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    Trouble updating my iphone


    Posts : 435
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    Location : Finland

    Trouble updating my iphone Empty Trouble updating my iphone

    Post by Murkulanvippi Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:55 am

    I 've had this problem for long now. I can't update my iphone. It always stops at file backup. My current version is 4.3.3 so it's really been long without an update. The file backup starts normally but never finishes, and i get no error messages.

    Anyone else have these same issues?

    Reason why i want to update is cause there are some applications i would like to get, but they require ios5 update.

    I'm also thinking of jailbreaking my phone. So i'd like to ask what risks does it involve?

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    Location : The nether regions

    Trouble updating my iphone Empty Re: Trouble updating my iphone

    Post by densetsushun Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:36 am

    As far as I know jailbreaking has progressed far passed being able to brick your phone, but you should always take caution and read instructions thoroughly if you plan on doing it.

    As for updating, try backing up your phone or at least your data with iCloud and then perform a factory reset, then try updating it. Which version of iPhone do you have? I know the 3GS or 3G doesn't support past a certain version of iOS.

    Posts : 435
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    Location : Finland

    Trouble updating my iphone Empty Re: Trouble updating my iphone

    Post by Murkulanvippi Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:32 am

    densetsushun wrote:As far as I know jailbreaking has progressed far passed being able to brick your phone, but you should always take caution and read instructions thoroughly if you plan on doing it.

    As for updating, try backing up your phone or at least your data with iCloud and then perform a factory reset, then try updating it. Which version of iPhone do you have? I know the 3GS or 3G doesn't support past a certain version of iOS.

    I have iphone4. Forgot to mention in the OP. happy

    I'll try that today. Thank you

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