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Looking Glass Mind
Zeta Prime
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    Lordran flickers


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    Lordran flickers Empty Lordran flickers

    Post by sinspaw Tue May 07, 2013 6:45 pm

    This may sound strange to some of you.

    That said, on this thread I would like to talk about the flickering glitch that is back, but in a different way.

    It seems that the flickering has a strange behavior. When AotA came out, everything was fine, until days later it wasn't, even though there were no patches. So tell me, how does a game without a patch, gain a new glitch when connected to the internet? As far as I know, everybody who gets the flickering or "acquires" it, was connected to the internet when it started. I don't have the details of patch 1.8, but I'm under the impression that the same thing has occurred, that a patch came out, everything was fine, until days later the flicker comes back. The disturbing thing to me is, usually a glitch is triggered by something a player does in a game which is partially corrupted. Now, how can a glitch be enforced on thousands of players at the same time whilst they do different things?

    All of this, so that in this thread, I can speculate on the following hypothesis: What if the flickering is on purpose? What if it's not a glitch? What if there is meaning to this? Seems far fetched, I know. But think about it for a second, what does fade in and
    out of Lordran with the flickering? Magic. Fire. Spells. The physical world remains.

    I'd love to hear some input on this from you guys, however crazy it may sound.

    (This thread is to be discussed having in mind the entertaining of the idea that the flickering is not an accident. If you want to talk about the glitch and news on it, check the other thread.)
    Zeta Prime
    Zeta Prime

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    Lordran flickers Empty Re: Lordran flickers

    Post by Zeta Prime Tue May 07, 2013 7:30 pm

    Looking Glass Mind
    Looking Glass Mind

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    Lordran flickers Empty Re: Lordran flickers

    Post by Looking Glass Mind Tue May 07, 2013 11:54 pm

    We must go deeper.
    Looking Glass Mind
    Looking Glass Mind

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    Lordran flickers Empty Re: Lordran flickers

    Post by Looking Glass Mind Tue May 07, 2013 11:56 pm

    Also, inb4 indoctrination theorists and their meta shenanigans.

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    Lordran flickers Empty Re: Lordran flickers

    Post by DE5PA1R Wed May 08, 2013 1:30 pm

    The flickering is caused by corrupted server data, which is why the Dark Souls servers have to go down for a bit while the get cleaned up. Confirmed by From's Twitter account.

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    Lordran flickers Empty Re: Lordran flickers

    Post by WandererReece Fri May 10, 2013 11:11 pm

    sinspaw wrote:(This thread is to be discussed having in mind the entertaining of the idea that the flickering is not an accident. If you want to talk about the glitch and news on it, check the other thread.)

    We know time is distorted in Lordran. This is how we are able to help, hunt, and mislead each other. This is how we are able to start our journey all over again after completing it. This is also how we are able to get snatched by Manus. The time distortion caused this flicker anomally. It caused lights and other energy to phase in and out of existance.

    The first time it happened is when Manus snatched us from the past. Manus caused the time distortion to increase by creating a wormhole between the past and present. It also caused resonance rings to from. Eventually the time distoriton returned to normal, normal for Lordran anyway.

    This time it happened after the resonance rings formed again. These are created by faith energy gathered from parallel worlds. This caused the time distortion to further increase by creating a link between these worlds.

    Basicly, time has been distorted, and additional effects will increase this distortion. The effects are cumilative. It's like snow on a roof. A little snow isn't a big deal, but a lot of snow will cause a cave in.

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    Lordran flickers Empty Re: Lordran flickers

    Post by Shkar Sat May 11, 2013 11:00 am

    Please. Xbox has had resonance rings forever. That is, unless they broke it. I stopped playing months ago.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Lordran flickers Empty Re: Lordran flickers

    Post by User1 Sat May 11, 2013 11:03 am

    The one reason I have to go against this:

    Why would it intentionally flicker, but only have it put into the PS3 version?

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    Lordran flickers Empty Re: Lordran flickers

    Post by WandererReece Sat May 11, 2013 11:29 am

    Y'all no fun at all. sad

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    Lordran flickers Empty Re: Lordran flickers

    Post by Cartod Sun May 12, 2013 4:21 am

    RenegadeCop wrote:The one reason I have to go against this:

    Why would it intentionally flicker, but only have it put into the PS3 version?

    It's because Gwyn is an Xbox player and he's angry that he has to pay for online play, so this is his way of exacting his revenge.

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