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    More rumors regarding Playstation 4


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    More rumors regarding Playstation 4 Empty More rumors regarding Playstation 4

    Post by ChizFreak Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:31 pm

    Sony Computer Entertainment recently regirested a mark called "Panopticon" which is greek for "can see it all". Companies do this all the time, they register names they might use or not for future products, but the strange thing about this, is that they also registered a logo accompanying this trademark, which is the following:

    More rumors regarding Playstation 4 Playstation_4-2189057

    Now why would they register a name AND a logo together, if they weren't sure they were going to use it? Many gaming websites are already speculating this is something that has to do with the PS4 announcement.

    In case you don't know, the PlayStation Blog recently created a post called "See the Future", with a video showing only the Cross, Square, Triangle, and Circle logos moving around, and with a text in the post saying "Be the first know", that when clicked leads you to the "Playstation Meeting 2013" website which is taking place the 20th of February. Everybody expects it to be the PS4 announcement.

    In my opinion, this "Panopticon" has something to do with the Playstation Eye equivalent of the PS4, given the resemblances of the names (Playstation Eye - Panopticon "can see it all")
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    More rumors regarding Playstation 4 Empty Re: More rumors regarding Playstation 4

    Post by RANT Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:46 pm

    im really hoping they dont announce it, they should wait. that logo kinda looks like a killzone logo, i want killzone 4!!!

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