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    LunarFog Build *special*: Faces of the moon


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    LunarFog Build *special*:  Faces of the moon Empty LunarFog Build *special*: Faces of the moon

    Post by LunarFog Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:56 am

    The Full Moon - The strongest and most prominent phase. Illuminates the night for others, doesn't hide.

    The Crescent Moon - In between darkness and and illuminating the night. Has the most variety of courses of action.

    The New Moon - Lets the shadows of the night swallow you.

    Last edited by LunarFog on Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:34 pm; edited 5 times in total
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    LunarFog Build *special*:  Faces of the moon Empty Re: LunarFog Build *special*: Faces of the moon

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:02 am

    I'm not in love with the first one, but I really like the other two.

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    LunarFog Build *special*:  Faces of the moon Empty Re: LunarFog Build *special*: Faces of the moon

    Post by LunarFog Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:06 am

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:I'm not in love with the first one, but I really like the other two.
    Oh my. The first one is wrong.

    Edit: Ok. Fixed it.

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    LunarFog Build *special*:  Faces of the moon Empty Re: LunarFog Build *special*: Faces of the moon

    Post by kazumoshi Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:16 am

    Iron round shield is a brilliant touch on the full moon. I think you've covered the bases quite well.
    Only thing I can think of is to mix up the black and white contrast on the half moon, seeing as they're in the descent into darkness.

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    LunarFog Build *special*:  Faces of the moon Empty Re: LunarFog Build *special*: Faces of the moon

    Post by Jansports Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:18 am

    What's with the Non crystal HSM and SS on the first build? And why not dark bead, it's undeniably strong.

    The second is my favorite personally, probably because well it is.

    And for three(new moon) why not take that base Vit and RTSR, I mean one hit is going to off you either way might as well go whole ham on the damage

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    LunarFog Build *special*:  Faces of the moon Empty Re: LunarFog Build *special*: Faces of the moon

    Post by LunarFog Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:22 am

    Jansports wrote:What's with the Non crystal HSM and SS on the first build? And why not dark bead, it's undeniably strong.

    The second is my favorite personally, probably because well it is.

    And for three(new moon) why not take that base Vit and RTSR, I mean one hit is going to off you either way might as well go whole ham on the damage
    I would, if it wasn't for the glowing red effect.

    I didn't use dark magic because it's dark, and non-illuminating.

    I used the normal soul spear because there was only 1 crystal soul spear in the game.(as far as I know. Magic isn't my specialty
    Dusk Soul
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    LunarFog Build *special*:  Faces of the moon Empty Re: LunarFog Build *special*: Faces of the moon

    Post by Dusk Soul Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:49 am

    I love them, specially the full moon, might as well try it since I was looking to make an Int-based character.

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    LunarFog Build *special*:  Faces of the moon Empty Re: LunarFog Build *special*: Faces of the moon

    Post by LunarFog Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:17 pm

    Dusk Soul wrote:
    I love them, specially the full moon, might as well try it since I was looking to make an Int-based character.
    You'll find my builds aren't usually "balanced" or "orthodox" so if you were looking for an int-based character you might want to try to find someone else's build.

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    LunarFog Build *special*:  Faces of the moon Empty Re: LunarFog Build *special*: Faces of the moon

    Post by Jansports Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:03 pm

    Just hop into NG+ for more copies of the crystal spells. easy peasy

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    LunarFog Build *special*:  Faces of the moon Empty Re: LunarFog Build *special*: Faces of the moon

    Post by Tchuwib Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:56 pm

    Love those build, it's my favorite part of darksoul, running in style. Making a build that have a theme and a style like that get total respect. +1

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    LunarFog Build *special*:  Faces of the moon Empty Re: LunarFog Build *special*: Faces of the moon

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