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    Trial of the Gods


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    Trial of the Gods Empty Trial of the Gods

    Post by boomy108 Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:29 pm

    Immortality is our friend. In this land there are many gods. we seek to become one. our skills and our ego's will always be there to help us carry on, to push forward into any battle no matter the risk. we merely seek out one thing... To become the god we so rightly deserve to be.

    Goals of the Covenant:
    our goals may vary depending on how we wished to be viewed but one thing must remain true. we must never back down no matter the risk. gods do not seek death so neither must we. we will always be the first to enter a fight once it is suggested. be this with another individual or even another covenant (Even if this doesn't grow to be as big as the others we must still show our bravery). We only seek the fight. we live for the fight. we will never truly die as long as their are still battles to be fought.

    Ranking of the gods:
    God of Guidance and Protection- You have decided to best your skills and reinforce your apparel to help you defeat any challenge. but you did so, in a way that you may still seek out and help those that are new to their adventures. It will be your job to guide these new adventurers through their beginnings and protect them from any one who tries to hinder them. (basically you stay at a low level but bust your *** for cool gear to anti grief the griefers.)

    God of Hardships-All you truly wish to do is make life more difficult for anyone's life you come across. you seek to invade their lands and slay them on their own turf. (red eye orb requirement or just a lot of cracked red orbs. just invade people okay?)

    God of Justice-You wish to seek out those that have sinned against others. all you wish is for vengeance and Justice. (Blade of the darkmoon covenant requirement.)

    God of Honor-You do not wish to step on any toes. you just seek out to test your skills against others in a world filled with honorable challenges. (red soapstone requirement and you must bow before you battle.)

    Rules of the Covenant:
    If two covenant members ever meet in battle a bow is mandatory (but not if its 2 vs 1) and they must resolve their differences. if two gods start to bicker or wish to test themselves i will host a battle for them in my own world on an agreed upon battlefield. other then that you may do as you wish. after all, you are trying to become gods

    If this covenant starts picking up i will eventually start adding more rankings and make other people decision makers in my absence. i just really hope i can get this going. so if you're interested PM me and I will be more then happy to add you. my playstation Network account is boomy108 and my password is... ha yeah right

    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Trial of the Gods Empty Re: Trial of the Gods

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:36 pm

    I declare war upon you...

    I jest - but the covenant idea is an interesting concept.
    Hopefully you get a decent number of people to join.

    Posts : 12
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    Join date : 2013-02-18
    Age : 29
    Location : F***** Candyland

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    Post by Informidance Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:27 pm

    What system is this on?

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