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Demon Slayer
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    Sunbros or Darkmoon; What's better for a Faith build?


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    Sunbros or Darkmoon; What's better for a Faith build? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunbros or Darkmoon; What's better for a Faith build?

    Post by DaemonNacht Wed May 01, 2013 6:17 pm

    Being a Blade of the Darkmoon is quite the honor. It's also very fun, purging the sin from the world.

    This is my Darkmoon build. I usually win most of my fights, WoG will usually one shot most people, or make them run after losing 90% of their HP. My estoc to poke them to death, or keep poking the shield. Just, being hit with a greatsword...Just don't. :p

    DMB is a pretty wonderful buff to go along with being in the covenant as well. Adds some rather insane damage at times.

    Although a sunlight spear with 50 faith, Dusk crown and sun's firstborn ring will usually do as much damage IF it hits. The problem with that is, it leaves you open to hits, a lot.

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    Sunbros or Darkmoon; What's better for a Faith build? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunbros or Darkmoon; What's better for a Faith build?

    Post by CrackSouls Thu May 02, 2013 11:02 pm

    If you are cooping: Sunbros, because jolly cooperation.
    If you are PVPing: Darkmoons, because Darkmoon Blade.

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    Sunbros or Darkmoon; What's better for a Faith build? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunbros or Darkmoon; What's better for a Faith build?

    Post by Glutebrah Fri May 03, 2013 12:03 am

    Kyogen wrote:What about the Gravelord Servant? Don't they get a miracle? (or is it a sorcery? I'm not sure.) Sunbros or Darkmoon; What's better for a Faith build? - Page 2 3358384175

    you don't need to remain in the covenant to use Gravelord Greatsword Dance. get it and bail, then join Sunbro to get Great Lightening spear, and either Remain in Sunbro to get Sunlight spear and use it, or bail and go to Darkmoon for Darkmoon blade.

    both Darkmoon blade and Sunlight spear requires you to stay in the covenant. i personally chose Sunbro because A. i hate buffs, and B. if i want to buff Sunlight blade is just as good if not better because of things like GMB and Crest shield

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    Sunbros or Darkmoon; What's better for a Faith build? - Page 2 Empty Re: Sunbros or Darkmoon; What's better for a Faith build?

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