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    Strength Build


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    Strength Build Empty Strength Build

    Post by billionthswine187 Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:38 pm

    After I started watching ENB's new playthrough of Dark Souls I decided to try my hand at making a strength build. I have made a quality, dex, and made before so I wanted to get some input on it. The build id here

    The armour I would like to keep since I try to go more for looks than usability. The reason I have that much dex is because I wanna be able to mix around weapons every now and then, and I was going to use the BKS but decided to switch to the man-serpent. The item I have selected are pretty much my normal ones to use, I might through some resin in there for people that buff but that might be the only change there. I kinda wanna keep a quick weapon and a slow weapon kinda how I made my quality build.

    But if anyone has some input on how I can change the stats around or different weapons or such.

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    Strength Build Empty Re: Strength Build

    Post by LunarFog Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:58 pm

    Why a reinforced club? It's not that fast. I'd switch the club for a handaxe in the left hand.
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    Strength Build Empty Re: Strength Build

    Post by User1 Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:59 pm

    Get a Demon's Greataxe +15. It's good stuff.
    Tyler Durden
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    Strength Build Empty Re: Strength Build

    Post by RANT Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:17 pm

    I like it, never go above 40 end since the extra weight is so little is not even worth it, I would do something like this I know I changed the look but I think it might still look good and you have enough poise to take two hits from a 1h sword and fire surge is a great finisher.

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    Strength Build Empty Re: Strength Build

    Post by xenon_nobelium Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:58 pm this is my str build and it's my absolute fav. atm. here are some other good loadouts: greatsword deals better with katanas and spears in my experience. switch to butcherknife for fun faster weapon that'll outtrade alot of other weapons and xbow to punish casters for midroll you can also put on heavier armor but i like the looks quite alot ^^

    here is a detailed description on the large club loadout (from the great hammer thread)->

    always 1hand, always have ghost blade out, dark hand is against buffers/casters ONLY!
    try to always attack locked off with the club, mainly R2 and roll R1, for DA effect. lock on after the attack animation:
    -if you hit, combo to L1 for a bit more dmg
    -if you whiff or get blocked L1 prevents the usual BS attempt (i've
    never seen so much canceled BS animations before, period)
    the ghost blade really makes this build work wonders, you'll chip that
    last few bits of health that much easier. also you have the sexy kick
    L1 combo. make them fear your parry , if it hits it's gg. it's
    basically a weaker offhand falchion, that's really good on a 9dex str
    rotten pine resin and poison daggers are encouraged.
    power within is kind of a waste but i love to activate it at the end of a
    good fight when i'm behind in hp for one last desperate berserker rush.
    gotta stay in character ^^...alternatively go 50vit and 10dex for a
    little bit more weapon variety. the good thing about this loadout is
    that you swich to grass crest shield and man serpent greatsword if the
    opponent is experienced against the large club (aka perfect
    uncounterable roll Back Massage against every R2)
    on the armor combination:
    fast roll & 76 poise are a must, with 99humanity you also have really
    solid defenses @ 360 phys. the only real weakness i found is a good
    katana user, might want to switch to man serpent sword for that. have
    fun, i certainly have the most fun in a long time, never thought this
    guy would be such a winner

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    Strength Build Empty Re: Strength Build

    Post by billionthswine187 Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:37 pm

    Why a reinforced club? It's not that fast. I'd switch the club for a handaxe in the left hand.

    The reason I went with Reinforced was because I got it really early and I fell in love with the move set I might get a handaxe for back up. Plus I've tried many times on a shieldless build but I just can't make it work. So unfortunately my crutch is a shield.

    Get a Demon's Greataxe +15. It's good stuff.

    Forgot to mention I'm gonna have both Demon Greataxe and Machete on stand by when I wanna mess around.

    I like it, never go above 40 end since the extra weight is so little is not even worth it, I would do something like this I know I changed the look but I think it might still look good and you have enough poise to take two hits from a 1h sword and fire surge is a great finisher.

    I'll have to see how it looks in game but I've always been a fan of hard leather just never found a situation to use it. I thought about using Pyro with this build but all my other builds use it and I don't think it'll really work with the style of play I'm going for. It may sound weird but I try and make all my builds very differently. For example my dex build is a katana user who flips around like a ninja, and has a dagger on off hand for parries, also has sunlight blad for buffers; my quality uses BSS (I know it's not a quality but I love the move set) and claymore and focuses on pokes at long range; and finally my mage uses Velka's Rapier and tries to find openings and occasionally fires off a spell or pyro. But I'll definitely think about what you put for input.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Strength Build Empty Re: Strength Build

    Post by RANT Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:56 pm

    I love the hard leather armor but imo it looks awesome for quality builds but its just personal preference.

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    Strength Build Empty Re: Strength Build

    Post by billionthswine187 Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:00 pm

    Ya I had it on my quality for awhile but I had no poise at all which is hard to play when he was supposed to be a tank. But I like how this character looks with the club and the sword, but that is my opinion of course.
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    Strength Build Empty Re: Strength Build

    Post by FinPeku Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:49 pm

    Reinforced club is awesome if you have some patience, some poise and your opponent doesn't know how brutal the stunlock is. It is one of my favourite str weapons. Just remember, using it in one hand is rarely worth it, so if you are going to dedicate a build for it, you may want to go only 27str and use the rest of your points in vitality and endurance to have good defenses and hp.

    If you want an allround good and versatile str build, i would go with rant's suggestion.

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    Strength Build Empty Re: Strength Build

    Post by billionthswine187 Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:12 pm

    FinPeku wrote:Reinforced club is awesome if you have some patience, some poise and your opponent doesn't know how brutal the stunlock is. It is one of my favourite str weapons. Just remember, using it in one hand is rarely worth it, so if you are going to dedicate a build for it, you may want to go only 27str and use the rest of your points in vitality and endurance to have good defenses and hp.

    If you want an allround good and versatile str build, i would go with rant's suggestion.

    Ya I would rather have an armour set I like that's really the only reason I'd go with mine, but I will think about the pyro for sure

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    Strength Build Empty Re: Strength Build

    Post by xenon_nobelium Tue Apr 09, 2013 4:07 pm

    i just did this to some people online and it held pretty awesome results, no melee lost. but you better practice to switch back to a fastroll set quickly against magic users

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    Strength Build Empty Re: Strength Build

    Post by billionthswine187 Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:18 pm

    Ya I don't think that I could play a mid roll build but that's just me. Especially that heavy of a mid roll.

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