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    invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons.


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    invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons. Empty invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons.

    Post by EeAyEss Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:09 am

    I invaded and a host died. Bam like 500k souls. I backstabbed the rss he summoned. Bam 1m souls. Ummm.... the max is 880k souls, right? As an invader?

    I've noticed this alot, invaders killing other invaders then getting lots of souls.

    On the ps3.

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    invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons. Empty Re: invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons.

    Post by Kirk-Barb Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:46 am

    Probably the game added the two soul totals totals together. When I first started playing I thought the faster I killed NPCs the more souls I got. Turned out the game was just adding the kills together as they ran into my total number held.

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    invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons. Empty Re: invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons.

    Post by EeAyEss Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:47 am

    The overall total was 1.5 mil.

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    invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons. Empty Re: invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons.

    Post by Kirk-Barb Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:51 am

    Maybe the game treated you as a host when dealing out souls for your victory since the original host was already dead.

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    invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons. Empty Re: invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons.

    Post by EeAyEss Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:51 am

    I think invaders get more souls from killing other invaders. But it could have glitched. :/

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    invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons. Empty Re: invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons.

    Post by Uparkaam Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:42 pm

    I too have gotten huge amounts of souls from other invaders sometimes. Most I've gotten was over 2 mil. from some darkwraith.

    He was ganking with a host in the Forest. I managed to trick him into backstabbing his buddy while I slipped away in the confusion. I jumped down into the Darkroot Basin and waited.
    After about 20 minutes they started to get bored because they didn't get any invaders. So they fought each other. The host killed the darkwraith (netting me over 2 mil.) and then he jumped off a cliff (netting me over 800k).

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    invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons. Empty Re: invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons.

    Post by VaDoom Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:52 pm

    I once earned around 1millions as an invader in the tomb of the giant. It means that he needed 10 millions for his next level. Is that even possible?
    On topic, I think when you're in the world of someone else as a darkwraith, if an other darkwraith dies, you earn as many souls as the host earn : 50% the amount the DW requieres for his next level.

    Last edited by VaDoom on Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons. Empty Re: invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons.

    Post by EeAyEss Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:52 pm

    that's my theory as well

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    invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons. Empty Re: invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons.

    Post by abmoner Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:14 pm

    Funny story I was in the OT fighting as a red (using a cracked red eye) and we were both using a GS but he destroyed me from the start got me glowing red from RTSR.

    So I guess he figured he won (he did no arguments)and just ran down the stairs and jumped off the cliff netting me 900,000 souls. A donation I guess.

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    invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons. Empty Re: invaders getting souls from killing other invaders/rss summons.

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