Now, I'm trying to make a STR build, with a Greatshield. The thing is, I'm ULTRA slow, haha. I get it, you don't need to dodge if you use a greatshiled, but still, feels very odd, specially when I got so used to the DWGR. Anyways, I would like some tips from you guys who love big weapons and heavy armours. Which weapons and armours (I like full sets rather than mixing pieces) do you guys think are good to have a mid-roll? And what about stat points? I was thinking in STR, END and VIT only, no magic, no miracles, no pyro.
I do not know how to find that char creator I've seen people use here T_T (I'm a complete noob, sorry), but I was thinking in using a large weapon, like Man-Serpent Greatsword or Demon Great Axe, maybe the Demon Great Machete, but I can't decide.
Anyways, all tips are more than welcome! My current char is kinda crappy and I'll start a new one based on the feedback I get from you guys! Thanks in advance! =D