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    Lookin for Co op


    Posts : 13
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    Join date : 2013-02-27

    Lookin for Co op Empty Lookin for Co op

    Post by Texasissouth Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:56 pm

    I've been playing Dark Souls for awhile. 90% of it has been solo and the rest has been with co op. And i really enjoy the co op aspect of it. Was just lookin for a co op buddy to play with. No req, no themes. Just good ole jolly co op. I live in Colorado so we go by mountain time. My play time is usually after work, but since the winter weather is still lingering we still have snow days so i can play for a good part of the day. I play on the PC so you can either add my GT: XxBojangalxX or my Steam ID. the url is

    Thanks for reading, Cheers! \o/

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