Watch Anime.
Play TF2.
Drink Mountain Dew.
Drink Fanta.
Drink Tango.
Drink Coke.
Go on these forums.
Watch idiots on Youtube.
Consider if I should bother waking up tomorrow.
Eat Salami Sandwiches.
Play L4D2.
Play Morrowind.
Play Skyrim.
Play Demon's Souls (When I can get it to work)
Watch livestreams.
Make a barrier at my door so my friends can't get in.
Listen to anything on my playlist on Spotify.
Go on Skype.
Get more Mountain Dew.
Get some more Mountain Dew.
Get even more Mountain Dew.
Have one of the world's longest p***es.
And that is the true, 100% honest list of what I do on weekends! Do you agree with my life, have a similar one, or suggest better things to do with my life?