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    Problems with the DLC


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    Location : Somewhere in Asia

    Problems with the DLC Empty Problems with the DLC

    Post by Automancer Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:40 pm

    Primarily, the Broken Pendant.

    I just purchased the DLC, never bought a DLC before.

    I did all the proper steps to get to the DLC.
    - placed the Lordvessel
    - killed Hydra, rescued Dusk, said yes to her dialogue, summoned her
    - killed the golem in the Archives

    No idea what's going on. I can't have missed it since the pendant is an auto drop. The add-on automatically downloaded and installed itself. Still nothing. Went to Account Management and downloaded the add-on again. Still nothing.

    I don't want to know that i wasted my money on this.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Problems with the DLC Empty Re: Problems with the DLC

    Post by GrinTwist Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:44 pm

    You don't need to summon her after you save her from the golem and the hydra, you just need to save her and then go kill the golem. If he doesn't drop it at first quit the game and reload it, you might find the broken pendant where the golem is located. If that isn't the case you might need to start over with a new character.

    Posts : 1131
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    Join date : 2012-10-16
    Location : Somewhere in Asia

    Problems with the DLC Empty Re: Problems with the DLC

    Post by Automancer Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:53 pm

    Note that all my characters are BB-glitched before i updated the patch. Does that have anything to do with that?

    Also, when you load up the game, will it say checking Artorias of the Abyss content like it does for the Xbox? If the DLC is properly installed, will it appear under the Games tag with the game?

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    Problems with the DLC Empty Re: Problems with the DLC

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