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    Astraea's pregnancy

    Chosen Undead
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    Astraea's pregnancy Empty Astraea's pregnancy

    Post by GrinTwist Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:39 pm

    So I really didn't know if I should put this in the Demon's Souls thread or here and after debating with myself for a whole 30 seconds I decided on putting it here.
    Recently I was thinking about the Valley of Defilement in Demon's Souls and how it gives me the feeling like I'm descending into the human body. Let me explain when we first enter the Valley we are put into a very cramped and tight area filled which I've always thought of as the liver of a human being. After, when we reach the second part of the Valley we trudge through a poisonous lake and reminds me fairly of the human stomach with little monsters inside of it. The last and final part though I couldn't put my finger on at first, until it hit me, it's kind of like the womb with little plague babies inside.
    Throughout this whole thought process I knew that Astraea couldn't be directly responsible for Valley's current state, but I thought that it could be From telling another story with the environment and setting. Then I thought about the plague babies within the boss area, could it be that they represent a child of Astraea in a disturbing way? There really isn't an explanation for why those babies are there (as far as I know) within the lore. So is it possible that they are a part of the environmental story of Astraea?
    I think a few of you may have pieced together that if this is the case then Garl would probably be the father of this child as well and it would make sense.

    So I would like to know what you Demon's Souls players think?
    Is this credible?
    Has this already been mentioned?
    or have I just gone hollow?

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    Astraea's pregnancy Empty Re: Astraea's pregnancy

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:06 pm

    Genius, it makes a lot of sense. The first part is the esophagus, waterfalls deep and tight. Plus you're literally descending to the stomach which is the swamp. Also the maiden seems to have a lot of blood in her legs and water.
    Abyss Dweller
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    Astraea's pregnancy Empty Re: Astraea's pregnancy

    Post by User1 Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:11 pm

    It seems to make sense to me. I've never thought of the valley this way, but now I think about it, it makes a surprisingly high amount of sense.
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    Astraea's pregnancy Empty Re: Astraea's pregnancy

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:01 pm

    The environment does kinda seem like that huh? Also, the wooden structures seem somewhat....dare I say.....skeletal? Excellent observation. I always though of the plague babies as symbolic of her saintliness. Kinda that here's the rotting pool of the damned that spawns infantile creatures and she is tasked with supervising like a nun at an orphanage.

    Speaking of the Plague Babies and new experiences in life, the role of these monsters is perfect. I always assumed they represented the lost of that area returning with new life. The physical manifestation and abilities of them to attack seems like Claudia in Interview with the Vampire. Basically, they can learn and develop new skills, but are cursed to remain in their current form. Anyway, my main point was, after experiencing toddlerhood very directly the last couple years, I can say without a doubt that I've never seen an adult match the level of rage that a toddler can. That's not a knock on my daughter, just a reflection that a toddler has not learned restraint, nor do they see any reason to. Plague babies capture this very well with their demeanor. If From would have made them scream like a real toddler, no one would be able to get through that area. Seriously.
    Forum Lord
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    Astraea's pregnancy Empty Re: Astraea's pregnancy

    Post by ublug Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:04 pm

    I think your interpretation is pretty close to what the developers aimed for, another clue is that she's also cradling her demon soul like a newborn baby, but I personally think the theme is more towards rebirth than birth. My view of Astraea is more as a midwife than a mother.

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    Astraea's pregnancy Empty Re: Astraea's pregnancy

    Post by crbngville2 Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:37 pm

    I was led to beleive that the plague babies were aborted fetuses.

    The lore tells us that she went down to the valley to save it from corruption and instead wound up coming corrupted. My thought was that 4-3 was were all of the aborted babies had been disposed of, and after becoming corrupted herself she used her magic to raise them as we find them.
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    Astraea's pregnancy Empty Re: Astraea's pregnancy

    Post by ublug Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:54 pm

    skarekrow13 wrote:Anyway, my main point was, after experiencing toddlerhood very directly the last couple years, I can say without a doubt that I've never seen an adult match the level of rage that a toddler can. That's not a knock on my daughter, just a reflection that a toddler has not learned restraint, nor do they see any reason to. winking

    crbngville2 wrote:I was led to beleive that the plague babies were aborted fetuses.
    I've also read this, but as far as I know there's nothing in the game that directly says so. I assume it's speculation based on the plague babies and the filthy woman's dialogue.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:57 pm

    Yes, I can definitely see it.
    Zeta Prime
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    Astraea's pregnancy Empty Re: Astraea's pregnancy

    Post by Zeta Prime Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:58 pm

    I love ur theory and stuff but im pretty sure there is an explanation of where the plague babies come from. I can't remember where you see it but im sure it says somewhere that they used the valley to dump unwanted babies. Wow.. demons souls always feels so much darker than dark souls... I love it.
    Peaceful Wollyhop
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    Astraea's pregnancy Empty Re: Astraea's pregnancy

    Post by Peaceful Wollyhop Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:33 pm

    As others have already stated, the plague babies are aborted fetuses discarded into the rivers and swamps of the Valley of Defilement. They get washed down the waters and end up at the lowest point of the valley; where Maiden Astrea and Garl Vinland make their home. Here the Sixth Saint brings the fetuses back to life with the power of souls offered to her by the depraved ones of the valley.
    Onion Knight
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    Post by Onion Knight Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:09 pm

    ublug wrote:

    crbngville2 wrote:I was led to beleive that the plague babies were aborted fetuses.
    I've also read this, but as far as I know there's nothing in the game that directly says so. I assume it's speculation based on the plague babies and the filthy woman's dialogue.

    Also the archstone description: 'This damp valley is the resting place of those who have been thrown away'

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    Astraea's pregnancy Empty Re: Astraea's pregnancy

    Post by crbngville2 Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:07 am

    Poliwrath wrote:. Wow.. demons souls always feels so much darker than dark souls... I love it.
    I agree. As much as I love Dark Souls, I think the atmosphere in DeS is darker and more compelling. The Valley of Defilement still creeps me out, even after running through countless times.

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