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    West Side and East Side should be Equal

    Town Crier
    Town Crier

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    West Side and East Side should be Equal Empty West Side and East Side should be Equal

    Post by Tolvo Thu May 02, 2013 9:04 pm

    Does anyone else think it would be nice if the left trigger/bumper buttons would have abilities similar to the right? Not just in having L1 swing a weapon in the left hand, but being able to move the stick forwards and press L1 to do a kick animation with your left hand weapon. That or a jumping attack with it too. Imagine being allowed to have a scimitar in your right hand for a quick through the shield attack or using your left hand to do a kick to push someone who may have been planning to parry you. Or having a shield push for the left hand. I think it would open up some interesting possibility. Or even something like holding down the Triangle button/whatever it is on the Xbox to two hand your left hand weapon instead of your right hand weapon.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    West Side and East Side should be Equal Empty Re: West Side and East Side should be Equal

    Post by User1 Thu May 02, 2013 9:10 pm

    Sounds like a good way to make off hand weapons and dual wielding in general more useful. I'd be all for it.

    And, triangle would be Y on the 'Box, FYI. big grin

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    West Side and East Side should be Equal Empty Re: West Side and East Side should be Equal

    Post by tinypantha Thu May 02, 2013 9:19 pm

    UWould be nice but a little buggy because you would go to 2h you're left and then just two hand your right and just be like durrrr I'm attacking with a scimi damn it its my spear

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    West Side and East Side should be Equal Empty Re: West Side and East Side should be Equal

    Post by Hue Fri May 03, 2013 4:15 am

    I think it should be user defined, as well as the moveset combos.
    That way, you can for example remove the left hand pary, for a strong attack.
    Or 2h parry with a shield
    Or left handed ness
    Or less predictable attacks for PvP
    Town Crier
    Town Crier

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    West Side and East Side should be Equal Empty Re: West Side and East Side should be Equal

    Post by Tolvo Fri May 03, 2013 7:19 am

    Well realistically you should be able to parry with a weapon while two handing it, or having it in your right hand. Right hand parry weapons would be nice, for removing the animations for some.

    Though balance wise that would probably be broken as hell.

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    West Side and East Side should be Equal Empty Re: West Side and East Side should be Equal

    Post by Hue Fri May 03, 2013 11:06 am

    Tolvo wrote:Well realistically you should be able to parry with a weapon while two handing it, or having it in your right hand. Right hand parry weapons would be nice, for removing the animations for some.

    Though balance wise that would probably be broken as hell.
    Could be fixed by making heavy weapons unable to parry

    It would be perfect if we could assign buttons to attack, block, parry, and bash, and choose a moveset for them, for each hand and weapon, and save/load them each time you equip it

    It would add a new dimension to the word "Build"

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