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Zeta Prime
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    Why does Gwyn attack?


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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by Derpwraith Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:31 am

    1. After years of having trouble keeping the fire lit he just goes apesh!t.

    2. He thinks that whoever reaches the flame other than his knights is the dark lawd.

    3. He's jelly.

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by Sandwiz Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:50 am

    Definetly number 3. Nuff said.
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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by User1 Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:54 am

    Must be number 3.

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by Pilgrim34 Sun Mar 31, 2013 7:11 am

    Combination of 1, 2 &3 happy
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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by User1 Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:48 am

    There should be another answer which says, 'Because Gwyn is casul."

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by Nugget Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:08 am

    I think Gwyn attacks you because he A: wants to die, and B: wants to make sure that your soul would be powerful enough to last a decent amount of time in order to keep the bonfire lit for as long as possible. It's also possible that watching over the bonfire so long may have started to turn him hollow, but it's not really clear whether or not that can happen to gods.

    Alternatively, he loves the feeling of being parried and riposted a million times.

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by CakeThiefPro Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:20 am

    So we've established that Gwyn is jelly but why does Nito attack you? Nothings made him crazy, he doesn't attack you when you join his covenant and you even kill the traitor Pinwheel for him... I'd understand if we attacked him first kinda like Ceaseless but seriously we could just be coming in for another visit and he tries to kill us 😢

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by Thymos Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:33 am

    CakeThiefPro wrote:So we've established that Gwyn is jelly but why does Nito attack you? Nothings made him crazy, he doesn't attack you when you join his covenant and you even kill the traitor Pinwheel for him... I'd understand if we attacked him first kinda like Ceaseless but seriously we could just be coming in for another visit and he tries to kill us 😢
    He might see that you have the lordvessel, so he knows what your intentions are.

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by CakeThiefPro Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:13 am

    Thymos wrote:
    CakeThiefPro wrote:So we've established that Gwyn is jelly but why does Nito attack you? Nothings made him crazy, he doesn't attack you when you join his covenant and you even kill the traitor Pinwheel for him... I'd understand if we attacked him first kinda like Ceaseless but seriously we could just be coming in for another visit and he tries to kill us 😢
    He might see that you have the lordvessel, so he knows what your intentions are.

    Hmm good point but you can still visit him as part of his covenant through the coffin system with the Lord Vessel right? I guess it's another game mechanic that you have to kill him eventually to proceed through the game but I wish he'd had some dialogue, maybe he's forgetten how to talk or never even could considering he's potentially been sat in that coffin for thousands of years letting his servants spread death so I suppose that would be maddening or at least mind numbing.

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by GrinTwist Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:24 am

    Gwyn, rushed me when I was buffed with ketchup within and grape sword on a Dragon Tooth. He went down fast, so I'm going to say he's suicidal.
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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by Latitoast Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:11 pm

    Gwyn is clearly jelly of the Chosen Undead's status as a 2edgy4u MLG Overlord who stomps on his filthy casual Black Knights on a daily basis.

    It's probably a last test to see if you can pass on the flame, or a fear that ou won't link the fire and leave the world he loves to decay over time.
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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by Zeta Prime Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:39 pm

    i always thought he was just hollow.. but the jelly theory is gettin to me tongue

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by Zyrrashijn Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:47 am

    CakeThiefPro wrote:
    Thymos wrote:
    CakeThiefPro wrote:So we've established that Gwyn is jelly but why does Nito attack you? Nothings made him crazy, he doesn't attack you when you join his covenant and you even kill the traitor Pinwheel for him... I'd understand if we attacked him first kinda like Ceaseless but seriously we could just be coming in for another visit and he tries to kill us 😢
    He might see that you have the lordvessel, so he knows what your intentions are.

    Hmm good point but you can still visit him as part of his covenant through the coffin system with the Lord Vessel right? I guess it's another game mechanic that you have to kill him eventually to proceed through the game but I wish he'd had some dialogue, maybe he's forgetten how to talk or never even could considering he's potentially been sat in that coffin for thousands of years letting his servants spread death so I suppose that would be maddening or at least mind numbing.

    That's what it is, rather than being dragged to his lair in a coffin you invade his livingroom through a skylight and thus he considers you hostile. A bit american, but reasonable reaction.

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by Azul Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:30 am

    Just my own thoughts, but this is what I like to believe.

    Gwyn initially linked the flame to prolong the age of the gods. Whether or not he fears the rise of man or not, can't be entirely sure, but he certainly believes the flame is the key to keeping the world in the right state. He did this to selflessly assist those who rely on the flame, which is damn near everyone at that time, I believe, not just the gods. Humans the world over believe the flame is life, and worship the gods, whom also rely on the flame.

    Centuries passed, he was never imprisoned, but he remained in solitude, apart from his black knights which stood guard for an equal amount of time. I do believe he went hollow, purely because it seems like anyone who goes hollow is drastically weaker than their peak form. At his peak, Gwyn, with his companions, rivaled and surpassed dragons. When you face him, he's a shell. But even a dead god is a threat.

    The music solidifies this for me. A somewhat sad melody, a hollow who's final thought was 'protect the flame'. For when Gwyn was alive, he likely had a mindset to protect the flame so fiercely, even when a mindless husk, his only goal is the same. He never left that chamber. He protected that flame until he died, and protected it after he hollowed.

    Just what I like to think. As admirable as that can be, I side with Kaathe :p

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by solarking Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:44 am

    when Gwyn linked the fire he burned up thus died so it is likely he is hollow and looks alike other hollow people in game.

    for Nito attacking you it could have something to do with eyes of death because you can only access him in the coffin if you posses an eye of death

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by shadowzninjaz Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:47 pm

    I would say gwyn atks cause of the he be jelly.
    2 swag 4 gwyn

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty gwyn attacks you because

    Post by megaoptamas759 Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:07 pm

    "Gywn is nothing more than a shell of his former self"

    as quoted by ENB and I agree with that king

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by Ashran Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:28 am

    megaoptamas759 wrote:"Gywn is nothing more than a shell of his former self"

    as quoted by ENB and I agree with that king

    Yep. Remember, he is Gwyn, Lord of Cinder. No more Lord of Sunlight. After kindling the very first flame, Gywn itself "died", and only a shell will stand between the fire and the chosen undead, to determine if he deserve to do it.

    Or maybe he is just casul.

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    Why does Gwyn attack? Empty Re: Why does Gwyn attack?

    Post by Shkar Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:36 pm

    According to his soul, he is Lord of Sunlight and Cinder.

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