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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant


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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Micha369 Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:24 am

    Hello folk,

    I still have the Silver Pendant from my playthrough ng and now I'm in ng+ before Manus.

    I have tried to fight him and although I use this Silver Pendant I get often a lot of damage. Not always, though, some spells I can repel and I get only a little dmg but sometimes I get a lot so that I die.

    Is it needed to fetch the Silver Pendant in the ng+ once more because it is stronger or it's effect last longer or is the one from the ng the same?

    Then, how or when do I have to use it?
    I must say in ng I never used it and Manus was not that hard.

    Besides, I have a real hard time to use both the Pendant and the Estus and I often get confused in the hectic of the fight and I mix everything up and die. I press the wrong butten or I cannot take care of Manus and he hit me and I fail in the timings!
    Better would be to fight Manus without this pendant.
    But his dark magic truly is stronger in ng+ than in ng.

    Do you have some advice against Manus?

    Many thanks!

    Best wishes!
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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by User1 Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:26 am

    Put your items you can use to Estus and Silver Pendant only. They're all you need. And yeah, you will really need it, Manus does a lot of damage in NG+, and has over 10000hp.

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Seignar Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:33 am

    Advice with the Silver Pendant?

    "He's glowing dark! SPAM, SPAM THE PENDANT, SPAMMMM!!!"

    Anyways, unless you're a pro dodger, you should use the Pendant because in NG+, I'm not sure his triple Dark Bead is going to leave you with even a sliver of HP unless your HP is really high.

    I do have some tips for fightning Manus, but all require a level of dodging skill to perform. When even he does his downward hand attack (You bait it by maintaining a distance), you can dodge sideways and you will have time to land a hit on the arm before he pulls it back.

    A really good set-up is Heavy Crossbow with DWGR (My SL1 Set-up), You can bait a large amount of Manus' attacks and punish them easily with the Crossbow, while maintaining a distance from his Dark Magic.

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Micha369 Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:43 am

    Seignar wrote:Advice with the Silver Pendant?

    "He's glowing dark! SPAM, SPAM THE PENDANT, SPAMMMM!!!"

    Anyways, unless you're a pro dodger, you should use the Pendant because in NG+, I'm not sure his triple Dark Bead is going to leave you with even a sliver of HP unless your HP is really high.

    I do have some tips for fightning Manus, but all require a level of dodging skill to perform. When even he does his downward hand attack (You bait it by maintaining a distance), you can dodge sideways and you will have time to land a hit on the arm before he pulls it back.

    A really good set-up is Heavy Crossbow with DWGR (My SL1 Set-up), You can bait a large amount of Manus' attacks and punish them easily with the Crossbow, while maintaining a distance from his Dark Magic.

    Does your tactic mean you dont't need this Pendant? It sounds that his Dark Magic cannot reach you.

    Besides, I have no problems to get him down to 50% HP with my BSS+15. It is easy. But his magic is so devastating!

    Maybe it is more effectiv to use lots of magical dmg protection stuff rather then the heavy Artorias Greatshield?

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Ashran Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:47 am

    Seignar wrote:Advice with the Silver Pendant?
    "He's glowing dark! SPAM, SPAM THE PENDANT, SPAMMMM!!!"

    Thats it. Also, move between use and use, so the dark magic doesnt collapse and reach your anus.

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Hue Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:57 am

    The estus/pendant problem happened to me too, only practice will get out of that one, as well as telling the diference between his attacks

    Apart from that, you only need one pendant, it will protect from all his magic, normally.
    But for me, it didn't work for one of his 3 magics

    -Dark bead, will kill you most of the time if it hits you, use pendant, don't worry about dodging
    -Dark magic rain, either dodge without stopping, until you get out of the range of the attack and feel safe, or use pendant, and roll, because sometimes, a "drop" of magic will get stuck on top of the pendant's sphere, and fall on you when it disappears
    -Dark circle(A.K.A. Kegel exercise), pendant didn't work for me, if it does, then great, just use it and wait, if it doesn't, go away from him as he casts it, and roll to the side when the orbs are about to hit you, rolling into them won't work. Alternatively, you can sprint at him while he casts it, because the orbs don't go all the way to the center, but i've never managed to do it

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Seignar Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:10 am

    There are 5 methods to deal with his "Dark Magic Attack!":

    1) You learn how to dodge each of the 3 Dark Magics (Each of the 3 magic can only be dodged with 1 specific motion):

    1. Shotgun - You roll sideways
    2. Cloud - You move backwards
    3. Claustrophobia - You move forwards

    Once you got that done, you have to learn how to distinguish which one he is using (they all have different motions before they come out).

    2) You get 50 STR, grab Havel's Greatshield and tank it.
    3) You get 24 FAI, get Great Magic Barrier and tank it.
    4) You grab the Silver Pendant and spam it.
    5) You try to tank it like an idiot with no protection (99.9% of dying)

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Zephryl Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:12 pm

    I haven't done it on NG+, but on NG I just stayed at range as much as possible, all he'd really do where his hand-slam (Easy to dodge, lets you hit 1-2 times with a Melee weapon) and his Dark Magic (Spam pendant! SPAM IT!)

    Because of that, I didn't really have to worry about healing all that much, and when I did I usually swapped while I was on the ground after getting hit, since I can't do anything until I've stood up anyway.

    He can be pretty dangerous at close range, since he has more attacks and you have less time to react, so pretty much just keep away, bait his attacks, and poke his hand.

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Micha369 Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:00 pm


    Is it really still possible to kill Manus from outside the fog gate with a bow or crossbow?

    I saw a video that this showed but when I tried it myself I wasn't able to it!
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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by User1 Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:09 pm

    It is possible, but getting the angle right is one hell of a pain.

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Elifia Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:41 pm

    RenegadeCop wrote:It is possible, but getting the angle right is one hell of a pain.

    Getting the angle right wasn't that hard for me. Changing the camera position only affects the vertical angle, so you can just set the horizontal angle with L1(bow)/binoculars(x-bow) and then move the camera around until you hit Manus. He won't move or anything, so you won't have to adjust your aim once you hit him.
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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by User1 Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:42 pm

    Must just be me then. sad
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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Latitoast Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:42 pm

    Manus NG+ makes me want to cry
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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by User1 Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:43 pm

    Dat 10k+ health.
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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Latitoast Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:48 pm

    Omega Dark Bead spam

    And the Hellzone Grenade like thing.

    it makes me cry ;~;
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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by User1 Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:50 pm

    Cry some more, tiny baby man.
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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Latitoast Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:22 pm

    I don't cry.

    I get back up and pwn him.
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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by User1 Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:24 pm

    If you get hit by Manus' 5 hit combo, chances are you will not get back up.

    Reminds me, to get back on topic, try to stay out of the way when he stops moving for a moment. Move as far backwards as you can.
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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Latitoast Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:39 pm

    The 5 hit combo is devastating if you get hit by it.

    The Hellzone Grenade attack is when you just spam like it's WoTG.

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Hue Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:44 pm

    You can recover from the 5 hit combo if you have full health, just keep dodging until he stops aggro, the only thing that could finish you off would be another 5 hit combo

    The ninethousand-uple dark bead on the other hand...
    Abyss Dweller
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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by User1 Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:46 pm

    Latitoast wrote:The 5 hit combo is devastating if you get hit by it.

    The Hellzone Grenade attack is when you just spam like it's WoTG.

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by abmoner Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:54 pm

    Don't spam dark pendant because he always hits right after.

    You MUST roll sideways on dark bead you can tell its that one because he reaches back like he's grabbing something out of his coat haha.

    That's the only one you have to know and with the other dark magic attacks just use pendant once and put your shield up because sometimes you can't see his attack thru the glow.

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Hue Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:32 pm

    Dark Bead is cast like kamehameha

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Manus in NG+: I don't use this Silver Pendant at all...

    Post by Micha369 Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:43 am

    Manus in ng+ is done and once I studied his magic attacks it wasn't that hard!

    First I used this Pendant but that was bad because I always mixed something up, pressed the wrong buttons or could not see what Manus is doing during my pendant usage!

    He has three magical attacks that are easy to recognise from the move of Manus magical wand:

    1. (most dangerous attack)
    Wand goes quickly top down - he casts a kind of implosion with all energy going to the center
    correct reaction : simply go or jump to Manus. No or only little pain

    wand goes quickly from Manus' left side towards me (from my point of view it is from the right side towards me) - he casts a shoot at me.
    simply jump to the right (dodge the shot) no injury at all

    wand goes from bottom to top - he casts black magical rain
    simply go backwards and then to the side. No hurt at all.

    And don't use this supide Silver Pendant!

    Last edited by Micha369 on Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:20 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant Empty Re: Manus and the usage of the Silver Pendant

    Post by Werdax Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:19 am

    Real men doesn't use the silver pendant boi!
    That said, I have never made use of the silver pendant, ever. I feel it would make Manus WAY too easy. Manus's humanity spells can all be dodged. When humanity falls from the sky, just run like hell. When he slam his staff into the ground, spreading his humanity all around you, run straight towards him.
    Now his dark bead is a real pain. What I usually do, is that I lock on to him and keep dodging to the left. It works for the most parts. You want to be lightweighted during this fight.

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