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2 posters

    Need White Slab


    Posts : 14
    Reputation : 0
    Join date : 2013-04-03

    Need White Slab  Empty Need White Slab

    Post by Raksar Thu May 02, 2013 10:59 am

    I'm in dire need of a white slab. I have RSS and currently in Anor Londo. I don't have wrap ability so i can only meet in AL. State your price and we'll work something out. i can pay up on other character at different Sl.
    Sl 54, central time zone, PSN: Raksar
    Message me there.

    Posts : 252
    Reputation : 31
    Join date : 2012-07-13

    Need White Slab  Empty Re: Need White Slab

    Post by DigitaLinsanitY Thu May 02, 2013 11:28 am

    will trade you my white slab for either a claymore or a red slab (2 white slabs for both if you want). sl55 so match up shouldn't be an issue. MSG me on psn if you're interested, I tend to not check these forums after work.

    I'm usually on after 6:30 pm us central time.

    psn id: digitaiinsanity

    *edit* just noticed your "msg me there" comment, will do so when I get home *end edit*

      Current date/time is Tue Oct 08, 2024 12:50 pm