BIG TIME MASTER wrote:"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
To rid the interwebz world of hate-mail, we must all start sending love mail.
BigTimeMaster and I were joking around with the concept of love mail in a different thread, and in order to prevent possible derailing, here is a thread about LOVE MAIL.
Instead of complaining/sharing stories about hate mail, (Mostly sharing, because everyone LOVES hate mail ), why not share love mail?
I often quote Dragonzball PeePee to lighten the mood, or send them a loving, appreciative message, full of sincerity. Or dripping with sarcasm, but that's Dark Souls.
Share some potential (or otherwise) Love Mail!
"Thank you for standing afk in a corner with 99 humanity. I satisfied Kaathe with all that I was able to glean from you. I appreciate your charitable donation to the Darkwraiths; as we need more people like you in the world.
A very happy Darkwraith"
BIG TIME MASTER wrote: "Thank you for taking the time out of your day to play Dark Souls, and thus allowing me the exciting opportunity to test my skills against my fellow man in a manner that benefits us mutually. I am also glad that I was able to assist you in achieving whatever your recreational goals are in Dark Souls. I'd also like to say that I admire your skills and I am always available should you ever need assistance with anything. PLEASE, just ask. Well, it was nice spending some time with you, I wish you well and have a wonderful happy day!"
Last edited by EeAyEss on Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:38 pm; edited 1 time in total