by Jim Jam 94 Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:01 pm
Wow! Thankgod I'm not the only one who is bored of the theme of Dragons. When I heard about skyrim and saw gameplay I wasn't impressed because I thought the dragons made it seem absurdly generic. It took me a year before I bought Skyrim and when I played it I did really enjoy it, however I hated the whole dragons coming back to life, the end of the world revolved around an almighty dragon (That I two hit killed on hard difficulty, my weapon wasn't even fully maxed) The boss fight was lame, underwhelming, didn't live up to the hype that the story portrayed, he supposedly did many bad things, wtf did he do? He destroyed Heglen which helped you escape! That was this "Almighty" dragons mistake, he helped the person that would 2 hit kill him! Boring. The random dragon fights were just an annoyance, tedious and some were clearly scripted in certain areas, I was afraid they would become an annoyance, they did just that. Enough about Skyrim and sorry for the rant, but skyrim (although a game I enjoyed despite being piss easy on Master difficulty) I am even more opposed to a game revolving around Dragons, I am damn well looking forward to Dark Souls 2, I havent even completed the Dark souls yet and I'm looking forward to the second! I haven't been this hyped for a game Since the Original Bioshock and Halo 3 Ps, sorry for the lack of paragraphs, im on my phone!