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    Lookin' to pvp.


    Posts : 689
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    Join date : 2012-09-04

    Lookin' to pvp. Empty Lookin' to pvp.

    Post by XachAttack Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:10 pm

    Hey guys o/, it's been a while. I've been recently getting back to Dark Souls a bit and I'de like to pvp for fun \o/. My build's not totally done yet, but it needs about maybe 7 levels to go lol.

    Also, I'll have to make the common pvp areas accessible to me in NG+, so it'll be a bit before I'm fully ready. Gonna work on it once I get this post done.

    I don't have much experience, but people kept saying I was pretty decent when I played regularly, so hopefully I won't die too quickly XD.

    PSN's Xach_Attack and I'm in EST. It's 11:10 AM as of the end of this post.

    I'm willing to head pretty much anywhere except the Forest Hunter..Forest. I dislike hosting, but if it can't be helped then I'll go for it.

    I look forward to our matches!

    Posts : 6715
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    Join date : 2012-01-28

    Lookin' to pvp. Empty Re: Lookin' to pvp.

    Post by reim0027 Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:23 pm

    Just read this, and it is 8:23pm my time. Sorry.

    Posts : 158
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    Join date : 2012-12-27

    Lookin' to pvp. Empty Re: Lookin' to pvp.

    Post by Jodecho Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:29 pm

    im in central time zone, gamertag Jodecho, but if you dont wanna host your gonna have to have RSS.. except for my wife trying to drag me out of the house to go shopping im on most of the time, or atleast able to be on. im taking some vacation time next couple weeks too so ill be home alot more than usual.

    Posts : 689
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    Join date : 2012-09-04

    Lookin' to pvp. Empty Re: Lookin' to pvp.

    Post by XachAttack Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:36 pm

    reim0027 wrote:Just read this, and it is 8:23pm my time. Sorry.
    No worries, this isn't just for today lol, just whenever anyone's up for it. Though I'm fixin' to head to bed here soon.

    Jodecho wrote:im in central time zone, gamertag Jodecho, but if you dont wanna host your gonna have to have RSS.. except for my wife trying to drag me out of the house to go shopping im on most of the time, or atleast able to be on. im taking some vacation time next couple weeks too so ill be home alot more than usual.
    You said Gamertag, does that mean your on Xbox? If so, I apologize, I'm on PS3. I thought me saying "My PSN is.." would make that clear. If not though, awesome, I'll probably be ready when you are.

    My build is ready now, btw, I have just about all the common areas too. Just need the Lordvessel and I'll be set, I think.

    Posts : 158
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    Join date : 2012-12-27

    Lookin' to pvp. Empty Re: Lookin' to pvp.

    Post by Jodecho Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:41 pm

    sorry lol its been a long day i read it right the first time and it just didnt register. my bad

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    Lookin' to pvp. Empty Re: Lookin' to pvp.

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