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    Rant about weapons

    The Letter X
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by The Letter X Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:42 pm

    Name a weapon that you like the looks of. Now find a weapon that you like the moveset of. Alternate between these two weapons as you see fit.

    I use the Catch Pole on a regular basis just because I like the way it looks. Its R2s are terrible when used at the wrong time so I just find myself staying at a good distance while tapping R1. I also carry the Chaos Blade or Claymore because I like their movesets and I just pull them out if I feel I need a better weapon for a moment.

    Some weapons are definitely better than others, but the person behind the weapon is doing most of the work. Beating someone with a weapon only means they could not counter it well enough. We will always be limited to the movesets currently in the game, we can only try to make the best of them.

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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by Dutchy Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:47 pm

    Sorry. X, but your words seem rather contradictory towards your signature silly
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by The Letter X Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:48 pm

    Dutchy wrote:Sorry. X, but your words seem rather contradictory towards your signature silly

    My words will always contradict my signature.
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:49 pm

    Chaos blade is my favourite, regardless of use.

    My favourite weapon to use is a BSS, usually buffed with an offhand weapon/ catalyst.

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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Silver Knight Weapons

    Post by Paragon Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:51 pm

    Ive got to say overall I like the Silver Knight weapons the best. The looks, the power, the movesets are all amazing but its their bonus features that have my love. The fact that the SKSS is so powerful and still buffable is simply fantastic. The spear does holy damage but the great thing is that you DON'T need faith to wield it. dont forget the shield though. Honestly if I hadn't found that shield in my first playthrough I probably would not have beaten O&S on my own at level 45.
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by Sentiel Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:36 am

    I had a loooong night.

    I was in Burg and kept using different weapons to learn them and to try them for at least 20 wins each.

    Chaos Blade
    So far one of the best weapons for me, I just really want to find a way to utilize it's obscure R2s.

    This thing suprised me! Although it doesn't have R2 poke, it does a lot damage and it's R2s stagger like a truck and break guards with ease. It's a bit heavy though, same as Claymore for it's size? :roll:
    What failed me is it's crits. It does only around 50 damage less damage than Chaos Blade on R1, but backstab is 200 damage weaker. I don't understand why and it's not #1 reason why I don't want it. BS for 500-ish is really weak.

    OP in weapon form. The damage and combos you can pull with this baby are insane. I've killed a few players with one combo dealing over 1800 on one Stamina bar and they couldn't do a thing against it. If you do Dead Angles and your opponent has less than 58 Poise, he's as good as dead.

    Very similar to Claymore, but does a bit more damage on my Dex build and has Bleed. However, it's R2s aren't as good, but they're still very viable. They do strange Poise damage and have some obscure angles. The weapon has very deceptive design. For some reason, the weapon seems to be short, but it's actually fairly long and has more reach than you'd expect from it.

    2H, unlock R1 left, R1 Right, R1 behind, lock R2 overhead.
    Dat feel when you flatten someone. People must be furious when this happens to them. twisted
    Like it, but prone to get killed by roll bs.

    That's a nice shield you have there.
    Unlock R2s of this sweetheart must've killed many people yesterday. LOVE IT., but the R2s are the only thing good about it for me. It's great when paired with Rapier and SKSS who people love to block, or tank bs.

    I consider rapiers a gentlemans weapon, not to be used to backstab, but to poke and riposte and that's how I use it. It's a 50/50 weapon. Very good by itself, but very bad for ganks, aggresive players (GT spammers and such) and for bs fishers, who just tank bs you.

    Ricard's Rapier
    I never liked ths weapon until I found out I can change angle of it's R2 stab storm, still doesn't cover as range as Rapier's R2 lunge, but it's still very good a low Poise builds get utterly trashed by this, but then, why not use Shotel instead for those?

    I got most of my hatemail when I used this beauty of a spear. Supposedly people hate spear users. Shrug
    It's great but...uh...I feel kind of like an *** when I use it.

    When you hit someone with it's 2H R2, the world becomes such a beautiful place. big grin

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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by Saturday-Saint Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:00 am

    The DeS Estoc has left me so traumatized that every time I read somebody imply that thrusting swords might not be perfect in every way, my first instinct is to call them out on being wrong. Then I remember that you can actually backstab shieldpokers in Dark Souls and calm down a bit.

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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by raecor14 Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:11 am

    well i have had many loves in the world on dark souls. it originated with the falchion and to this day remains on my roster of best weapons ever. it has GODLY stun-locking when used on no poise characters and is brilliant for hit and runs on heavier toons.
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by Sentiel Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:27 am

    I can't find any love for curved swords except for Shotel.
    Their R1 is slow and silly at best. R2s are better, but not worth the effort.
    So all that's left is 2H R1 spam and running R1s. The thing can't even kick...

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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by densetsushun Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:59 am

    Sentiel wrote:I can't find any love for curved swords except for Shotel.
    Their R1 is slow and silly at best. R2s are better, but not worth the effort.
    So all that's left is 2H R1 spam and running R1s. The thing can't even kick...
    Queelaag Furysword has taught me to appreciate the low swipe backflip, it's a godsend.
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by The Letter X Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:01 am

    Do you like any of the straightswords, Sentiel? I'd recommend trying most of them out if you haven't already.
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by Sentiel Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:39 am

    densetsushun wrote:Queelaag Furysword has taught me to appreciate the low swipe backflip, it's a godsend.
    It's parryable.
    I want to have kick because of parry spammers and to cancel animations on high Poise characters in situations where you can't bs. Not to mention for using ledges of course.
    The Letter X wrote:Do you like any of the straightswords, Sentiel? I'd recommend trying most of them out if you haven't already.
    Yes I do.

    I was using SKSS recently and it was fine, just the low crits put me off. Out of all straight swords, I like SKSS the most. The lack of poke I can live with, but bs for 500 is laughable. Since it has no Aux like Chaos Blade and it's a tad bit slower than other swords from the same category, people like to turtle and punish it. So I pack a Shotel for those cases, so I can't have another high Crit weapon.
    Might just get 16 casts of BF instead and go with a DST, or Rapier though...

    BSS is awesome with it's damage and moveset, but I can't help to think of it as a golden toothpick and I tend to spam it's R2 pokes too much...just like most BSS users.

    Barbed Straight Sword is very funny weapon, but I find it too short to use. It's good unless you fight someone with bigger, harder hitting weapon, then it's range and moveset fails me a lot.

    Longsword and Broadsword are very good and very underestimated weapons, but I can't get a grip of them. I saw Billy do some crazy stuf with Broadsword a few times, but it seems extremely risky and prone to bs.

    Astora's is great, I love the look it has, but the damage is pathetic.

    Sunlight Sword...I never found any love for this weapon and it seems slower than Longsword, so I don't bother with it.

    Dark Sword is like SKSS when it comes to speed and power, but it has much worse R2s than SKSS imo. It also seems too massive and it's sheath looks terrible with my character.

    I have 28 Str / 45 Dex SL 127 and it has fully upgraded ALL weapons it can use with these stats. I use it to test stuff etc.
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by The Letter X Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:47 am

    ^Offhand a curved sword with the SKSS. Just do it. You can get free attacks after a kick, can chain insane combos, can attack people during their rolls much easier, can dead angle, and get a free attack with it before you riposte someone as long as it won't break their poise. It also has a recovery time that seems faster than a katana.

    You don't have to of course, I just find offhanding curved swords with straight swords was meant to be.
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by Sentiel Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:13 am

    I do like to offhand PGS a lot. The Bleed is handy when I use a katana and parrying with it is much easier than with a medium shield.

    What I like about these weapons, that unlike a katana they look good with a shield. Katana + shield is meh, it's like ice cream on lasagna. :Baal01:
    Both are good, but not together.

    SKSS + Shield looks and works good, the problem with SKSS is that it has really weak crits imo. I know that I could add some damage by using offhand attack and then riposte, but the problem is that unless it's a setup parry, which are starting to be rare by now, I always parry and and block/roll, in case it fails. I have the timing down perfectly, but latency and last second dead angles f@$k me up way too often.

    To finish it. If I do land a good parry, I usually have time to swap Wolf for Hornet and still land a riposte, it's backstabs that I need stronger. 500 bs is weak. Chaos Blade does around 750 and there's only 50 AR difference between those two weapons...
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by The Letter X Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:16 am

    Then I'd suggest taking a break until you lean one way or another. Take some time to think about it until you decide you do not care about eìther efficiency or looks anymore.

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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by densetsushun Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:45 am

    I'd say, push your boundaries, pick a weapon you know you don't like and roll a build around it, push through NG and do some PvP after. You never know what you might learn from the experience, and you might end up appreciating that weapon in the end.
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by Sentiel Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:28 am

    densetsushun wrote:I'd say, push your boundaries, pick a weapon you know you don't like and roll a build around it, push through NG and do some PvP after. You never know what you might learn from the experience, and you might end up appreciating that weapon in the end.
    That's how I learned to Claymore. winking

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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty SKSS

    Post by Paragon Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:39 pm


    I feel like you might not be giving the SKSS enough credit. If you only consider its worth based on its criticals then you are missing the point of straight swords. Straight swords are meant to be reliable, durable, and adaptable. IMO straight swords are a trusty side arm that never lets you down like a pistol in an first person shooter.

    All im saying is that if your gonna judge a weapon based on its criticals do it to a weapon meant to be used for criticals, like daggers and rapiers.
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by Sentiel Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:00 pm

    I wasn't comparing it to Rapier, but to Chaos Blade, which has only 50 Ar more, but does 200 more on bs.
    I was complaining that SKSS has strangely low Criticals. I think it's because the weapon got patched from it's split damage, but the Crits are still counted from the original lower physical AR.

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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by Paragon Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:02 pm

    Oh okay, I guess I misunderstood you. My mistake. I thought you were saying that because it had low crits it was bad.

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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by reim0027 Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:36 pm

    Saturday-Saint wrote:The DeS Estoc has left me so traumatized that every time I read somebody imply that thrusting swords might not be perfect in every way, my first instinct is to call them out on being wrong. Then I remember that you can actually backstab shieldpokers in Dark Souls and calm down a bit.
    LOL. I know. The Crestoc and purple Estoc rapidly spelled death.
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by Sentiel Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:58 pm

    luvz2fight wrote:Oh okay, I guess I misunderstood you. My mistake. I thought you were saying that because it had low crits it was bad.
    I'm looking for a 'perfect' weapon that will suit me the best and even though SKSS is very good, it's strangely low Crits are a big minus for me.

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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty There is no perfect weapon

    Post by Paragon Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:05 pm

    No single weapon is Dark Souls is arbitrarily superior to any other weapon. The person who wields it determines its worth. For me, SKSS is my perfect weapon but its not THE perfect weapon.

    In your case it sounds like your leaning towards the claymore. A respectable decision. I too absolutely love the Claymore. But there is just something special about the SKSS, at least for me.

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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by befowler Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:11 pm

    Some of my favorites:

    Honorable mention: dragonform unarmed claw attacks. These things seem worthless at first, but do astonishing amounts of damage on critical hits and get a HR bonus. My dragonoid routinely does 800-900 backstab damage with no buffs beyond a HR on in PvP, and more on ripostes. This for something that has fast attacks, no encumbrance weight, and almost always makes your opponent fatally overconfident. Just satisfying as all get out to use.
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    Rant about weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Rant about weapons

    Post by Animaaal Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:15 pm

    What about a straight up sniper?

    Bows, crossbows, ranged magic....

    Maybe have a Bandits Knife for people good at pressuring?

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