by undead lee Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:33 am
Thanks to all who posted on this thread i finially defeated the Capra demon last night.
As suggested i cycled through the bonfire and rats under the bridge and obtained a couple humanity. So off i went to the lower burg.
I have read the wiki on co-op play but inadvertently did it wrong on a number of occasions by laying down a summoning message myself (i know.... i'm thick!!).
After helping others defeat the Capra Demon three times (and getting even more humanity for my efforts) i realised i needed to summon someone off their marker..... now i know this is obvious to all.... but not me... so i'll assume there are some new players, like me, who will find this little gem of info some use.
I wrote a message at the little bridge just prior to the misty entrance. unfortunately there isn't any "Need Help" options in the text, so a "Need Knight / Need Soldier" etc was the closest thing i could think of...... sorry for all you experienced players for stating the obvious but i believe this little statement should be added in the wiki. I have seen these messages before and didn't realise what they were on about.... i told you i was alittle slow.........
Anyway - after a few minutes, success, and the key was mine --- thanks the to the person who helped me
---- i would have loved to thank them but the game does not allow apart from the mandatory reward of 3000 souls and a humanity point.
One Question ----- I had lots of Failed summons ---- any idea why?
OK, two questions ---- lots of another colour summon signs appeared are these invader summons wishing for a PvP fight?
Anyway i'm a very happy chappy who now has the delights of the depths to explore
Last edited by undead lee on Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:35 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Punctuation)