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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option


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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by Tanklord Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:14 am

    How about an option at the character creation section where you can also create your own unique weapon, shield and armor? You can choose templates and add whatever designs and effects you want. You would also have a limited number of points to spend to eliminate the possiblity of creating ridiculously OP equipment although you could still upgrade the equipment later on using titanite. People could also trade their equipment designs with each other which I believe would add a new dimention to Co OP and Pvp.

    What would people think of this? What other ideas could you also add to it?

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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by SadPanda Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:31 am

    Good idea, just isn't for Souls IMO.

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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by Aevun Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:55 am

    Doesn't fit into Souls. At all. The same way a super overly complicated mmo character creation system wouldn't fit.

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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by twigsterxd Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:07 am

    Doesn't fit Souls because ;
    1. Unique weapon is usually a trophy,
    2. If that was the weapon you create your build around, what would be the purpose of playing the game normally to make that build,
    3. where's the challenge
    Sorry but i disagree because it would be no different than starting a toon and asking a buddy to hook you up so you have an OP toon right off the bat

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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by ADirtySlate Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:21 am

    Perhaps it could fit into Dark Souls by requiring the end-game boss' soul in order to create a weapon, and would require the same souls as any boss weapon would cost to upgrade. I think it would be a nice addition to the game if that is what it would require.
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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by ublug Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:45 pm

    I think a lot of the reason behind unique looking gear is for balancing issues, since the game is heavily multiplayer oriented.
    Most of the defensive gear in dark souls have their strengths and weaknesses, armor or shields strong against fire are usually very weak against magic, and vice versa. Weapons also have a defined moveset and poisebreak, the only thing you can change is the damage type.
    An experienced player can roughly estimate defenses, attack patterns, etc. just by looking at an opponent and quickly adapt to the situation at hand. If you start to mess with that balancing act you could quickly end up with a completely different game. I would be all for more equipment customization if the game was single player only. On a side note I see no big issues with an ability to change armor colors, as long as the design stays unchanged.

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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by ADirtySlate Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:02 pm

    ublug wrote:I think a lot of the reason behind unique looking gear is for balancing issues, since the game is heavily multiplayer oriented.
    Most of the defensive gear in dark souls have their strengths and weaknesses, armor or shields strong against fire are usually very weak against magic, and vice versa. Weapons also have a defined moveset and poisebreak, the only thing you can change is the damage type.
    An experienced player can roughly estimate defenses, attack patterns, etc. just by looking at an opponent and quickly adapt to the situation at hand. If you start to mess with that balancing act you could quickly end up with a completely different game. I would be all for more equipment customization if the game was single player only. On a side note I see no big issues with an ability to change armor colors, as long as the design stays unchanged.

    I will say that you made a good point in why this is a bad idea. However, there is a way around that. For this, I'll use Dungeons and Dragons as and example.

    In D&D, there is a variant on the standard character creation called "point buy". The character starts at 8 points, and can choose stats as they like. However, characters would quickly grow too good if they went at a 1:1 ratio, with the average player recieveing 14 in 5 stats and 15 in the last one. To prevent this, WotC decided to make the later stats have requirements larger than 1:1, with 15 costing 8, 16 costing 10, etc. If DSII implements something like this system if they allow creation, it will still be balanced, and PVP will not grow too unbalanced.
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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by Animaaal Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:12 pm

    I would love to see it.

    I'm all for as much customization as possible.

    I'd also like to wear any light armor skin when a piece of light armor is equipped, same with medium and heavy.

    I'd like to see the same with weapons too, with the exception of unique weapons.

    Also, I think this would create an excellent sense of deception, going along with what ublug was saying. I'd like it if someone couldn't judge a book by its cover anymore so to speak.

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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by vegan666 Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:55 am

    Animaaal wrote:I would love to see it.

    I'm all for as much customization as possible.

    I'd also like to wear any light armor skin when a piece of light armor is equipped, same with medium and heavy.

    I'd like to see the same with weapons too, with the exception of unique weapons.

    Also, I think this would create an excellent sense of deception, going along with what ublug was saying. I'd like it if someone couldn't judge a book by its cover anymore so to speak.

    I really dislike this idea Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option 1330857165

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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:08 am

    I love the idea.

    The best way I could see it working is having an option to make the weapon at some later point in the game. You could find different parts and templates as the game goes that add different effects and so on. There could be a blacksmith that gives you the crafting option. You choose from an already unlocked template and use your available pieces to put the weapon together.

    So you may find a greatsword template, a black leather hilt, heavy pommel and iron ore. The iron ore reduces scaling but has increased base damage, the heavy pommel increases poise damage and add weight and the black leather hilt is standard. Each piece would have pro's and cons or no benefit. A weapon made out of the "standard" pieces would be the same as the normal weapon in the game. In some of the later areas more exotic pieces could be found granting things like poison damage, higher criticals and so on.

    I don't think it will be in the game though.

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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by twigsterxd Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:57 am

    ADirtySlate wrote:Perhaps it could fit into Dark Souls by requiring the end-game boss' soul in order to create a weapon, and would require the same souls as any boss weapon would cost to upgrade. I think it would be a nice addition to the game if that is what it would require.
    In that sense it's fine because you have to get to the end of the game to aquire the boss soul. But, the OP is saying we could get it at the beginning of a new game.
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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by skarekrow13 Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:01 pm

    Well we CAN design our own shields in a way.....

    I have a link to a list of some shield designs in my sig that forum members have made for possible inclusion into Dark Souls II that could use some votes big grin

    As for doing it in game....I don't want this for the same reason I don't want a lot of dye or armor customization options.....atmosphere.

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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by WandererReece Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:19 pm

    I don't think we should be able to make our own armor. Instead we should give our armor more upgrade options. We already upgrade our armor. Why not give it more variety like the weapons?

    We could add magic, lightning, and fire upgrades that branch off of the normal upgrade path. Once the armor gets to normal +5 it can be upgraded to normal +10 or an element +5. It would need normal chunks for normal and lightning, blue chunks for magic, and red chunks for fire. The elemental armors will have less physical defense then normal +10.

    We could even make a crystal upgrade path for armor. It would be better then normal, but impossible to repair. Even the sorcery repair can't repair it.

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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by ErrJon6661 Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:22 pm

    I really don't like the idea of a crystal armor path. I could see that going very wrong.

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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by Halicarnassis Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:18 pm

    I like the idea of changing colours and design on your starting armour, but in no way affecting the attributes, defence or damage output: take any knight who has his own sigil or family crest, or a wizard in his own robes etc.
    for armour and equipment you find in the game though I don't think this should be an option.
    At least this was you can have your own design on shield, armour, cloak or pommel, but that's where it ends and it's only available at the character creation stage.
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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by Serious_Much Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:29 pm

    I think no- creating you own weapon would be too easy.

    I'd just be a mage and create a straight sword version of the MLGS with S scaling on Int and A on dex and troll the game very easily...

    Yeah, wouldn't work in souls to be honest.
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    Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option Empty Re: Weapon, Shield and Armor creation option

    Post by Dibsville Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:31 pm

    I'd like to see it if the stats on it would have to be complete ****, so the only use for it would be for looking cool.

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