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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG


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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by raecor14 Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:56 am

    has anyone ever noticed that each of the arch-stones has there own game feeling? for example the first arch-stone represents action adventure games, its all very 1 dimensional and not a whole lot of side tracks you can go on. the enemies are quite fair in difficultly and for the most part all you find here are swords and shields.

    the second arch-stone represents the same as the first but with a more foreign feeling, the enemies are what i would consider more "Japanese" as they are close to human, but just off enough to unsettle you.

    the tower of latria is of cause a horror level. the enemies are creepy and powerful. the people and things you find in there just add to this sense of a greater evil and then when you got to the old monk this is all realized.

    arch-stone number 4 reminds me of a jrpg. undead. magic swords. a guy who turns on you when you give him the thing he wants. just this entire level reminds me of one. even the name "old hero" screams our jrpg.

    and the Vally. survival horror on with a sad twist, in my short but intense experience with games i have found that the Japanese can do so much more with horror than any western developers. i don't believe it is a racial thing, i think it may be because they use myth's that westerners don't know well if at all. this level is i my opinion the centerpiece of the game it has some of the best level structure. the most area story. and some interesting bosses.

    well thank you for reading my thoughts on the game, its been a while since i have played it but this weekend i may do a play through

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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty Re: demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:05 am

    Valley of Defilement may have been the most engaging video game level/area I have ever played. Simply put, it is perfect. I can't help but to wonder if they got the inspiration from an old Hey Arnold (I'm serious!) episode in which Arnold and Jerald drop his grandfathers watch into the sewer, and while trying to find it they discover a secret society of mole people. VoD felt like the realized version of that fantasy, though realistic and terrifying.

    All the other area's of DS are top notch as well, but VoD is one I will always remember distinctly.

    And I think it is a racial thing. On average, Asians have the highest IQ of all the races. Like it or not, that is a fact. I think Asian game developers understand better how to affect the mind of a gamer, whereas western developers only go for the shock factor.

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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty Re: demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by LD_Soze Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:16 am

    "And I think it is a racial thing. On average, Asians have the highest IQ of all the races. Like it or not, that is a fact"

    I really have an issue with this statement - it is NOT a fact do the proper research

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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty Re: demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:46 pm

    I did, but why would it bother you anyways?

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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty Re: demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by raecor14 Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:53 am

    as an average i would agree that they have a higher IQ but i doubt its a racial thing, the few i have met are just really hard workers. and to be honest their schooling is so much harder than mine, i really think they are amazing.

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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty Re: demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by densetsushun Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:20 am

    BIG TIME MASTER wrote:I did, but why would it bother you anyways?
    I'm an Asian and I take an issue with that statement, but that's more the scientist in me speaking. When you make a claim and posit it as fact, you must bear the evidence. Make a big claim, you need big evidence.

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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty Re: demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by Odinbear Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:53 am

    You've been profiled.


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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty Re: demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:41 pm

    Oh brother.

    Fine, Asians are as dumb as the rest of us.

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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty Re: demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by Tolvo Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:05 pm

    BIG TIME MASTER wrote:Valley of Defilement may have been the most engaging video game level/area I have ever played. Simply put, it is perfect. I can't help but to wonder if they got the inspiration from an old Hey Arnold (I'm serious!) episode in which Arnold and Jerald drop his grandfathers watch into the sewer, and while trying to find it they discover a secret society of mole people. VoD felt like the realized version of that fantasy, though realistic and terrifying.

    He was the King, a single Mole Person without a court or anyone else aside from his rat servants.

    Remember your 90's cartoons right!

    Also guys, when talking about things like that focus more on what the culture considers important as opposed to just saying its a race thing.

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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty Re: demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by densetsushun Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:38 pm

    BIG TIME MASTER wrote:Oh brother.

    Fine, Asians are as dumb as the rest of us.

    Oh believe me, that's closer to the truth than you think silly Would still have preferred an argument of some form to back your claim up. People should practice internet arguments more, it'll make the world a better place!

    Or entertain me, whichever comes first.

    Edit: In case I sound like a huge prick, I mean actual debates with logical argumentation and evidence, not the kind of internet banter that usually quickly turns into flamewars fueled by "your opinion is stupid because I disagree, therefore you are stupid". With entertain I mean trading opinions and arguments is quite the form of entertainment for me, you never know when you get to learn something new or see something from a different perspective.

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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty Re: demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:47 am

    Nope. I don't want to damage any fragile ego's.

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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty Re: demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by Tolvo Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:16 am

    You hurt Hey Arnold's Feelings!

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    demons souls is more than Just an RPG Empty Re: demons souls is more than Just an RPG

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:39 pm

    I am glad that you had the knowledge and the care to correct me on that, because now I realize that I need to re-watch that episode. Do you remember the title?

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