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Soris Ice Goldwing
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    all kill no skill (sorta vent)


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    all kill no skill (sorta vent) - Page 2 Empty Re: all kill no skill (sorta vent)

    Post by The_Red_Drifter Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:31 am

    Do high slash defense stuff, and throw in something like Great Magic Barrier/Strong Magic Shield/good great shield, and roll out of bleeds. If they're anywhere around typical PvP levels, they typically through all their stats into achieving efficient damage output for their buff and a bunch of spells and then VIT/END, meaning the weapon itself does crap damage. If they switch to BS attempts, counter BS. Basically, become Havel the Rock.

    Alternatively, learn to use spears well. Spears are always fun for screwing them up. Kinda sad that they're get some hate, on account of them becoming my fav PvP weapon because of all this tryhard silliness.

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    all kill no skill (sorta vent) - Page 2 Empty Re: all kill no skill (sorta vent)

    Post by WaffleGuy Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:38 am

    I agree with these guys:
    the quickest solution is to go for a weapon with longer reach. This would probably be a spear.
    They can't catch up to you because you fast roll, they can't reach you because you hit them first. They will keep coming at you because they want to utilise their buff.

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    all kill no skill (sorta vent) - Page 2 Empty Re: all kill no skill (sorta vent)

    Post by Nybbles Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:06 am

    i kept invading this one host in the demon ruins who wore havel's and giants armor with the mask of the mother and two handed a darkmoon blade buffed washing pole. the only thing he did was the running r1 poke followed by the r2 poke. the combo killed me before i could really do anything about it. the one time i back stabbed them, they immediately switched to dark bead and obliterated me. then sent me a message "no backstabs noob" … really?

    i was also invaded (same area, same toon) by a different darkmoon blade buffed falchion spamming housewife that night … seriously?

    it was the most frustrating PVP i've ever had. if i wasn't invading one housewife i was being invaded by another. i never did beat either of them. my guess is they were at least twice my level and had somewhere around 77-90 poise and probably 1500-1800 hit points. it was depressing how outmatched i was by them. they would simply tank through anything i was able to throw at them and kill me in two or three hit, then when i did manage to get them low in life i got the dark bead spam … dulce madre de dios!

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    Age : 33
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    all kill no skill (sorta vent) - Page 2 Empty Re: all kill no skill (sorta vent)

    Post by Pilgrim34 Fri Mar 22, 2013 1:03 pm

    Ouch, that sounds pretty frustrating dude! There's not a great deal that you can do about that sort of situation, maybe go for a lightning rapier/estoc with hornet ring and go for bs near ledges- It's a shame that you didn't get a decent, fair duel but I think the most important thing to remember is that if your opponents are acting like jerks then you are fully entitled to try and give them back a taste of their own medicine!

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