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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls


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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls Empty What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls

    Post by LunarFog Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:12 pm

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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls Empty Re: What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:15 pm

    "Hard to kill a Giant Boss" - said "Giant Boss" is the Asylum Demon. :roll:

    Besides, I thought DSP quit Dark Souls a long time ago.

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    Post by KrazykevS10 Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:28 pm

    But Minecraft has creepers.None of the DkS bosses compare to creepers,right? :shock:

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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls Empty Re: What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls

    Post by Hman105 Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:06 pm

    Music to my ears!

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    Post by O1va_ Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:38 am

    Funny, most of the time he said "That's stupid" I was thinking the exact same thing.
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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls Empty Re: What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:43 am

    I like how he calls the game "random" when that is the one thing it objectively is not.

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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls Empty Re: What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:44 am

    Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward Look Skyward

    What a stoopid game, obviously!

    How did he make it to the Gargoyles without knowing how to lock-on??

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    Post by alchemydesign Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:08 am

    DSP is funny sometimes, but only cause I don't have to listen to him in person...if that were the case, I'd end up slapping the hell out of him...some things he says is just beyond epic fail.

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    Post by Zephryl Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:29 am

    Like 15 minutes of death footage before he starts consistently using his shield @_@ Seeing someone Fatrolling while having a shield on their back... Eugh.

    Still, gotta give him credit for keeping at it.
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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls Empty Re: What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls

    Post by User1 Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:20 am

    My god, this guy is horrendous to watch. I cringed so much. sad
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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls Empty Re: What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls

    Post by Dibsville Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:21 am

    What happens when Dark Souls players switch to minecraft:

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    Post by User1 Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:24 am

    The much better OnlyAfro version. silly
    I've seen it go that way before, and it didn't go down well.

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    Post by Werdax Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:11 am

    In his defends, we have all been that terrible (that is not necessarily true, but I for one started out as an inexperienced noob). As long as you keep pushing forward, you eventually reach the point where you are godlike to the game.

    Gosh, that video really took me back to my very first playthrough.

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    Post by ninjashifty Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:46 am

    lol, be wary of fire....

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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls Empty Re: What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls

    Post by Xaelai Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:08 am

    This makes me feel a LOT better!

    My first playthrough, I got all the way to the Taurus Demon before dying my first time.

    EDIT: Finally finished watching the video... I honestly think this guy is TRYING to fail. A lot of his deaths were quite honestly avoidable by doing simple things. He mentions during the titanite Demon deaths, that he "wasted all of his arrows" .... well... errr... get more and try again? He obviously had the time and figured out how to shoot the demon to "waste all of his arrows" .... he passed a blacksmith on the way down (that he would have surely seen sells arrows) and he was surely able to kill the simple Hallow zombies above, which collectively give about 500-600 souls (200+ arrows). Even with an Short Bow +0, it doesn't take 200 arrows to kill the Demon.

    And then, the Parasite deaths in the Depths..... USE A BOW, DUMB---!! God.

    I think he is deliberately dying just for laughs or something.

    Last edited by Xaelai on Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:49 am; edited 1 time in total

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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls Empty Re: What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:29 am

    It seems like the people who do the worst are the people who come from only playing casual games.

    I had a friend who only plays Wii sports and Fable games and he just couldn't hack DKS. Despite my coaching him he just couldn't grasp that he had to lock on and that he has to roll BEFORE he gets smashed, not during or after. He just kept trying to play the game like it was Fable III, a game in which a giant illuminated arrow points you to where you need to go and combat consist of mashing B.
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    Post by User1 Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:52 am

    While I do like Fable, I can see where you are coming from with that point. Dark Souls is not the type of game to just show you wherever you need to go, with simple and easy combat.

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    Post by Tchuwib Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:00 pm

    Sometime with broadcaster like that it's hard to know if they are faking it or they really bad at it. But still, everytime I hear people whining about the game being broken or that it's full of mistake just because they can't understand the core mechanic, it annoy me. ENB made a video on how easy it is to gear up properly and how to beat everything up to the gargoyle if you play it right. But he mostly remind me of one of my friend who don't even touch DS and call it dumb for the concept of the play. He think that it's stupid that you have to die over and over again to learn the game and manage to beat it. Then I slap him behind the head and remind him of super mario bros. I doubt none of us ever got pass the first stage without dying at least once and even more. Probably the generation gap that make DS a game for the more hardcore that learned experience over repetition silly
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    Post by User1 Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:09 pm

    We're the same age. So, we naturally come from the same era, where consoles were just kicking off. I can certainly say I died a lot on Super Mario.

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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls Empty Re: What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls

    Post by Zephryl Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:30 pm

    Yeah I hate it when people call it a bad game because it's difficult. I can understand them not enjoying it, not everyone enjoys that kind of experience, but that certainly doesn't make it a bad game.

    Although there are a few deaths that are a bit cheap. Deaths that are essentially unavoidable unless you know they're gonna happen suck. Thankfully the majority of things aren't like that, most of the traps are visible or obvious, or simply not that deadly. I imagine a couple of the more irritating things aren't that way by design either, probably oversight (That one Hydra head being crazy annoying to cut with Melee without falling off, the Iron Golem hurling you off the edge)

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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls Empty Re: What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:23 pm

    Zephryl wrote:Yeah I hate it when people call it a bad game because it's difficult. I can understand them not enjoying it, not everyone enjoys that kind of experience, but that certainly doesn't make it a bad game.

    Gotta protect the ego.

    "It's not me, it's you!"

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    What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls Empty Re: What happens when minecraft players switch to dark souls

    Post by Xaelai Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:53 pm

    Another thing I'd like to say, is that I think one of the culprits of people hating Dark Souls because it is "Too Hard" is how much importance Dark Souls places on the Shield.

    In most fantasy games, the Shield is either a stat stick (WoW, some other games like it), or it is near-useless (FFXI, many console RPGs), or even worse, it is there only because there's nothing else to equip in that slot (J-RPGs).

    Dark Souls, however.... the Shield has a very important integral role to play in your Dark Souls gaming, especially when starting the game as a new player.

    Experienced players can get away with Parrying/Backstabbing everything while they dodge everything thrown at them, but New Players are not likely going to do that. Instead, they use Shields and heavier armor until they get the hang of timing the rolls properly.

    The problem is, is that so many fantasy games had shields being a decoration rather than the insanely useful live-saving tool that it really is and players aren't used that when they come into Dark Souls.

    You can see this, during the video in this thread -- at one point he's fatrolling with the shield on his back, taking all kinds of damage while two-handing his battle axe. That's what nearly any other game would have you do, but this isn't any other game. THIS is Dark Souls. You NEED a shield when you're a newbie.

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    Post by psychichobo Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:55 pm

    Skyrim's shield saved my ***. I don't get how people seem to accept how it works in that game but then think Dark Souls is God of War.

    I gave up watching after a minute in to that video btw. The game's tutorial tells you how to do most things, if you didn't figure out how to block when that damn hollow shot at you in the asylum you need some serious medication.

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    Post by Xaelai Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:01 pm

    psychichobo wrote:Skyrim's shield saved my ***. I don't get how people seem to accept how it works in that game but then think Dark Souls is God of War.

    The problem with Skyrim, though, is that you can PAUSE the game and as long as you have enough potions, you can actually do better to just grab a greatsword/greataxe/greathammer and just maul everything to death if you want to be the melee type.

    Shield Bashes in Skyrim can be useful, but Two-Handers will stun just as good WHILE doing large amounts of damage. Actually, a Two-Hander in Skyrim will cause more stagger than a shield bash would and do far more damage.

    In Oblivion... Shields were almost useless. Again, you can pause and drink all the potions you want anytime you want.

    In Dark Souls, however... there ain't no pausing and your potions take time to drink and you have so precious few swigs until you get the Rite of Kindling.

    I gave up watching after a minute in to that video btw. The game's tutorial tells you how to do most things, if you didn't figure out how to block when that damn hollow shot at you in the asylum you need some serious medication.

    Well... he was blocking, but it took him awhile to learn how to Target Lock... but then to be honest, it took me awhile to learn too. There's so many messages and when you play a new game, it is like "Uh, how do I do that again?" after I got to Firelink Shrine. It took me awhile to remember how to Target Lock and I had similar problems the guy had -- trying to keep my character facing towards the target.

    It wasn't that the guy didn't know how to block (we see him blocking several attacks), it is just he wasn't keeping his shield up whenever full Stamina (you should always have your shield up if your Stamina is full). He was only raising his shield when an attack was imminent and it looks like a lot of times, he timed it poorly.

    EDIT: Come to think of it, we can blame THAT on other games too -- many games out there reward you for blocking/dodging at exactly the right moment, where as Dark Souls encourages you to hold your shield up anytime you're not attacking, rolling or recovering stamina.

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    Post by WaLKA Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:27 pm

    It makes me sad when I try to get friends into DkS and they give up. One got as far as the Drake Bridge, got lit up by fire and just set the controller down.

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