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    Grant and Sanctus - 360 - SL 69 (resolved please lock)


    Posts : 41
    Reputation : 5
    Join date : 2012-08-16
    Age : 31
    Location : England

    Grant and Sanctus - 360 - SL 69 (resolved please lock) Empty Grant and Sanctus - 360 - SL 69 (resolved please lock)

    Post by Gods_Twilight Fri May 10, 2013 9:30 am

    Hey guys, so I was making a havel/leeroy cosplay build and when fighting leeroy my dragon tooth r2 seemed to crush him straight through the floor without him dropping anything, and there was me taking efforts not to knock him off the cliff.

    Would appreciate a drop or trade happy I've got a lot of gear on characters so let me know what you want in return happy

    GT: Gods Twilight

    Edit: apparently the gods have dark souls blessed me with a second paladin leeroy invasion, luckiest man alive!

      Current date/time is Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:01 am