child, it hurts the first time but once its over, it is completely amazing. And, an amazing journey lies ahead happy
    The Letter X
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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by The Letter X Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:39 pm

    I died hundreds of times my first playthrough. I just got mad at myself for being so stupid, and furiously pushed on. I was a very mean person during my first playthrough of Dark Souls.

    Welcome to the forums, by the way.

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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by drmuto Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:51 pm

    died like 10 times on asylum demon not knowing i had to run past him with my broken sword...gargoyles took me forever, then i learned co-op as human. cake walk from there

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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by will-yeah-buddy Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:02 pm

    Finished dark souls for the first time last week, last boss was emotional (dat music).

    I died 100 of times, my ps3 control is held together with tape on one side cos I raged so hard (never raged at a game before)

    I only found out today about chaos weapons, so much I dont know

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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by LunarFog Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:17 pm

    I didn't die all that much since I tried to conserve my life as much as possible. Most of my deaths probably had to do with fighting against a boss over and over and over. I'd say maybe...a little over 50?

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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by psychichobo Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:17 pm

    I was so obsessed with being at full health I played EXTREMELY cautiously, so I may not have died as much as others early on. However, most bosses claimed a couple of my lives, with Bed of Chaos killing me a whole bloody eight times. Plus, areas where I was trying to figure out what to do (like with the Basin Hydra and the bloody Crystal Caves) cost me a lot of lives, and some enemies in particular shredded me (looking at you here Skeleton Dogs).

    I don't think I hit 50 on my first playthrough, but it's possible. It's a reasonable benchmark for me.

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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by IWeltrip Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:25 pm

    Deaths on my first playthrough.... That number is mind numbing. Definitely more than one-hundred times, and maybe more than two-hundred. I don't even want to think of all the Humanities and Souls I might have lost...

    Welcome to the forums. n.n
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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by User1 Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:37 pm

    For me: I died at least 150 times on my first playthrough. I died at least 15 times on Taurus, and Bell Gargoyles. Died about 50 times on Ceaseless Discharge.How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) 2707236321 And about 40 on Gwyn. My battery pack for my Xbox controller was so bashed up from being thrown at the wall, it did'nt work anymore. But that first time you complete the game.... It feels so good. But, I have now done so many different playthroughs of the game, I die around 5 to 10 times, since I can remember all of every area in the game. I'm so sad... How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) 2707236321
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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

    Post by Carphil Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:50 pm

    On my first playthrough, I died:

    50% Monster, bosses, Invasions, Cliffs

    50% Bed of Chaos

    welcome to the forums!

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    How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello) Empty Re: How was your first time through the game? - (Saying hello)

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