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    Need help with Ornstein and Smough (SL.10, Xbox) Resolved


    Posts : 42
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    Join date : 2012-03-15
    Age : 28
    Location : In my room, trying my best not to throw my tv out the window

    Need help with Ornstein and Smough (SL.10, Xbox) Resolved Empty Need help with Ornstein and Smough (SL.10, Xbox) Resolved

    Post by Redhawk17torch Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:09 am

    I'm trying to do an play through with a sl.10 character and whenever I fight these two I get one of them almost died then everytime I get both by both and instantly die. I have only enough humanity to go two more times. I'll be on later in the day when I get back home, send me a message if you can help.

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 11, 2024 5:12 am