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The Letter X
Soris Ice Goldwing
Dark Spirit EliteBiker20
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    Is This a Trolling Method?

    Dark Spirit EliteBiker20
    Dark Spirit EliteBiker20

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    Is This a Trolling Method? Empty Is This a Trolling Method?

    Post by Dark Spirit EliteBiker20 Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:20 pm

    I was PvP-ing in the Burg earlier today and encountered a really strange invader. As soon as he spawned on the sniper tower, he looked down at me and ran away. He first went up to the area where the fire bomb throwers are. I shot an arrow or two at him to get him down and he just ran further into the Burg. I didnt know what he was doing at first so I chased after him. After killing all enemies and fighting a very annoying tank invader, I finally found him hiding on the edge by the stairs where the burning barrel rolls down at you, behind the piece of wood thats sitting on the edge. He was just running in place. I decided to throw fire bombs at him. He tried to dodge but he didnt have very far to go. He didnt heal or try to return home. I ended up finishing him off with the fire bombs, but I dont understand what he was doing.

    Sorry for the wall of text, but was this guy/girl trolling me?
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Is This a Trolling Method? Empty Re: Is This a Trolling Method?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:24 pm

    Trolling or new/skilled.
    Dark Spirit EliteBiker20
    Dark Spirit EliteBiker20

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    Is This a Trolling Method? Empty Re: Is This a Trolling Method?

    Post by Dark Spirit EliteBiker20 Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:28 pm

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:Trolling or new/skilled.

    I would sure hope he was new, but I dont think that was the case considering he had DLC armor on and had a catalyst ready to use. The thing that really gets me is that he didnt even try to return home or heal, let alone fight me.

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    Is This a Trolling Method? Empty Re: Is This a Trolling Method?

    Post by LunarFog Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:37 pm

    I've had someone invade me in the forest and then glitch out of the map just to waste my time. After about 3 hours of killing forest invaders, he still didn't d/c so I sen't him a message making fun of his wasted time and walked into Sif's area and homeward boned back.

    Some people just want to waste your time
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    Is This a Trolling Method? Empty Re: Is This a Trolling Method?

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:41 pm

    Tryhard troll who did not know how to give up. Why do some trolls think people will get mad from this?
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Is This a Trolling Method? Empty Re: Is This a Trolling Method?

    Post by The Letter X Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:45 pm

    One person did that to me and we went at it for at least half an hour with a bow and arrow. Eventually I got bored and dropped down onto the platform with him to kill him, , but I had to message him thanking him for the funny trolling.

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    Is This a Trolling Method? Empty Re: Is This a Trolling Method?

    Post by mugenis4real Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:26 pm

    Dark Spirit EliteBiker20 wrote:I was PvP-ing in the Burg earlier today and encountered a really strange invader. As soon as he spawned on the sniper tower, he looked down at me and ran away. He first went up to the area where the fire bomb throwers are. I shot an arrow or two at him to get him down and he just ran further into the Burg. I didnt know what he was doing at first so I chased after him. After killing all enemies and fighting a very annoying tank invader, I finally found him hiding on the edge by the stairs where the burning barrel rolls down at you, behind the piece of wood thats sitting on the edge. He was just running in place. I decided to throw fire bombs at him. He tried to dodge but he didnt have very far to go. He didnt heal or try to return home. I ended up finishing him off with the fire bombs, but I dont understand what he was doing.

    Sorry for the wall of text, but was this guy/girl trolling me?

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    Is This a Trolling Method? Empty Re: Is This a Trolling Method?

    Post by WandererReece Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:59 pm

    Once someone invaded me in the painted world. She saw me and instantly ran away. I chased her as fast as I could. She ran to the blobs, but then she turned around and ran away from them. Is This a Trolling Method? 3596227959 I eventually caught her and killed her with one BS.

    Sometimes they just like to run away and hide. They invade, but they don't want to kill you. They just want to see something else kill you so they can get a free humanity.

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    Is This a Trolling Method? Empty Re: Is This a Trolling Method?

    Post by KrazykevS10 Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:37 am

    Sounds like a rather unsuccessful troll.
    WandererReece wrote:
    Sometimes they just like to run away and hide. They invade, but they don't want to kill you. They just want to see something else kill you so they can get a free humanity.
    Speaking as a troll,not all invaders want you to die.I tend to throw stuff or shoot people with a bow to get their attention and purposely avoid them,I'm sure others do similar things.It's simply fun to make people nervous or paranoid that you are near them.

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    Is This a Trolling Method? Empty Re: Is This a Trolling Method?

    Post by V0rador Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:00 am

    Each to their own I suppose. Personally I just want to kill everything unless it's a summoned ally, in which case, we kill everything.

    Trolls don't really bother me, I die all the time anyway, PVP or PVE, it's part of the game. The only thing that annoys me is the Gravelord glitch, which isn't anybody's fault, it's just a flaw in the game. It's happened to me every night for the past week .

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